
Spirit Wit

In a realm where humanity is intertwined with the spirits of animals, each person possesses a distinct animal spirit that grants them remarkable abilities. Yet, amidst this tapestry of power, the narrative centers around Ray, an individual unlike his peers. Unlike them, he lacks a animal spirit, In that world people with spirits sees down on one without. Ray's uniqueness transcends the spirits he lacks, finding manifestation in an inherent physical prowess that defies the limitations of his contemporaries. and Ray aims to become the strongest in the world without a spirit and situations changes when a group of masked people attacks on Ray's college to Kidnap his best friend Julie.

Adi_Kotha · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The Desperate Gambit

After witnessing Ray being thrown through the air, Max's voice rang out with desperation as she screamed, "Ray!" Her fear and concern for her friend were palpable, echoing through the chaotic scene.

As Renchy, the man emanating the dark aura, took to the skies, his laughter reverberated with a sinister edge. His words dripped with a chilling confidence as he taunted, "There's no defeating me now. I'll eliminate them all, take that girl to my master, and earn my place as his first commander. Everyone will fall before me."

But as his laughter echoed, Renchy's senses abruptly spiked with a surge of danger. Instinct kicked in, and he propelled himself away from his elevated position, narrowly avoiding a blade crafted from water that sliced through the air where he had just been.

After dodging the water blade, Renchy's taunting voice filled the air once more. He mocked, "There's still someone left to fight me, and it's going to be you, little girl. Remember my words well." His arrogance and confidence were evident as he dared Max to challenge him.

Max's fury intensified, fueled by his dismissive words. She channeled her rage into action, conjuring water balls that streaked toward Renchy. The sudden attack was a diversion, giving Max the opportunity she needed to close the distance between them.

With a burst of determination, Max reached Renchy in an instant, her fist propelled by her anger. She struck out with all her might, her blow aimed at his very core. However, Renchy's response was swift and calculated. He caught Max's punch with his hand, his strength overpowering her effort, and he effortlessly threw her aside.

Undeterred, Max used her mastery over water to cushion her fall, suspending herself in mid-air with a platform of water beneath her feet. With each step she took on her aqueous surface, her gaze remained locked on Renchy. Her determination burned as fiercely as her rage, and she was resolved to stand against him, no matter the odds.

Renchy's manipulation of the terrain created a challenging battlefield for Max, altering the very ground beneath her feet. Undeterred, Max took to the air, her white aura emanating with a fierce determination. Summoning her dual blades once again, she charged forward, each step a testament to her unwavering resolve.

Renchy retaliated by hurling rocks in Max's direction, attempting to hinder her advance. But Max's agility and mastery over her aura allowed her to swiftly slice through the incoming projectiles, never breaking her stride. As Renchy continued to reshape the land, creating obstacles in Max's path, she adapted her movements, her every action calculated and precise.

Max's white aura blazed brightly as she closed the distance between herself and Renchy. With her blades charged and ready, she launched herself toward him, her focus unshakable. Renchy, however, had prepared himself for her approach. He conjured massive stone arms that shielded his body, forming a defensive barrier.

Their clash was a spectacle of power and will. As Max's blades met Renchy's stone-covered arms, sparks flew from the collision. Max's determination fueled her strikes, her energy pouring into her blades with each swing. Renchy's arms held strong against the assault, but he wasn't prepared for Max's next move.

Seizing the moment, Max channeled water into a powerful stream that propelled her upward with incredible speed. She soared above Renchy, her movements a blur of white and blue. In an instant, she delivered a powerful punch, her aura-infused fist connecting with Renchy's form.

The impact was immense, causing the ground to shake and tremble beneath them. Renchy's defenses crumbled in the face of Max's overwhelming strength and determination. With a thunderous crash, they plummeted to the ground, Max's fist still embedded in Renchy's form. The collision left a crater in their wake, and a tense silence settled over the battlefield.

As Julie finished dealing with the remaining soldiers, she took a moment to secure the tied masked men on the rooftop. With her determination unwavering, she sensed the urgency of the situation and made her decision. Closing her eyes, a transformation overcame her. Two magnificent wings burst forth from her back, radiant and captivating. In this new form, Julie radiated power and grace, a sight to behold.

Levi, who had been observing the battle, was struck with awe as he witnessed Julie's transformation. Clad in her red warrior attire with wings that shimmered like fire, she appeared as a stunning battle angel, fierce and beautiful. Her presence commanded attention, and Levi found himself captivated by the sight before him.

With a determined look, Julie launched herself into the sky, her wings carrying her effortlessly through the air. Her flight was a spectacle of elegance and strength, each beat of her wings propelling her higher. As she soared toward the battlefield, her fiery aura matched the intensity of her wings, creating a breathtaking display.

Julie's arrival was nothing short of spectacular. Her wings glowed with a radiant light, and her presence exuded an aura of authority. She descended upon the scene just in time to witness the climax of Max and Renchy's confrontation. Max's final punch struck true, its force resonating with Julie's own fiery determination.

The impact reverberated through the air, and the ground shook beneath them. Julie landed gracefully nearby, her wings folding back as she settled onto the terrain. Her fiery aura gradually subsided, revealing the determined expression on her face.

As Max and Julie shared the aftermath of the battle, concern etched across their faces. Max's voice was laced with urgency as she spoke about Ray's fate, her worry evident in her words. Julie's fiery determination matched the intensity of the situation as she inquired about Ray's well-being.

"Max, are you alright?" Julie asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. Max nodded, her focus shifting between her friend and the battleground. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a few scratches. But Ray... he was sent flying by that guy." Max's voice trembled with a mixture of frustration and concern for her friend's safety.

Julie's expression hardened, her determination deepening as she absorbed the information. "That fool... losing to that guy," Julie muttered, her fiery aura flickering with a renewed determination. "We need to find Ray, make sure he's safe, and take that guy down."

Renchy's sudden resurgence caught Max and Julie off guard, a testament to his tenacity and determination. As he hurled rocks toward them, Max's quick reflexes allowed her to respond in time. With a swift motion, she manipulated water to form a protective barrier, blocking the incoming projectiles. His laughter and defiant words resonated through the air, a stark reminder that the battle was far from over.

"You think this is the end? I'm not done yet!" Renchy's voice dripped with desperation and anger, his resolve unyielding. His words carried a promise of continued defiance, a declaration that he would not be defeated easily.

He fixated his gaze on Max and Julie, his emotions intertwining with his intentions. His next words held an unexpected twist, a mixture of provocation and admiration. "You both are quite a sight—beautiful and strong. We could make a formidable team, you know. What do you say?"

Max's response was swift and unequivocal, her tone laced with unwavering determination. "My answer is simple: I'm going to bring you down." Her words echoed with a sense of finality, a declaration that left no room for compromise.

Renchy's dark aura energy surged around him, an ominous manifestation of his power and determination. In response, both Max and Julie channeled their own energies, their auras intermingling with the shadows that surrounded them. With synchronized determination, they lunged forward, closing the distance between them and Renchy.

Max took the lead, her movements swift and calculated. She attacked with a series of precise water-based strikes, each one aimed at Renchy's defenses. Her strikes were fluid and controlled, the water obeying her every command as she launched an assault on his position. At the same time, Julie's presence added a new layer of complexity to the battle. Her flames danced around her, creating an aura of fiery intensity. She moved with agility, positioning herself strategically to support Max's attacks.

Despite their coordinated efforts, Renchy proved to be a formidable opponent. His agility had increased, allowing him to deftly evade Max's water-based attacks. His manipulation of the land added an additional layer of defense, enabling him to create barriers and obstacles that thwarted their advances. The battle had reached a new level of intensity, with each clash of energies and movements creating an intricate dance of power and strategy.

As the three fighters engaged in combat, the rooftop became a battleground of swirling energies. The clash of their auras emitted dazzling displays of light and darkness, a visual representation of the intense conflict that raged between them. With each movement, each strike, they tested each other's limits, pushing themselves to new heights of strength and endurance.

Renchy's Aura energy surged intensely, his voice carrying a mix of excitement and tension, "This battle is escalating into something truly captivating. With Ray soon to regain consciousness and join the fray, the three of you united could be my downfall. It seems I'm left with no alternative but this—my dreams reaching their final chapters. The end appears to be near, though a slim chance remains for me to reverse the odds."

His voice grew firm as he focused his aura into his hand, "Watch closely now, for I shall unveil my last-ditch maneuver." With a resounding impact, he slammed his palm against the ground, sending shockwaves through the earth. The ground trembled, and a colossal cloud of dust engulfed the surroundings. Amidst the chaos, a towering figure emerged, a humanoid behemoth intricately carved from rocks.

Renchy's voice rose above the tumultuous rumbling, "Let your eyes witness the pinnacle of my power—a creation borne of desperation. Face this formidable challenge, and let fate determine the outcome!".

The colossal humanoid made of rocks rampaged through the college grounds, its massive form causing destruction in its wake. Julie took to the skies with incredible speed, evading the grasping hands of the creature while launching fiery assaults against it. Max's urgency pushed her to guide Julie, "Channel your aura intensely, gather its power for a more substantial attack!" Julie responded with uncertainty, "I'm not sure how!"

Max snapped her out of doubt, delivering a swift tap to Julie's face and shouted, "Don't be a fool! Amplify your aura and form bigger attacks!" With newfound determination, Julie harnessed her aura, shaping two colossal blades made of water. These projectiles found their mark against the colossal rock creature, causing visible damage. Yet, the creature regenerated rapidly, challenging their efforts.

As the colossal figure neared the college, Julie formulated a daring plan. She manipulated her aura to lead the giant away from the campus, creating a diversion. Meanwhile, a sudden lightning strike severed the creature's hand. Max turned her gaze skyward, spotting a streak of blue aura slicing through the air. Swiftly, Ray appeared on the backside of the giant humanoid, his aura flaring.

Ray closed his eyes, his aura intensifying as the wind around him gained momentum. With a burst of power, a tornado erupted from beneath the colossal being, lifting it off the ground. Ray's aura enveloped him, guiding the swirling vortex, and with a tremendous blast of thunderous energy, the giant was sent hurtling through the air. Ray's focused assault caused both the creature and Renchy to crash down at a distance, their dominance broken.

to be continued...

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