
Spirit Fox in MHA

I Died saving a girl and her mother, but due to some neat circumstances, I'm being given another life to wait for my family because I died too young. I chose to reincarnate as Ahri in MHA. My powers are straight from League of Legends and I got told that it's ok to deviate from the plot. I am so excited. Female Lead, monogamous relationship, F/M relationship, Partner not picked (not todoroki) Overpowered Lead. I Do not own the Image for the cover of the Book. All credit given to Chubymi from DeviantArt, (I tried getting in contact with you but couldn't, If you want me to take it down I will)

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21 Chs

Chapter 7: Hero License

The next day meant starting to prepare for classes and training with Ochaco. We were winding down from training and she was staying for dinner. "So how did your test go yesterday? You gotta tell me, if you don't I'll throw you into the moon 'Nari."

"Sorry 'Chaco, I should have told you last night. Got so busy with my parents that I forgot to text. I got in." A pink meteorite crashed into me.

"Congrats. I'm so happy for you. I knew you would do great." She detached from me. "We should celebrate with mochi."

"You just want to eat mochi, but you're right we should go out to celebrate." I teased "Did you see the news from UA today about the new dorms and boarding rules?"

"Yup, it's very exciting, though I was kind of hoping that you and I could get an apartment together. Commuting would have been awful. But this works just as well." She looked super pumped up and ready to take on the world.

"Never change 'Chaco. The boys will be all over you if you are always that cheerful." Her permanent blush got a little redder.

"You say that like they won't be gushing over you."

"They won't. It would make things weird. Plus, I think I'll wait till I'm a little older." The idea of dating when I was 20 in my last life just seems a little bit wrong.

"It doesn't matter right now, Let's go get Mochi." Ochaco pulled me out the door while I floated behind her like a balloon.


A week passed and I came back to Musutafu to visit the HPSC. The office looked inconspicuous but stood high above the city center. I took one last deep breath and waltzed in the doors. Always ready for battle.

The foyer was busy but the secretary wasn't busy, so I didn't have to wait in line. "Hi, my name is Inari Nataka, I am here for a license exam." The old lady with tiny Oni horns looked at me up and down.

"You look a little young to be taking a license exam deary. I'll have to call my supervisor." She looked slightly peeved but that was probably just the horns. Her tone was nice and calm. (Quirks are weird)

I waited for a moment while she was on the phone.

"All right, you all set, I don't know why they are letting someone take the test but if you are qualified then so be it. Take the elevator down to floor B3, the training rooms are down on the right. The ladies' locker room is on the left. Here is your visitor pass. Good luck."

I gave her a smile and a quick thanks before walking towards the elevators. The locker rooms let me change quickly into a standard battle Kimono. It was just my standard training gear since I was waiting for my uniform from the UA support. I submitted designs a few days ago knowing that they wouldn't be ready for the license exam, so this was all I had.

Finishing up I went back towards the training room, inside was Yokimura Mera, A man more tired than Aizawa and that wasn't easy to do.

"Welcome to the license exam…I don't know why they are letting you take the test but let's get it over with. I might be able to get a nap in. For your test, you will be fighting a top 10 hero. Good luck."

A familiar voice rang out through the gym. "All right, who is ready to get their tail kicked!?"

Mirko walked through the door grinning like a hungry demon. "Nataka, What a surprise. This means I won't get you for internships, but this is cool too." The bell sounded signaling the start of the match and I suddenly had a muscular bunny girl launching herself at me like a bullet.

I pushed off into a high jump, no better time than now to test my solid stamina forming, I landed gracefully on a small stamina platform to keep myself above the crazed rabbit. Her speed was just unreasonable, but I could match it.

I channeled stamina through my limbs to speed things up and swerved through the air with a series of platforms. We traded kicks and I knew immediately that I wouldn't hold in a trade involving legs. Her legs felt like I was kicking steel which definitely wasn't going to work.

I started to slowly drain stamina from her, and she stumbled from the sudden lack of energy. "HAHA, that feels really bad, Stop that." She launched herself at me again forcing me to dodge back into the air. The small orb of stamina was no longer growing from the drain.

Mirko launched herself onto the walls giving herself the height she needed to give chase. I backpedaled letting the platforms reabsorb into me giving me just enough space to dodge her kick.

With the small time I was given while gravity did its work, I converted the small ball of energy into spirit fire and coated my limbs with it.

Fire rushed over my fists and feet. Gravity had finished its work and Mirko was rushing at me. Trading fists again, this time in my favor as any strike would sap Stamina and leave a small fire burning that would speed up the drain even further.

"We should have done this way before, this is fun." Mirko gave me a maniacal grin

"If you can talk, fight, I am going to win this. Plus Ultra, right?"

"Well said Brat." Our martial arts sped up and I started to incorporate my spirit dash into my punches and kicks to give me more momentum. Mirko was slowing and I knew I could end this soon.

Finally, it happened, she landed, and her foot slipped slightly from exhaustion. I took the opportunity to launch her into the air. Quickly following with a Spirit Dash, I created a platform to launch off and kept her airborne with pure force. I could see her consciousness fading, just a little more.

Her grin flashed again, and I knew I messed up, her foot caught one of my platforms and she quickly flipped. "LUNA ARC" Her heel came rushing towards my face. A cornered animal is always the most dangerous. I held up my arms to block her signature move. A stupid decision but my only one. I created a solid reinforcement on my arms catching the crashing kick.

The reinforcement cracked but held. Mirko used the rebound to bounce away to make space. "CALL IT MERA. I GIVE" Mirko yelled. We both slumped to the ground out of breath. I cut off my fire and gave her back the energy I stole from her. She still wasn't going to bounce back quickly.

We must have been lying there for more than a few minutes because Mera walked in with a few other staff members. They had camera equipment and a printer. "Congratulations." Mera Yawned. "If you would be so kind as to stand up for your picture, we will get you your license and I can finally get a short break."

I shuffled to my feet as elegantly as possible. "May I run back to the locker room to change and clean up quickly? He gave me a nod and I rushed to the locker room excitedly. I cleaned up my hair and the dirt and sweat that had accumulated. My normal Kimono went back on, and I quickly rushed back into the gym.

"Thank you for waiting."

The process was quick and soon I was holding a fresh new license.

Mirko smiled at me. "Welcome to the world of Heroes, Kyuubi."


A/N: The chapter for tomorrow will probably be a little late but I am committed to a chapter every day. I have work today and don't have a stockpiled chapter on hand because I uploaded everything I've written to give you guys as much content.

Also, I finally picked a costume, I hope you all like my choice. You'll get a description and image in chapter 9.