
Spirit Fox in MHA

I Died saving a girl and her mother, but due to some neat circumstances, I'm being given another life to wait for my family because I died too young. I chose to reincarnate as Ahri in MHA. My powers are straight from League of Legends and I got told that it's ok to deviate from the plot. I am so excited. Female Lead, monogamous relationship, F/M relationship, Partner not picked (not todoroki) Overpowered Lead. I Do not own the Image for the cover of the Book. All credit given to Chubymi from DeviantArt, (I tried getting in contact with you but couldn't, If you want me to take it down I will)

Grumper · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 6: VS All Might

"Lady Nataka, please give your absolute Plus Ultra in this fight. Part of the duty of teachers is the protection of their students. All Might is handicapped, and this test will not only give me a reasonable estimate of your abilities but also what you may be able to do for the students. You revealing the MLA to me let me rush some of my plans through the school board so students will be coming to UA as a boarding school this year." Nezu's tone was strict and lacked his usual jovial tone. "You may also see something the other teachers of UA know about but must be kept secret from anyone outside this school."

"Ok, then in return, I would like to ask that you also keep secret what you are about to see me do, I have hidden most of my quirk from everyone except for my parents and Ochaco. Don't be surprised if I make this look very easy. Frankly, the handicap is only necessary because if All Might didn't have it, I feel like I may not even be able to get my attack in." Nezu's face went from strict to curious but just nodded his head.

"YOUNG BISHOUJO, GOOD LUCK!" All Might's trademark smile was way too bright.

"You too All Might, you're going to need it more than you think." I got into a stance not even my parents had seen. Both hands extended before me and all nine tails had stopped swaying to point straight at all might.

I focused on the blue energy coursing through All Might, there was so much of it but only I knew how much I had trained this ability, this was my key ability and it would end the fight instantly if I was fast enough.

"Same rules as last time. 3,2,1, Start."

As soon as Nezu started the fight it was over, I pulled with all my might. As much of the bright blue light as I could control began swirling in between my extended hands forming a blue ball of ethereal energy. The hulking All Might before me shriveled and passed out on the stone ring.

Complete silence filled the gym as I stared at Small Might. "You know this actually explains so much."

Nezu burst into laughter. "Good show Lady Nataka. Welcome to the UA staff. Can you fix him up or do I need to call Recovery Girl?"

I kept looking at Small Might. "Recovery Girl's power may actually kill him if she uses it on him after what I did. My power lets me store and move around stamina energy and turn it into different forms of attacks. I can actually give stamina just as well as I can take it so he will be back in shape in a moment. Frankly Recovery Girl and I might just be a wonderful pair."

I knelt over the unconscious All Might. "He is down to 3 hours, right? I tracked it down to only three hours a day. Is that accurate? Also, what is that smell, it smells like rotting flesh. Is that him?

"You are scary accurate Lady Nataka. His limit is 3 hours and yes there is a wound on his left side. It has never properly healed."

"I'm sure he won't mind this then. I can't heal it all, but I can certainly regrow the stomach and the surrounding organs, but the scar will still be there. The wound is far too old." The energy ball of stamina turned a bright green and surrounded the wound. The wound closed at a visible rate, but the ball of energy wasn't enough to heal the wound completely. The ball slowly returned to the normally bright blue color before slowly siphoning back into All Might. At least he wasn't all skin and bones now. I probably added two hours to his limit and he won't have to live with extreme pain in his side.

"That was a wonderful show Lady Nataka, I may ask for your assistance in the nurse's room frequently, that is maybe the strongest healing power I have ever seen." The clicking of a cane and the old and tired voice of Recovery Girl Echoed through the quiet room.

"It is an honor hearing that from you Recovery Girl. My favorite hero as a little kid was named Nana Shimura but you were a close second. I will gladly help in the nurse's office when I have time. I'm sure I can learn a lot, I know basic biology and first aid but I am by no means a doctor." All Might flinched when I said Nana's name, so I knew he was awake. "Also, All Might, get up, you aren't tricking anyone, I know what the body looks like when stamina is running through an awake body. And you totally flinched when I said, Nana." This is our Number One.

"Young Bishoujo, I feel like a million bucks. Thank you for fixing me up but I must be going." He tore off the restraints he wore for the fight and leaped away before any of us could get out another word.

Nezu giggled before saying, "Let's go finish up your paperwork. Welcome to UA." We shook hands… Paws?

"Thanks, Boss."


"Alright, all the paperwork is done. Your License Exam is in one week. We will have an apartment prepared for you in the 1-A dorms where you will be the Dorm Mother. The Dorms will not be a secret after today so don't worry about talking about that but please keep your employment a secret from everyone but your parents. This includes All Might's employment as well. Classes begin in one month. And lastly, The test I gave you included questions from the teaching certification test and you are now a fully certified teacher.

"Any Questions Lady Nataka?"

"Yes actually. Three to be exact. May I submit a hero costume design to the support department?"

"Of course, that is to be expected."

"As the teacher for the Ethics Course, do I have your permission to send students to Hound Dog during class if I do not think they can handle the discussion?"

"Oh, that is an interesting question. First, absolutely. Second, The teachers at the school have as much classroom autonomy as we can give them, Eraserhead even goes as far as to 'expel' some of his students if they do not understand the danger of the work that they are working towards. So, feel free to use Hound Dog."

"Lastly then is more of a personal request than anything. May I participate in in-school learning opportunities as a chaperone for students for a chance to learn for myself? And how much access to facilities do I have such as gyms and training rooms?"

"That is an Easy yes as well. You are welcome to participate with 1-A as you will be their dorm mother. Teachers have unlimited access to all training facilities on campus if they are not in use." Nezu grinned. "I look forward to having you on the team Lady Nataka. We look forward to hearing how your License test goes as well as learning your hero name."

We said our goodbyes and soon I made it home to my excited parents.


A/N: This chapter and the next will not have small little excerpts from her book. They ended up kind of long and I will use them as a sort of separation between events as long as they don't interrupt a slice-of-life chapter. This will stay consistent.