
Spencer Finds Love

During a Case, Cordelia is looked at as a person of interest and Spencer falls in love she owns a bar her best friend is the chef Travis

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2 Chs

Just another Day or is it

I woke up late turned on the TV and saw something about a murder I sighed. I get dressed glance at my gun leave it in the case and head down to the bar love how I live above my baby yes my bar is my baby it was given to me by an old friend and I love it. Just another day in chilly Colorado. Got to get the bar clean for another good night yes it's filled with noise and drunks but there are my drunks and my people. Yes most of them are bad as in drugs or killing but they walk into my bar and they make peace for one night no drama no fighting just good drinks and good food. I restock the bar and place orders for what I need I hear the door and see my cook Travis walk in I smile. Travis smiles "Waiting for me huh" he laughs and walks to the kitchen and is cooking. I hear the door I sigh "We aren't open yet" I call from the back. Travis went to see who it was "Boss" he called. I walk out. I see what looks like the FBI. Hotch walks up "Hello I am SSA Hotchner, this is SSA Derek Morgan, SSA Rossi, Dr. Spencer Reid, and SSA Elle Greenaway". He said. I look around at everyone "Oh umm hello what can I do for the FBI I ask" as I open a box of whiskey. "Have you seen Ethan Young?" Hotch asks. As the name left his mouth I dropped a bottle of whiskey Travis walks out hearing the crash. "I umm I haven't seen him in five years" I stammer. Travis looks "Listen Ethan isn't welcome here after what he did to her," he said defensively. Rossi looks "What did he do" he asks. I sigh "I found out I was pregnant and I told him thinking he would be happy but he wasn't" I struggle with the story Travis squeezes my shoulder. I nod "After I told him he punched me in the stomach so hard I couldn't breathe then to add insult to injury he pushed me down three flights of stairs," I said. Hotch nods "Do you think he would come back?" he asks. "I have a restraining order against him I hope not," I said. "Do you have any of his stuff?" Derek said in a rushed tone. "I might" I turn to head up "Reid go with her Derek you as well," Hotch said. I groan and open the door to my small bedroom. Derek glanced around my room "Not many pictures of family or any color on the walls." I glanced at Derek "My father was never around and my mother was too high to care" I said opening the closet and pulling out a box. "Anything else big guy or cat got your tongue," I ask setting the box down. "Typically women around Derek are much nicer than. You," Reid said. I look "I am having my life picked apart in front of me also you're more my type than captain muscles of there," I said looking at Reid. "Also I see you eyeing my gun case yes I have a permit I got it after Ethan disappeared" I spoke to Derek. Reid opened the box and was looking threw Ethan's stuff "So he just up and left that is odd" he said looking at the box. "He had no choice he couldn't stay with me and his family didn't want him back," I said. "Does he have anywhere he would go?" Reid asks. "He has an old hunting cabin up in the mountains," I said opening a drawer and digging around, and handing Derek a picture of him in front of the cabin. Reid pulled out a journal opened it and read it "He was obsessed with you he wrote down everything you did even when you came home from work or when you took too long in the shower" Reid said. I shiver "I mean now that I think about it he was always there even when I was at work he was at my bar in the back watching me," I said. Derek pulled his phone out spoke to Hotch and hung up. "Reid you stay with Cordelia I am heading back to the station," Derek said. Reid nods and hands Derek the box.