
SPARTAN Trapped in the MCU

A young man dies and awakens in the body of a new and fully experimental SPARTAN body aboard the UNSC flagship Infinity just after it narrowly escapes destruction. Adam Young becomes Adam-161, the first successful SPARTAN to be genetically created from birth and genetically enhanced using DNA collected by the UNSC after they defeated the Covenant. Project Adam: SPARTAN-X UNSC had used Cortana to design and build the SPARTAN-X genetic design and a upgraded Mjolnir armor for their new biological weapon. Rather than awaking in the Halo universe like Adam originally thought he very quickly learned he was in the MCU thanks to the Infinity's advanced technology. Adam decided to use his new body, and the UNSC crew that was originally supposed to die since they didn't make it to the escape pods, to turn the MCU over on its head. If you want to support my work you can donate thru cash app $Sykocyrus

Sykocyrus · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Chapter 53: Ghost Rider Appears

As the battle aboard the Arc ship came to an end, Adam began to release orders to his fleet.

"Good work everyone. You all did great work, you have just shown the galaxy what the UNSC is made of, it is now time to STEAL our new equipment."

Ancient one looked at Adam with a strange look, "What are you pirates? Stealing ships from any you can?"

"First, none of your business. Second not steal as in theft, STEAL as in Strategic Transfer of Equipment to Alternate Location. You should know the military loves acronyms."

Ancient One just looked at Adam with a unamused expression.

"Whatever, so are you still here expecting a gift like I gave Odin? How about this?" Adam held out his hand and used the time gem to reform the Eye of Agamotto.

Obviously it didn't have the Time Gem within but he knew the medallion was important to Kamar-Taj.

"Thank you, but that isn't why I am here. I made my decision. Kamar-Taj will assist and work together with the UEG and UNSC but not for you. We must remain focused on the various dimensional beings that try to invade our realm."

"Fine. Eve will send over some equipment that should help with training your wizards easier. It will also get them up to speed on using our tech, if your going to be working next to us we don't need your wizards making our jobs harder."

Ancient One sighed, "Sorcerers, we are sorcerers not wizards. We deal in contracts and don't use mana."

"She is a knock-off Doctor Fate." Spectre said within Adams mind.

"Adam, I am detecting a presence within your mind. Would you like me to purge the intruder?" Eve's voice then replied.

'Man this is something I may need to get used to, if I get one more voice in my head then I'd be a knock off Deadpool.'

"Interesting, I do not detect a soul yet I hear a woman speaking within your mind." Spectre's stated.

"Okay, we are not going to be doing this all day, I think it would drive me nuts. We got work to do. Eve, arrange a crew to board the Arc and get power back on and begin extracting everything you can and send it to the science division for review and reverse engineering. All personnel who participated in the assault will be granted two weeks R&R, they can take it now or whenever they wish." Adam said as he then turned to Ancient One.

"I look forward to working with you, please coordinate with Fury to arrange support and set up comms between Kamar-Taj and UEG. If any of your people wish to use their skills in space you can coordinate with Peggy. Now if you'll excuse me there are a few things I need to make arrangements for now that the immediate crisis has been adverted." Adam said as he disappeared then appeared back on his ship, the Prometheus.

"Eve pull up all reports on suspected vampire attacks in our database as well as all local police and government databases."

A holographic image of the Earth appeared along with red dots indicating the several locations of attacks that have been reported.

When he saw a large grouping of red dots within Los Angeles, Adam began to manipulate the hologram, zooming in on the red dots and began to read the reports.

He knew this wasn't vampires, the victims weren't drained of blood.

Using the Time Gem to peer into the past, what Adam saw made his blood boil, he saw Robbie Reyes turn into the demonic creature that had what looked like a skull mask rather that actually having a skull alight with flames.

Instantly Adam had flashes of his death, and knowing what entity was before him, his anger skyrocket. Satanic worshipers just became the top priority of Adam, he was determined to send them to hell to meet their god, in the most brutal way possible.

"Hahaha, yes let us get vengeance, justice will be ours." Spectre said within Adam's mind as he felt the anger.

Eve detected dramatic changes to Adam's temperament, "Adam, please remain calm, I am detecting several anomalies within the implants..."

Eve then detected the new memories within Adam's mind, she immediately stopped talking, rather than talking she immediately called for assistance from the SPARTAN division.

She had felt a madness like never before, knowing that Adam possessed enough power to destroy the Earth entirely, she knew he may need people close to him to try to calm him down before he did something he would regret.

Eve knew the other entity she was detecting within Adam was not helping the situation, if anything it was driving him further into madness.

It wasn't that Spectre was the driving force but he was feeding off the desire for vengeance, Adam disappeared from the ship, teleporting down to Earth instantly.

Eve quicky launched the Prometheus to retrieve Steve and the other SPARTAN soldiers.

Adam appeared in the middle of the street in East Los Angeles, fully armored for war. He knew of Eli Morrows deeds. He had used similar means on many innocent victims that he himself suffered.

Even with Adam's increased intelligence and strategic thinking, the rational side of his mind was overcome with a multitude of emotions. He had been able to suppress his anger and remain calm before, he knew that his anger did no good until he returned back to his original universe.

But once he saw Robbie in his demonic form, that suppression vanished completely, the awakened memories had just recently came to light. Adam hadn't had a chance to fully come to terms with the truth, making him act out impulsively.

Adam's appearance didn't go unnoticed, not only did he appear in a gang infested neighborhood that was already on high alert due to many gang members had been killed recently, but both Johnny Blaze and Carter Slade had detected his arrival on the planet.

Spirits of Vengeance could detect one another, especially when one was in the process of judging sinners. Johnny Blaze instantly transformed into the Ghost Rider, his speed instantly increased to well above the speed of sound as he changed directions to head to Adam's location.

Carter Slade too transformed into the Phantom Rider immediately, his form wasn't the same as Johnny Blaze, he no longer had a flaming skull like Johnny, he had a white full fask mask with a white cowboy hat and trenchcoat. He looked like an Old Western Gunslinger in all white.

With a whistle, a white stallion came running towards him at incredible speed, with a leap Carter Slade mounted his horse without it even slowing down. As soon as he landed atop his horse, like the Ghost Rider he easily broke the sound barrier heading to Adam's location.

Yelena too had began to operate her suits Slipspace engine, unlike the others she wasn't going to wait to be picked up by Adam's ship. Using the coordinates given by Eve, she began to activate the slipspace drive, hoping she would arrive in time.

Adam began walking towards the Automotive shop Robbie worked at, ignoring the multiple armed people that began to take positions on both sides of the street.

To them, they felt that this armored man was the one who was taking out their fellow gang members.

"Light this motherfucker up!"

The sound of hundreds of gunshots erupted immediately, many of the innocent people within the neighborhood quickly hid in bathrooms, not wanting to get hit in the crossfire.

Adam's figure stopped in the middle of the street as a constant hail of bullets of various sizes pelted his energy shield, his HUD displayed the 30 gang members who where opening fire.

Suddenly the bullets stopped mid air as the firing continued, when the firing came to a stop due to they ran out of ammo, their eyes widened at the multitude of bullets frozen all around the large armored man.

Suddenly the bullets began to glow with a green flame, when the gang members witnessed this they froze in fright.

Before any of them could turn to run, the bullets launched out towards not just the ones who had fired the bullets, but even at the multiple reinforcements that were heading towards the fire fight. Some were coming by foot while others were coming in vehicles.

The bullets penetrated into their limbs, where the bullets entered their skin, flesh and bone slowly caught on fire and very slowly began to burn them, their screams of excruciating pain caused the innocent people in hiding to involuntarily shiver in fear.

Spectre was a brutal entity, any sinner would rather be judged by Ghost Rider's Penance Stare rather than being judged by Spectre. The Penance Stare was like being killed by napalm, it was slow and painful, but Spectre was much worse.

He has aged people to death, acid melted criminals, put people in wooden coffins and launched them into space to die of hunger and thirst, turned people into mannequins and had them roasted alive, even using giant scissors to cut people slowly to pieces.

Basically you suffered much much worse than what the Penance Stare did. He would kill criminals using their worst nightmares against them.

This was why instead of having the bullets hit in their head or hearts which would kill them instantly, he made sure they were hit where they would live the longest as the green flame burned them slowly to death causing as much pain and suffering possible.

There was no putting out the flame, many of the men tried to roll on the ground or put the fire out using water hoses on the sides of the houses, but nothing they did would put it out.

Robbie who was in the mechanic shop working on a car, heard the shots and screams, his mind instantly going to his brother.


'Don't Robbie! Run Now! He is after us!' Eli quickly said to Robbie.

He felt danger and knew he was the target, he began to try to take over Robbie again, and this time he was able to exert control due to Robbie being unprepared.

Robbie transformed and Eli quickly began to open a portal into hell to get where he felt the safest.

Opening the portal he quickly jumped thru, closing the portal behind himself. Eli let out a long breath that he hadn't even realized he had been holding in, he relaxed greatly feeling safe in his domain.

"Eli Morrow! Its judgement day, you shall not escape retribution for the innocence you have taken from this world!"

The sudden voice behind him startled him greatly, before he could run, a force ripped him and Robbie's body through hell and back into the garage.

"Noooo! Let me go or you'll be sorry, I work for Malebolgia!" Eli shouted in fright, he was invoking his master's name in an attempt to try to get help.

"Good! Now I know who to add to the list of Lords of Hell to be judged. You sacrificed their souls to strengthen his power here, let's see if your master has the balls to come himself. Let's have a little fun while we wait, shall we?" Adam then proceeded to rip Eli's soul from Robbie's body, tossing Robbie like a rag doll as he held onto Eli's ephemeral soul body.

Then a ancient Iron Maiden torture chamber rose from the ground, as it began to open, Adam shoved Eli's ghostly form into the spiked chamber.

Eli screamed in pain as his back slammed into the device, the pain was like nothing he felt before, the scream could be heard for miles around. All who heard it shuddered in terror, they could hear the desperation, fear and pain in the scream.

"Sixty six innocent souls suffered under your hands, sixty six deaths shall now befall you. This shall be the first." Adam said menacingly.

Suddenly a flaming chain wrapped around Adam, seeing this chain then a figure on a flaming motorcycle drive past him, Adam knew who it was instantly.

Johnny was trying to drag Adam away from the area since it would be dangerous to fight in this neighborhood. But that was his mistake, it wasn't the Ghost Rider that was after Adam, it was Johnny Blaze controlling the Ghost Rider power himself that was trying to stop Adam.

Adam grabbed the chain and yanked hard, Ghost Rider was pulled from his motorcycle, instantly crashing into a parked car, crumpling it like a aluminum can.

"Stay outta my way Johnny, even if the Ghost Rider itself wanted to stop me, he wouldn't be able to." Adam said as the yellow flames began to change into a green shade as the chain began to disintegrate into nothing.

Adam didn't even look at Johnny's form that was beginning to get out from the totaled vehicle.

Johnny opened his mouth, and blasted a stream of Hellfire at Adams figure, the flames enveloped Adam completely.

Just then a red bean of energy slammed into Johnny's form, launching him back to the crumpled car, but this time the car was cut in half by the laser.

Yelena had appeared just as Johnny had fired the blast at Adam, she thought she killed the flaming skull creature, putting the M6/E Laser Rifle away she ran over to check on Adam.

"Adam! Are you ok?"

Suddenly another chain appeared and attempted to wrap around Yalena who had her armor fully equipped, sensing the danger she lept away and was about to resummon the laser rifle, but Adam's armored arm shot out, grabbing the chain once again, stopping its route in following after Yelena.

"Seems like Johnny needs a wake up call, allow me to show you the real power of a Spirit of Vengeance." Adam's voice resounded from everywhere at once.

Snapping the chain Adam teleported next to Johnny and grabbed his flaming skull with one hand and face planted him into the ground.

A crater with a ten foot diameter sunk into the ground where Johnny had been slammed into the ground, a spiderweb of fissures cracked and spreat another ten feet beyond the crater.

Adam let go of Johnny's head and went to walk towards the Iron Maiden that held the screaming soul of Eli Morrow. He wasn't finished with Eli, he was hoping Malebolgia would send one of his soldiers to help his little follower.

Killing a Spawn would really piss off the Lord of Hell greatly. Just as Adam took a step, Johnny's skelatal hand grabbed Adam's ankle.

Adam raised his fist to pummel Johnny into unconsciousness, suddenly a white rope wrapped around Adam's wrist.

"Woah old friend, we are all on the same side. He doesn't know who you are and is ignoring what the spirit inside him is telling him. He's still young."

Adam looked over in the direction of the rope and saw a cowboy in all white riding a white stallion.