
Spartan Effect

Ryan reincarnates into the mass effect universe as Ryan Rogers childhood friend of Jane Shepard. They will protect the galaxy and stop the reapears and anyone else on the way. Read as they become humanities secret weapon the super solders Spartans. Watchtheir romance and adventures across the galaxy and read Ryan protecting his comrades and family. Ryan is married to jane since the start. May add Liara into their relationship but if I do it will only be her. (I don't mass effect, Halo or any other franchise in this story only Ryan Rogers.)

ace_casseus · Videospiele
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8 Chs

The Beginning

(1st POV)

Earth 2023

LA apartment complex

Finally, after months of grinding this game, I have completed every challenge, DLC, and achievement possible for the Mass Effect Legendary Edition! Wow, 100% completion and the achievements in the PS5 archives. I have no life. Sighing, I pull out my phone to check my emails for any new games coming out. After scrolling for a couple of minutes, I see I was sent a survey. "Probably spam... Huh? Why isn't it deleting or going to the spam folder? Fine, I'll just answer it. Let's see."

Opening the email, it asks me to answer a couple of simple questions. "Question number one: if you could reincarnate in any universe, what universe would you choose? Oh, that's easy—the Mass Effect universe. I always felt that universe could have ended better, plus Shepard could use some help. Question two: I can only have one power from a different universe, what would you choose? Oh, how about the MCU super soldier serum? Wait, no, that would be too strong for Mass Effect. I would want some type of challenge. I got it—I want to have all the powers of the Spartan II augmentations. Question three: I can have one power from a chosen universe, what would you choose? Oh, that's easy—a biotic that can use all biotic abilities and create my own with no consequences, and that I don't need any biotic implants." I scroll to see the send button, but I find one more question. "Ok, last question: what would your background be? Oh, I know—I want to be... and married to female Shepard before Mass Effect 1 starts. Ok, send."

After hitting the send button, I look at the time and see it's late. Better go to sleep for work tomorrow. Sliding into bed, I fall asleep, not knowing I'd wake up a new man.

Unknown space

"Well, what about Bradley and Shepard? They grew up in the colonies," Udina states.

"They know how tough life can be out there. Both of their families were killed when slavers attacked Mindoir. But why bring up both? You know only one can become one," Anderson questions.

"Nihlus is retiring so another spot will open. Plus, you know you can't get one without the other. They're a packaged deal," Udina muses.

"They proved themselves during the blitz. Held off enemy forces on the ground until reinforcements arrived. It's where our Master Chief and Commander Shepard were born," Hackett proudly says.

"They're the only reason Elysium is still standing and why humanity has started to have hope in its rise to the council. While other species have started to respect us at least a little," Anderson reminisces.

"We can't question their courage nor their power. To this day, they're a plenary guardian created Humanities first Biotic Spartans. Sadly, only they survived and the program was shut down again," Udina said.

"Humanity needs heroes, symbols, somebody to look up to, and they're the best we've got," Anderson confidently says.

"Are you sure they can handle this? The pressure on them will be immense," questions Udina.

"I'm sure they can handle this and more, and pressure, please. I was invited to their wedding a few years ago. It was a private setting, but you just had to see their faces, confident in each other, knowing they can take on anything the galaxy sends their way. It also didn't hurt seeing 6.0'' and 5.11'' tall super soldiers getting together, ready for the world," Anderson smiles upon the memory.

"I'll make the call," Udina walks away.

"You know, I was at that wedding too. Humanities Master Chief Ryan Bradley and his famous wife, Commander Jane Shepard-Bradley, First Human Spectres, has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Hackett smiles and walks away.

Milky Way galaxy, near mass relay

Normandy hallway

Leaning a armored hand on the wall is a tall Mjolnir mark VI black man, armor painted in N7 colors. Taking off his helmet and clipping it on to his magnet holster, a black man with a short fade and a five o'clock shadow beard is seen shaking his head for a while before opening his dark brown eyes.

(1st POV)

Wow, the survey was real! I've been through a hell of a lot of stuff. Damn, with all these memories, I barely remember my old life or the plot of Mass Effect, aside from a few key notes. Well, better not let Jenkins die. Before I could get further in thought, I feel a hand on my back, a lovely smell near my nose. Turning around, I see my amazing wife, Natasha Shepard, AKA Commander Shepard, and holy shit, my wife is hot! Even after becoming a Spartan, she's become even more beautiful. She looks exactly like a slightly buffer and taller MCU Natasha Romanoff. Thank you, ROB. She's wearing her MJOLNIR mark VI armor in the same N7 colors as mine. Looking at her face, I see worry in her light green eyes. Pulling her in close, I french kiss her. Shocked, she closes her eyes and wraps her arms around my neck. After a minute, we break the kiss apart. "You look more beautiful every day, Jane."

She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I know. And you're lucky enough to put a ring on it before anybody else." She snorts.

"Haaa, there used to be a time when you would blush when I kissed you in public areas and get all shy, with your face looking like a tomato." I sadly sigh, thinking about the good times.

Rolling her eyes once more, she pecks me and starts walking away, with me following. "That was before the hot sex and badass things we do now. Besides, this isn't one of those old anime vids you insist on watching. Now come on, let's go to the cockpit and check the view out. This ship is amazing. I can't even hear the engine. Cath and the turians put a lot of work into this."