
souren nox.

souren wakes up in a different body and a different world. (sorry not really good at writing synopsis) any way yeah this is a story that's been going around in my head and I decided to finally write it. I welcome constructive criticism so please comment. keep in mind that I'm not a professional writer, just some nobody with an over active imagination. I'm also planning to have souren go to different universes but that's far in the future and when the time comes hopefully it will feel natural. general disclaimer: everything you might recognize from somewhere is not mine. they belong to their respective owners. anyway thanks and enjoy.

the1stfantasticmrp · Filme
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7 Chs

chapter 7

It's been four years since I came to this world. Thank god the plot resolved itself last year. I always thought that some unseen force would pull me into that mess but thankfully last year harry potter resolved the Voldemort issue and now I don't have that threat looming over my head.

In the past four years some good things and some bad things happened. I lost elune two years ago. I never actually figured out what happened to her she just went for a hunt and didn't come back.

It broke me for a bit because we had a connection and she was one of my constant companions for a while.

Thankfully buddy was there to pick up the pieces I don't know what I would have done without the little elf there. He really looked after me in the weeks following elunes disappearance.

I didn't get a new owl after that, I just had buddy deliver any mail I wanted to send. Any time I looked at a owl I would remember the loss of elune and my failure in protecting her.

In other news I hired a CEO for my company. After I bought out some complementary companies and expanded my own company the work load got too much and it was cutting into my study time so I hired a CEO and decided to just be the majority shareholder of my company. I currently own 56 percent of potionsprism and am a senior potions master employed by the company. The rest of the shares were bought by my CEO and some investors who were interested in the company.

Potionsprism is now recognized all over the world thanks to the competency of my CEO and the beautifying potion I invented a few years back. It actually isn't a beautifying potion, what I mean is it doesn't make you beautiful it just makes you the best looking you that you can be. After all beauty is subjective and no one can claim to be so beautiful there exists no one that can find a fault with their appearance.

The first version I made was a permanent one which I made accidently, I was trying to make a potion that could heal both broken bones and muscle atrophy, instead I ended up with a potion that when consumed would change the bone structure and muscle density to bring about the best a human could possibly be.

I essentially made a super soldier formula, of course I didn't make that available to the public. after ingesting it myself and seeing and feeling the changes in my body and doing a lot of tests I managed to make a diluted version which is only effective for about 3 months and it doesn't change muscle mass it only shifts them to make the most ideal musculature, therefor make people appear more beautiful.

In the last year I finally caught up with old souren I am now a competent potions master and very good at magic in general. My universal method of transfiguration ended up making me a very powerful wizard when casting spells, because every night before going to sleep I try to strain my mind with it which is getting harder because the objects that can put a strain on my mind in one go are larger then a 2 story house, so I have to resort to repetitive casting. At least the sleep that comes after is worth it, straining my mind this way results in the most refreshing sleep I've ever had.

As for what I've been up to since I caught up to old souren, I've been researching on a way to improve my mind. Now the first thing that came to me was occlumency but after reading a few books on the subject, it's not all its cracked up to be.

Occlumency is basically just a mind trick to throw off any intruding probes in the mind. It's not even magical I'm pretty sure even no-mages can learn the trick with enough practice. You basically have to improve your imagination to a point where you can fool the intruder into mistaking it for your memories. It's only a defensive mind trick it doesn't give you perfect memory instantly.

Luckily while I was doing research on the mind I came across something promising, an African herb commonly known as the dream root. Its essentially the main ingredient in a potion that let's you dream walk into another persons dream as long as you have something containing their DNA like hair or nails. But this is not the way I use it.

You see the dream root when ingested raw and in small quantities allows a person to lucid dream. This is the Avenue I chose to directly interact with my own mind. Notice that I'm saying mind not the brain. Because unlike no-mages a wizards mind Is actually different then their brain.

The brain is like something that connects the wizards mind to their body. A mind however is a little more complicated, it's like a separate world. the only things I can liken it to are the dreaming from sandman or the warp from 40K. Its essentially another world that contains anything that is not in reality. Your thoughts, your emotions, your imagination, these all go through your own mind . And when you fully access your mind you can start implementing changes and defences.

At least this is what I think, I have not yet figured out how to implement changes and create defensive structures in my mind but I can access it through lucid dreaming.

As to why I'm researching for a way to improve and defend my mind, firstly I'm essentially horrified of the possibility that someone could read my mind and or mind control me to do things I wouldn't normally do. Secondly I've set a new goal to pursue for myself I'm working on becoming a healer, which will need a lot of time and studying, I'm hoping to shorten the time I have to spend on learning new things so I can reach my new goal before I'm an old man. After all I'm not getting any younger. Hell I'll be thirty in a few months.