
Soldier Zero

A Soldier dies and appears in front of our favorite Godking Shura who sends him as recompensation to a Marvel Universe with some powers and his favorite symbiont who he modified a little. Don't own anything except for the OC that will walk around.

Deathseeker · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

Killing Circe

Jack returned home by walking and Luthor says, "Don't you think he is using us."

"Everyone in the League tries to use each other don't you think so," says Circe as she sits down on her chair and continues, "But he is interesting being in a feud with Zeus. No one ever survived that except for the First Born that is sealed away. This will be quite interesting to witness."

"Well he will be your problem from now on," says Luthor as he leaves her room.

Now alone in her room, she says, "Interesting to think a man would make himself an enemy of a God. I should make some investigation on why they became enemies."

In the meantime, Jack was explaining Kara about their vacation to Greece.

"We are going to Greece," says Kara happy as she jumps around and says, "We need to buy some suitcases. I also need to call my mother to inform her about our vacation she wanted to come next week to meet you."

Jack opens his eyes from hearing that he remembered when he first met Lydia before. "How is your mother by the way?" asks Jack.

"She is a nice mother. She might have been strict because of my powers but she was fair. She sees me as her own daughter after all and she will most likely interrogate you even more so after our escape from National City," says Kara with a smile on her face just thinking her mother will be visiting her soon.

"Well she wouldn't be the first one to do that," says Jack picking Kara's interest.

"So you already met with Felicia's mother. How is she?" says Kara interested to find out about Felicia's mother.

"She is a nice woman. She is a lawyer that defends her clients. Formerly she was on the other side putting them in prison until Felicia's father disappeared," says Jack informing Kara about Felicia's mother as they go to buy the suitcases.

At the same time, Felicia and Diana were in New York City. Felicia was training with her blades when Diana says, "You seem more motivated than usual. Is it because of Jack?"

"A little but I need to get better to not become a hindrance to him like last time," says Felicia that was sweating and training seriously.

"Now you can't become an Amazon as I wanted you to become. What was your alias in your World?" asks Diana.

"It was Black Cat. Now that I think about it I shouldn't have told you that," says Felicia with a smile on her face.

"Why because it seems that men like cats it seems," says Diana furious again about what happened on the day of her date with Bruce.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you," says Felicia as she puts her blades away and sits across Diana and says, "Ever tried to date Superman or that Flash?"

"Clark has Lois and Flash has his own problems with love. I had once someone I loved but he is dead now. Finding a new one is hard and Bruce is someone I thought I could trust," says Diana sad.

"How about I present you to a man with who Jack and I served before coming here. He is a rightful man and served in World War 2 just on our Earth. He also had someone important but she is too old for him now. Maybe we could set you two up. His name is Steven Rogers, but we call him Steve or Captain America," says Felicia trying to hook Diana up.

"Something is wrong," says Diana putting her hand on Felicia's forehead and continues, "I thought you were sick since you didn't try to nominate yourself like always when we get to this conversation."

"Hey, I had no memories of my relationship back then," says Felicia angry making Diana smile.

"I will think about it and tell you how I decided before the time comes for you to leave with the other two," says Diana thinking that could be a good chance to meet people of another Earth as Lucifer does every time he goes to another Earth.

"Well tell me we just need to find Steve by then," says Felicia as she wants to drink some beer when Diana takes it away.

"You are too young for this. Kara told me how old you and Jack are. So don't drink like before. If I had known before I wouldn't have allowed you to drink back then," says Diana, who had the glass in her hand and drank it in one go.

"Not fair," says Felicia protesting about it as she continues, "A cold beer after training was the best to cool down the body."

"Just go under the shower. It should help you too," says Diana as Felicia goes into the bathroom to take a shower.

'Maybe I should go with them. It would be an adventure like those I dreamed of as a child,' thinks Diana overthinking the proposal of Felicia.

After three days Kara and Jack were picked up by a limousine and Kara says, "They really have money I must say."

"They should an organization can't live long without money after all," says Jack as he deposits the suitcases in the trunk and Kara boards the limo and Jack follows then he uses magic to block the conversation to be heard and says, "Been a hero or villain doesn't pay well after all. You need to have money or you won't survive in a world governed by money."

"That's why we have jobs," says Kara with a smile.

"Except you enter the military. You can use your powers and don't need to hide your identity like Rodgers," says Jack remembering him.

"Rodgers?" asks Kara confused.

"Ah right, Captain America doesn't exist here. He is a Super Soldier that fought in World War two against the Nazis," says Jack informing her about Steve.

"So he is like Diana. She fought in both World Wars against the Germans," says Kara while her eyes were shining.

"Not really like Diana. He isn't ageless. He ages like every other man. He just was lucky to be frozen in ice before the war ended and was brought back some years ago. He is a relic of that time and a symbol of Hope for most Americans," says Jack seeing a happy Kara.

The limo stops and they get out Jack takes the suitcases from the trunk of the limo and Kara asks, "Where do we go from here?"

Then Luthor comes out of a hangar and waves to them to come over. They walk over and see at least 10 suitcases in front of the plane and Luthor says, "She always has that much package so don't worry about that. How long will you be staying in Greece?"

"A week maybe two. We want to enjoy ourselves after all. Zeus is secondary to me," says Jack as he puts the suitcases beside the other ten.

"Good I will inform the pilot to stay there for the next two weeks. Circe will be staying in Greece after all," says Luthor as he guides both into the private jet. Jack and Kara sit down across each other and Luthor returns to them and says, "Enjoy yourself and call this number if you need something when you are in Greece. They should help you when you say you know me."

Luthor hands over a piece of paper with two numbers on it and Jack takes it and says, "Thanks, if it comes hard to hard I will use them."

He puts it away and Circe enters the jet with sunglasses on and wearing some fancy clothes. She passes all three and sits behind Jack while saying, "Don't expect me to entertain you. I hate traveling by plane."

"She just doesn't like being inside a machine that flies through the air. It reminds her too much of the tale of Icarus and his wing," says Luthor making Circe angry.

"I the gods wanted humans to fly they would have given you wings," says Circe.

"*sighs* Right your wing theory again. It's completely fine to fly through the air than driving a car," says Luthor ad he leaves the jet.

"We are not done here," says Circe angry when she sees Luthor get out of the jet. Then she turns to the couple and says, "Until we are in Athen don't talk to me. I hate this small place the most and don't want my ire to fall over you both."

The jet gets ready to take off and once in the air, the steward hands over drinks and food as well as some entertaining movies were played on a little tv that was onboard making Jack and Kara feel like home while Circe tried not to break the jet apart.

After landing in Athen the pilot gave Jack his number telling him to call him once they are ready to leave. "So where to next?" asks Circe now relaxed that she had ground under her feet.

"The Tempel of Zeus is my next objective but before that," says Jack when the three were alone and his Black Chains surrounded Circe stripping her of her powers by sealing them.

"What have you done?" asks Circe not knowing what was going on showing fear on her face.

"Right you are wondering why I'm doing this," says Jack as the chains return and he shows his angry face and says, "You touched one of my women. I only have three women I care about. The first is my mother. The second is Kara over here and the last is the silver-haired girl that you manipulated to fight Wonder Woman. You even ridiculed her in front of me when we meet three days ago."

Circe feeling now powerless sees an aura coming out of Jack making an imitation of the Monkey King appear behind him. "No, it can't be. I thought it was only a coincidence they called you like that."

"You thought wrong. Kara can you go to the hotel before me. Don't want you to see this," says Jack when Venom comes out stunning Circe.

"I will have fun with you," says Venom showing his teeth.

"What are you going to do to her?" asks Kara preoccupied with Jack's sanity.

"Something that can break people like her," says Jack as he turns to Kara and says, "I will punish her for doing what she did against Felicia after that I will come to the hotel and tell you about it. I just don't want you to see it and lose your innocence like that."

"Fine, just be careful to not lose yourself in vengeance," says Kara worried when Jack kisses her and she leaves with the suitcases showing her power to Circe.

"Wasn't she a normal human," says Circe not processing everything that was happening and Jack makes a time vault making her loop the whole time her own death over and over being eaten, torn apart, bleeding out name one thing that Jack couldn't think in torturing her, killing her and then everything began anew. "Stop please let me die already," says Circe remembering all of her deaths.

"Not yet it was only 100 times that you died. You still owe me another 400," says Jack as he continued killing her again with an evil smile on his face making Circe run shills down her spine.

He began again and after another 150 times of killing her she lost the light in her eyes and Jack dissolved the time vault killing her for the last time by burning her down until nothing was left and says, "Did you had a nice meal."

"Too many would I say. But I won't complain," says Venom with a smile before returning into Jack.

"We should return with Kara she must be waiting," says Jack as he runs towards the Hotel they booked.

Hope you like it.

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