
Soldier Zero

A Soldier dies and appears in front of our favorite Godking Shura who sends him as recompensation to a Marvel Universe with some powers and his favorite symbiont who he modified a little. Don't own anything except for the OC that will walk around.

Deathseeker · Anime & Comics
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Jack vs Zeus

Jack entered the Lobby and found Kara waiting for him there. "You didn't need to wait for me."

"What are you talking about it like 10 minutes that passed since I left you with Circe," says Kara confused and preoccupied.

"Right forgot that the spell rewind's time the whole time making me feel it the whole time while nothing really happens outside nothing really happens," says Jack remembering the side effect of the spell and says, "Shall we check-in."

"Right behind you," says Kara as they check-in. Once in their room, Kara asks, "What happened to Circe?"

"Let's say she won't border us any longer. Now let's have some nice vacation before taking care of the grumpy bearded god that shoots lightning out of his hand," says Jack as he unpacks his things while Kara does the same. "Now how about some sightseeing," says Jack and Kara takes his arm with a smile.

"Let's go. I really want to see Athen in all its old glory," says Kara and they leave the hotel. And they begin to walk through the city and have a nice time with each other. They ignored the Temple of Zeus in Acropolis for the last three days of their stay.

"Well, time to fight a god," says Jack motivated to kick Zeus ass.

"The second god you will face if we don't count Circe and Diana," says Kara.

"So we really count Hermes," says Jack with a smile.

"He tried to kill you until it became a sparring," says Kara hugging Jack in bed.

"Well sometimes you need to exchange blows to understand each other and Hermes is a real nice guy," says Jack remembering his fight against Hermes and the fun and adrenaline he was feeling.

"Man always the same. Did I tell you how Clark and Batman almost killed each other until Lois intervened when Clark was almost killed by the bat," says Kara angry remembering that night.

"Oh, they were enemies?" asks Jack curious to find out.

"Yes, that happened a bit after Clark killed Zod. The bat saw Clark as an enemy of humanity and tried to find a way to kill him," says Kara.

"Did he find it?" asks Jack.

"Yes, Clark and I are weak against kryptonite. It weakens us and makes us normal," says Kara informing Jack that there are many different kinds of kryptonite.

"Then you are lucky we don't have that around my Earth," says Jack while kissing her forehead as he stands up and prepares for the battle against Zeus.

"Are you going to kill him?" asks Kara.

"Not really just going to do what the Monkey King would do and humiliate him a little. It doesn't help me much killing him. Also, there are worse punishments than death out there that I need to test out," says Jack.

"Do you want me to come with you?" asks Kara.

"Normally I would say no," says Jack when Kara gives him a look and he continues, "But you are strong enough to defend yourself so. Yes, you can come with me."

"Good, for a moment I thought you wanted to say no," says Kara with a smile on her face again.

They leave their hotel and go to Zeus Temple that was a little run down and Jack says, "Man for a god he really doesn't take care of his things."

"Maybe we are wrong here," says Kara when Lightning hit the ground and two men appeared from it. One was Zeus who Jack instantly recognized and the other was young and looked a bit like Diana just manlier.

"So you need back up to fight me?" asks Jack taunting as he changes into his armor in an instant and has his staff in his hand and goes in position.

"Says the one that came with someone else," says Zeus furious at Jack.

"I would have been skinned if I hadn't taken her with me," says Jack making the man beside Zeus smile. "Oh there is someone that can laugh about my joke," says Jack while Kara was giving him a look and he feels shill going down his back.

Zeus shots lightning at Jack who intercepts it with his staff and sends it directly back while saying, "Now taste some of your own medicine."

The Lightning bolt misses because the man beside Zeus blocked it. "From where did you learn to manipulate Lightning?" asks Zeus furious.

"It was a gift I got from Thor. Don't know if you know him but he and I are colleagues from work," says Jack as he splits in four and all four say, "But he wasn't the only one I got powers from. Now, how about we fight. If you find the real one that's it."

All four charged at both while the real Jack was behind them already waiting for them to realize that they are all fake. Two of the Jack's were clones made by his hair while the other two were illusions confusing both Zeus and the man beside them since when an illusion attacks they try to block the attack not knowing if it is an illusion or a clone.

"You have more tricks then the old Monkey I must say but it nothing against true power," says Zeus as the whole earth was shaking and even the man beside Zeus was now shocked.

"You can't summon it here," says the man confused if Zeus would destroy the earth just to kill Jack.

Until Jack appears behind Zeus with his staff and hits the back of the head making Zeus fall while holding his head when suddenly the whole Greek Pantheon was in the Temple to see what was happening and see Zeus holding his head and everyone was serious except for two one was Hades and the other was Poseidon who were laughing seeing their brother been defeated yet again by the monkey he hated so much.

"What is going on here?" asks Athena wanting to find answers to why her father was trying to destroy whole city in his anger. She then turns to the man that was with Zeus and says, "Jason what happened for him to do that."

"Your father was fighting against the Rebel and was defeated like always. It feels like yesterday that he was hit in the back of the head by the monkey. He always dominated your father and us two when we were still young. Now where is the rascal," says Poseidon looking for Jack that should also be in the temple.

"Hey there Jack it hasn't even passed a month and you are fighting against the old man," says Hermes who sees Jack.

"Jack?" asks Poseidon.

"That's the name of the current Rebel. See the man with the staff that's him," says Hermes pointing at Jack who was behind Zeus.

"So he is the one," says Poseidon passing his hand through his beard.

"Help me get rid of him instead of talking," says Zeus angry.

"Yeah, help him get rid of me," says Jack with a smile.

"I'm not going to intervene so you can use your chains against me and say later it was for self-defense," says Poseidon.

"Which chains," asks Athena.

"The Chains that can seal everything. I made my homework after fighting him the first time. He can even absorb part of your power and make them his," says Hermes making the other gods except for Hades and Poseidon to open their eyes.

"So anyone going to intervene with what I'm going to do now?" asks Jack.

"And what are you going to do?" asks Athena worried.

"Nothing much just beat the old man up steal part of his power and leave him alone. I don't really want to kill him just give him a nice beating so he won't mess with me ever again," says Jack with a smile.

"I have nothing against it," says Hermes with a smile on his face when he says, "Diana also has nothing against that."

"I also don't have anything against it," says Poseidon.

"It alright if you kill him too. I will have less of a worry later on," says Hades sarcastic.

The other gods were still thinking when Apollo says, "If you let me watch the beating I will allow you to take some of my powers. I always wanted to see how the old man meets his master and gets beaten up."

The other gods just left not interested in this matter anymore leaving Hades, Poseidon, Hermes, and Apollo floating over the four.

"You gonna gift me something too?" asks Jack looking at Hades and Poseidon.

"If you can take it," says Poseidon and Hades finishes the sentence, "It's yours."

"Nothing is easier than that says Jack that wasn't in front of them but an illusion. Three Black Chain surround the three gods and Jack says, "It's nice to make business with you."

"How did you?" asks Hades confused.

"He used his speed. He got my powers after all. He was so fast for your eyes that you didn't even saw him leaving an Illusion behind to trick you," says Hermes as he facepalms and continues, "You were still underestimating him."

"I have to say he is more cunning than the old one," says Poseidon with a smile when out of Jack four Grey Chains come out and enter their bodies and after 2 hours the chains return.

"You satisfied now. Come on, I don't have the whole day. I need to find a cure for a disease," says Apollo waiting to see his father being beaten.

"Right right give a second need to adjust to the new power. Never done it before with four at the same time. Even more so with four gods," says Jack as all chains return and after 2 minutes he begins his beating of Zeus with his staff while the other six were only watching it. Then Jack throws Zeus towards Hermes and says, "Alright I think that's enough."

"Yeah, you are right he should have learned his lesson," says Poseidon, who also learned his not to underestimate his opponent from now on.

"You could have been a bit bloodier but let's let's keep him like that," says Hades pissed that he lost part of his power and leaves since it was over.

"I will leave now too. If you ever need help with something Medical come to me here is my card," says Apollo taking his business card out and handing it over to Jack before disappearing.

"Jason, you really should learn not to be dragged in father's problems. Be happy Jack is a nice person or you could have been dead today. Now come I need to bring him back and you will come with me," says Hermes as he grabs Jason by the shoulder and all three disappear.

"You are still here," says Jack to Poseidon.

"Yes, I want a favor from you," says Poseidon.

"Really?" asks Jack confused.

"Yes, I need you to inform Thor about the Leviathan that is about to break from its cage. I need you to go to the north and search for his old temple that is between Sweden and Norway, That old snake won't be held for long in that cage and Thor will need to fight it again as he did before to get it back in its cage," says Poseidon.

"That should be easy anything else I should tell him so he knows it was you that send me," says Jack and Poseidon only coughs.

"Just bribe him with the DVD of yours. He would never say it but he has a soft spot for Diana since she defeated him once," says Poseidon.

"So we are now selling your niece to save the world," says Jack sarcastic.

"Better that then sell you. He has a feud with the Monkey too. Just Odin liked the monkey for straightening Thor out. Just don't mention that you are his successor and you should have no problem with him," says Poseidon.

"Alright, just informing him should be no problem," says Jack when he feels a stare on his back and continues, "I can't give him a DVD of what happened or Kara will kill me as you see."

"Well, up to you after all. Just convince him to go," says Poseidon as he also disappears leaving only Jack and Kara behind.

"If you give him that DVD we will have a problem. I didn't have anything against the first time since it was her father but another man is something else," says Kara angry about that conversation.

"Alright, I will destroy every copy I still have," says Jack as he takes out ten copies and Kara uses her eyes to destroy them and pushing Jack away too at the same time with her eye beams.

"Now we are quit," says Kara, who was now calmed down. Then she doesn't see Jack and says, "I'm sorry Jack. I still can't control my powers completely. I must have used too much force."

Jack, who was holding his chest and comes out of some crumbles that were lying over him and says, "Next time warn me so I can prepare for what is to come." He looks around and sees the temple half-destroyed and says, "We should leave before someone comes to look for us."

He opens a dimension portal and both appear in their room in the hotel.

Hope you like it. Two more chapters and he will be back in Marvel.

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