
Soldier Zero

A Soldier dies and appears in front of our favorite Godking Shura who sends him as recompensation to a Marvel Universe with some powers and his favorite symbiont who he modified a little. Don't own anything except for the OC that will walk around.

Deathseeker · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Meeting with Luthor and Circe

Deathstroke was now in a room with two people one was a bald man and in a suit while the other was a woman in robes and says, "I got some information on the man called the Rebel by the Justice League. His real name is James Striker and he lives with a woman from National City named Kara Danvers. She used to work for CatCo before she quit 6 days ago. James is a manager of the LUX here in Metropolis."

"Does he live there?" asks the bald man confused.

"No, he lives near the club," says Deathstroke as he takes a map out and points at a building James and Kara were living right now while saying "They live right here. It's a little place but big enough for two people that want to begin a family."

"A family that is overvalued don't you think so," says Circe remembering that her own daughter that wasn't interested in her.

"Hold your tongue witch," says Deathstroke wanting to grab his swords only to remember that they were missing.

"What did you lost your swords somewhere," says Circe taunting Deathstroke, who was fuming in anger but didn't show it because of the new helmet he had on.

"I was surprised by a Black Monster. I don't know what it was nor what it wanted. I only know that normal means can't kill it. I tried but it just taunted me for it and almost got me if I didn't run away," says Deathstroke informing them about his fight against Venom.

"A Black Monster that couldn't be killed with normal means," repeats the bald man thinking about what Venom could be.

"Yes, I tried to pierce it vital and my swords penetrated through it completely but it didn't work as if he didn't have any organs," says Deathstroke.

"Interesting. It could be a new species or even another alien that is living on our planet like that Kryptonian," says the bald man.

"That doesn't have anything to do with us, Luthor, let the league deal with it. Our objective is to get that Rebel to our side so we can defeat them once and for all," says Circe as she is about to leave and says, "Now we can finally plan on how to recruit him."

On the same moment in Olympus, Zeus was seeing the tape and sees Diana and another woman that was pixeled and changed with magic he couldn't undo it since it wasn't from this world angry he shouts, "I'm going to kill this beast."

He turns the tv off and calls for Hermes. Once Hermes was in front of him he says, "How did you not kill him."

"He was a good fighter. He is as fast as me and learns even faster when he is in a life or death fight. I'm lucky still being alive," says Hermes not really serious about the situation since he knew that Jack let him live instead of killing him.

"It seems you are giving a shit to what happened to your sister," says Zeus as he throws lightning at Hermes, who evades it easily.

"Now father it seems you are having too many prejudices against the boy. It isn't good for your heart," says Hermes relaxed with his back towards Zeus when he turns around and says seriously, "You should better let go of that boy, old man. He learns fast and with his power he overpowered me. You are half as fast as me while he is almost faster than me because he doesn't fear to break the limit of his power."

"Pah, you think I'm afraid of a boy that hasn't even lived his twentieth birthday you think wrong," says Zeus angry back sending again Lightning Bolts after Hermes, who evades them easily again.

"I warned you. If you get killed by his hand don't expect me to avenge you. I owe him something and won't take a side in this fight between you two. Diana thinks the same. Just because of your arrogance everything even happened," says Hermes stating a fact that was half true as he leaves again.

"After this is done you are next," says Zeus angry at Hermes that didn't even hear him.

A week later, Jack and Kara were laying on the couch looking at a movie when someone knocked on the door. Jack stands up and appears outside and enters again. Then he says, "It's them. I think."

"Really we aren't even 2 weeks living here and they already found us," says Kara, who was a little angry that they interrupted them.

"It can't be helped just play along or they will find out who you really are," says Jack as he walks towards the door. Kara stretches her tongue out for a moment before returning to the movie.

"Just be careful with them," says Kara in a worried tone.

Jack opens the door and plays surprised by seeing a bald man on the door and says, "Hi there, you are?"

"I'm Lex Luthor, Mr. Striker and I have come to make a proposal to you," says Luthor as he stretches his hand out and both begin to shake hands under the door frame when Luthor asks, "Can I come in?"

"Of course come in. My girlfriend and I were watching a movie so I'm sorry that she won't entertain you," says Jack excusing Kara so only Luthor and he were talking at the dinner table. They sit down across each other and Jack says, "Now, Mr. Luthor. What do you want from me?"

"Luthor or Lex is fine. I have come to make you a proposal like said before. I heard that you had some problems with the Justice League and wanted to invite you to the Injustice League. We are the opposite of the Justice League. How about we leave for a moment and I show you the facility we have here in Metropolis," says Luthor wanting to rope Jack in.

"Why not its always better to have your back covered don't you think so?" asks Jack.

"Right, you are an intelligent man as I can see. Yes, it's always better to have someone else covering your back then fighting alone even more so when you have someone you want to protect," says Luthor agreeing to what Jack said as they stand up and Luthor says, "We will take my car."

"Alright, give me a second," says Jack as he guides Luthor out and Jack returns to Kara and says, "If I'm not back by tomorrow call this number and a friend shall appear to help."

"Be careful," says Cara as she kisses Jack and he returns it. Then he leaves the house and sees Luthor in a Limousine waiting for him.

He enters and asks, "Isn't that too much?"

"That was my opinion too. But the old witch wanted me to show some power even if it's only in comfort and finance. That the Limo is now showing. But let's talk about the plan we are following as the Injustice League. We are not really as many want to picture us," says Luthor trying to explain what their League's objectives are.

"So you are against heroes?" asks Jack after hearing the explanation of Luthor.

"Yes, they think that they are more important than normal humans. You just need to look at the bat in Gotham and you would know he is only trouble. If you want to clean the earth of crime you need to get rid of the heroes that are doing the job of the police. And then that Alien that brought us more Aliens that attacked Earth. If you look at our city you might see some scars in it from that day," says Luthor as they drive by some destroyed houses that were going through rebuilding.

"So you say that if heroes weren't around nothing of this would have happened?" asks Jack, who shares some of Luthor's points on heroes.

"What I'm saying is that they can keep living under us just that they shouldn't meddle with the justice system. A Vigilante isn't a Cop," says Luthor as they arrive at LexCorp then they leave the car and Luthor guides him inside and says, "Welcome to my company. I use it as my base of operation and is one of the Headquarters of the Injustice League around the globe."

"Nice home I must say. It reminds me of a friend of mine," says Jack reminded of Tony who has his own lab in the basement always working on improving his armors.

"You have a friend that lives like me. Now I'm interested in meeting him," says Luthor interested.

"Yes, but you might hate him since he is a big mouth and playboy or at least its what he was the last time I met him," says Jack as he looks around the building and asks, "You living alone here?"

"No right now another member is living here. She had a conflict with the same person as you. She is hiding here for a while before she returns to Greece," says Luthor informing Jack about it.

"An enemy of Wonder Woman then," says Jack making Luthor smile.

"You really have a good head. It's hard to find this combination as an intelligent and powerful person. It seems we made a good choice with wanting to recruit you. How about we meet her?" says Luthor as he walks in front.

They arrive in a room that didn't look like the others. It was more exotic and old fashioned and they see a woman that walks around in some loose clothes and Luthor says, "That over there is Circe she is our expert in Minds and manipulating them. She is also a Demigod so I would not try to mess with her. The last one didn't end well and is now Wonder Woman's sidekick. Who lost all its memories."

Jack was now angry inside but outside he showed a smile while saying, "What an unfortunate problem don't you think so? But can I speak with her?"

"Of course, she was one of the people that wanted you on board," says Luthor as he walks towards Circe while Jack waited there.

[Almost there.] says Venom seeing his opportunity to kill Circe.

[Not yet. We need to wait for a little while longer. Then we will kill her slowly and you can eat the rest. What do you think?] says Jack back to Venom.

[I can work with that. When are we killing her?] asks Venom Jack.

[When we are in Greece with her.] says Jack as he sees Luthor and Circe approaching him.

"So you are the Rebel James Striker. You are taller than I thought and also more muscular. Hercules would be envious of seeing your body," says Circe after seeing Jack in normal clothes while trying to enter his mind only to find out that she couldn't enter and says, "Interesting, pretty interesting. I never met someone except for some gods and people I couldn't enter its mind. But yours is completely off limited like Zeus."

"I have many secrets to keep after all. I heard you are going to Greece. I wanted to go there with my girlfriend to meet an enemy of mine. Could I tag along on your trip," says Jack picking Circe's, as well as Luthor's, interest.

"And who would that enemy be?" asks Circe.

"You named him some seconds ago," says Jack making the eyes of the other two open wide.

"Zeus. Isn't he too much for you?" asks Circe curious to find out what feud Jack and Zeus have against each other and says, "Alright you can come with me. But don't expect me to help you again him. We will leave in three days so prepare."

Hope you like it.

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