
Snap "I am Spiderman"

when Hulk's snap brought everyone back, Peter came back but was not just Peter no more.

freakofntur · Filme
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6 Chs

Mjol - First snow

I am disturbed in my meditation near the buried Mjolnir by Darcy. She tells me that " there is an incident in Alaska. Some alien predatory creatures have been let loose in an Oil Rig. "

"Monica was the first responder and had much of it under control. But when she got to the outer bounds of the campus, she found a lady, the sole survivor, shooting at these aliens. When Monica went to save her, another superbeing attacked her. She is fighting him right now. She needs back up. Wanda is already on her way. Thought you'd like to know."

I convey to the buried Mjolnir that I need to go save to world and protect my lovers. It understood. I got up from my meditation pose and requested Jane to give Mjolnir company while I handled this.

Every member of WEB is also equipped with sling rings, courtesy of kamar Taj. I open a portal to location I was given, only to see a deviant running in my direction. I punch it and use telekinesis to throw him back. I close the portal behind me and regroup with my team.

Monica is fighting Ikaris , so I approach Wanda and Ajak "Hey love, hiking in the snow? You should have atleast packed some sweater's" . Wanda smiles at me and says " was in hurry, but looks like you didn't bring any either, maybe we should share our heat with each other" as she disintegrates a Deviant near us.

I look at Ajak and say "Pretty miss, you don't look nearly as confused or scared as you should, were are literally facing aliens and Superman".

Ajak asks " Are you one of the Avengers like Wanda ". I answer " you've probably seen me as spiderman ". Ajak asks " how are you taller than in tv". I reply " long story, why don't you tell me more about the aliens and Superman for now and we'll talk about other stuff later."

Ajak understood and says " the Aliens are called deviants, they kill creatures and absorb their powers. We are eternals, we were sent to earth to kill deviants. We thought them all dead, but some were frozen here, thawed out by excess heat caused from the blip. " Cleverly keeping out any mention of the celestials for now.

Ikaris throws another lazer beam at us before Monica interrupts him. I use my physic powers to move the three of us aside but the lazer blasted the ground it hit. Wanda created a red shield to protect us.

I was curious to see her shield had Runes like Dr. Strange's shields. She was even using much less power to create this shield. I knew this much already, but her mastery of this spell must have reached its pinnacle for her to do it as fast as her normal shields.

I really should master this spell as well, it would make my psychic shields much stronger. I already know this spell, but can't cast it fast enough for most combat scenario. Till then, I'll just have to do with whatever repelling power I can muster psychically.

I ask Ajak " And who's the evil Superman, one of the deviants? Who's power did he absorb?" .

We were attacked by another deviant before she could answer. Ajak shot at it, which I noticed did slow it down. I sent a big psychic Lance through it. I need to master this spell too. I could have sent one sooner, but I needed to apply spell components to it to empower it further. Once I saw that it was interrupted by Ajak, I took the extra second to apply arcane spell to my physic Lance.

Akaj told me " The Superman is Ikaris, and he is basically Superman in all but name. No kryptonite as far as I know. He is strongest of us eternals. He is....".

She is interrupted again by a lazer shot at at me. I was kinda perepared for this one. Since the last spell, I've been charging a shield spell. If a deviant come through, I could use it to smash it with the shield, interrupting it, and with enough charge smashing it to death. If Ikaris sent a lazer, I could use it to stall it enough to dodge it.

I dodged it, but my shield persisted anyway. Giving me a good estimate of ikaras's beams strength.its as hot as our sun. That's kinda scary. And Monica is going toe to toe with him. That's scary. I think her own photon based powers give her great resistance to such photon based attacks.

I Used a sling ring to open a portal to kamar Taj, to Wong. I push Ajak into the portal with a metal disk. I had already telepathicaly asked Edith to render a message in the disk.

I closed the portal as Wanda disintegrates another deviant mid-jump while it was charging at me. Me and Wanda both take flight. Only few deviants grow wings and chase us.

Wanda creates red binds on Ikaris's torso, locking him in his place for a second. I help reinforceme the binds adding arcane runes to the binds. Monica shoots a beam to neutralize the lazer from his eyes.

I pass over my control of runes to Wanda as she reinforces her own magic. I turn around to face the incoming deviants and send out a mental psychic scream to all deviants in my field of view.

They halt for a moment. Flapping in air without any thought, like a fish out of water. They start falling down. I don't stop the psychic scream until they smash the ground.

Ouch, my head is sore from all the screaming.

I turn around to make sure that Monica and Wanda have Icarus under control, then go down to one of the downed deviants. Somehow, the fall didn't kill these deviants, but it sure did incapacitate them.

As I'm going down I charge a spell and smash my first into a deviant. It looked like I charged my punch ,but the spell I charged was an upgraded version of Agatha's spell to absorb other's energy. My added flavour even brings in their memories because of my psychic abilities.

I can instantly feel myself getting upgraded. The vampiric feel of their energy even upgrades my affinity to Agatha's spell. These deviants have absorbed some of earth's mightiest predetors.

I charge another vampiric touch as I jump and punch another one, absorbing is energy. They are scattered because of their flight ,but it just gives me more time to charge my spell. They are already incapacitated as it is.

Seeing me on ground, other deviants converge on me, but I just keep charging the spell and taking flight. I harvest these deviants of their energy, but it looks like I just killed them with a punch.

After I had the absorbed the flyiers, I could feel my own energy mutate, become a bit vampiric, creating a hunger. This mutated Agatha's spell to make it even absorb biological traits. I became very afraid of this hunger.

I decided to fight fire with fire and decided to use the rest of the deviant's energy to burn and conflict with my own energy, using magic and my psychic powers to burn the deviant flavour of energy out of me.

In net, I gained no energy in this fight, since I used the new energy I absorb, to brun/purify the energy I had already absorbed. But I still absorbed their biological traits, ones that they gained from mightiest predetors. Improving my Vision, Hearing, Smell, Strength, Reaction speed and even my spidy sense. This is over my already enhanced physique due to spider bite and Wanda's illusory world. I gained these traits befor I completely burnt the deviant's vampiric energy from myself.

This removed the constant hunger I had started to feel, but added another aspect to my own powers because of my enlightenment during purifying these energies. I can now purify other energies, thus select what I absorb. This might be a genuine counter to the darkhold, even though I only know this spell and it's mutations because of darkhold.

Because I have a really deep understanding of their energy now, I can even recreate it's effect of absorbing biological traits, but it will also create hunger while the spell is cast.

By now Dr. Strange is here with a magic artifact, ment to imprison a humanoid . He uses it on bound Ikaris, alowing Wanda to let go of her spell. She had used too much energy holding him still, she started slowly descending, too tired to fly. I intercept her midway and carry her princess style.


Edith pov

Kamar Taj, *when peter sent ajak there*


Ajak fell through the portal to kamar Taj, much to the wondering of Wong. Before he reacts badly , the disk peter sent with it projects peter's body in the room. This body is controlled by me, Edith.

I speaks in Peter's voice " Sorcerer supreme, we have a big problem. I'm not sure yet how big, maybe you can get more out of her than I could. But we still need backup, like big backup. Like if Evil Superman came to destroy Earth big".

Wong looks at me with a chuckle " I though you could handle super man, Peter.". I look at him with a deadpan "I'm just an auto generated message, Peter is too busy not dying and trying to not let his friends die. By , and I kid you not, SUPERMAN"

Ajak intervenes " His name is Ikaris,he is an eternal. I am Ajak, the previous Sorcerer supreme was a great friend".

Wong looks surprised and says " Ajak you say, I've read about you guys, Ikaris... Superman indeed. So what, have eternals turned against humanity?"

Ajak answers " not at all, but maybe yes, it'll take longer to explain,and your friends are in serious danger". Wong is irritated as he creates a portal. He shouts " Starnge, I need you to Attend a guest while I throw pokeball at Superman." Clearly influenced by spending quality time with Ned.

Dr. Strange smiles as he say "Alright , I'm intrigued, I'll handle the Superman ,you attend the guest, must be pretty mighty one for you to call me." He enter the portal , gives a glance to Ajak and walks towards The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. He looks at Peter's protection and muters " ofcourse". As he enters the portal to Alaska.


Peter POV

Kamar Taj,* after Ikarus's capture.*


" So celestials sent you to protect humanity, so that humanity could incubate the unborn celestial Tiamut. His emergence will break it's eggshell, which is earth. You decided humanity was worth protecting. Your friend here thought the opposite and wanted you dead because of you betrayal. Is that all, or did I miss something" I ask, for clarification.

" Well, you got most of it. What you left out is that there are other eternals. They don't know about Tiamut yet. They may decide to side with me, their leader, or think like Ikaris and side with Ashirem, out master, creater, our god." Replies Ajak.

"Well I don't think either is an acceptable casualty. I will protect humanity at all cost but I want to explore if we can save Tiamut as well. This being is destined to create galaxies for future life to inhibit. If there is a compromise, We need to find , it." I say. Everyone agrees , specially Ajak.

"Meanwhile, WEB has detected more disturbancees like the one in Alaska. I'm assuming that diviants Frozen or buried under different places might emerge because of earthquakes caused by the emergence. "

" You are right, this is our ancient purpose, I will call on eternals to fight these deviants. We'll break this to them one by one." Says Ajak. Weary of her own kind after Ikaris.

" Alright, I'll leave the celestial stuff to you adults in kamar Taj, WEB will help eternals deal with deviants and with logistics. Portals and all. If I find a compromise to save Tiamut, I'll keep you in the loop, sorcerer supreme" I say as I bow to Wong.

I catch up with Wanda and Monica over call. They are both on our mobile base, recovering.




I inform King T'chala of my encounter with eternals and about the celestials. He is tense, but happy to be in the know, rather than find out after it happens. He pledges his personal support, softly indicating I can ask any help of black panther, but not presumably of the whole wakanda.

I go back to meditate near Mjolnir, but this time, I'm carrying some grass in my hand. It's just normal grass. I plant it near Mjolnir, circle the small sprout. I start meditation and use the plant growth spell.

I use telepathy and our bond to try and control the grass, through Mjolnir. I use a modified version of Agatha's spell through Mjolnir. It doesn't suck everything out of the grass, but it creates a small but constant flow, keeping the grass alive and healthy while taking anything extra.

After hours of meditation, I open my eyes to see that the grass has taken over rest of the garden. The grass is also much taller and thinner, optimise to take most energy from sunlight and air, while using as little as possible, sending rest to Mjolnir.

The small sprout is also visibly bigger, it is about my hight while I'm sitting. I look at the sprout in more detail and see a figure of a small child made of white (silvery) wood, with branches and multicolored leaves for hair. The white colour is clearly from absorbing the fistfull of silvery 'Wibru'.

It slowly opened its eyes and looks at me. I send a mental greeting to it through our bond. It smiles widely and runs towards me. As soon as it takes its first step, uprooting it from the ground, the grass around it becomes duller, as if they have become depressed, having lost their purpose in life.

As it reached me, it jumped into a hug with me, while I catch it into a hug. I look at its matte silver eyes, reminding me of my adventure in Alaska. " I'll call you Mjol. It means First Snow. " I say to her, even though I don't see any ears on her.

Now that I look closely, Mjol looks a lot like the young Princess Padme. Giving me hints into who might me responsible for this phenomenon.

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