
Snap "I am Spiderman"

when Hulk's snap brought everyone back, Peter came back but was not just Peter no more.

freakofntur · Movies
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6 Chs

All-Mighty Mjolnir

A week after recruiting my aunt to WEB, I asked happy to arrange a meeting between me and Pepper Stark.

I greet her with a bouquet and we hug. She congratulates me on coming out as spiderman and the success of my product. I thank her for her support.

I then tell her "Miss. Stark I wanted to discuss with you a collaboration. A partnership for my next product.". Show her a body suit, a weaker, yet more advanced version of exo-Armor clothes we had developed, turning boots into socks and helmet into a face mask. It was built by combining concepts of the exo- Armor that me, Liz and Darcy created and spiderman suit that Tony created.

"This is a bullet resistant, fire retardant, Shock absorbent body suit exoskeleton. It would actually be more appropriate to call it exo-musculature. While a skeleton provides support to the body, muscles provide the strength and the speed. This bodysuit can multiply a human's strength and speed by 3x." I market my product.

Captian America's sir and strength were in public domain. Everyone knew that we was basically 5x a normal human in speed and strength. And that is only because Steve Rogers was 0.5x to baseline before the serum. That means that super solder serum multiples speed and strength by 10x.

" I created this after witnessing the last stand of many brave wakandans in war against Thanos. Despite the casualties, ever soul mattered on that battle-field. Tony once said to me that he wanted to put a suit of armour around the world. I want to put one around everyone in it. "

Pepper says " This is very impressive Peter, but it seems you have everything figured out, what could I possibly help you with".

I answer " This is just pieces of underwear that go together. This will form the basis for an apparel and sports brand that I'm coming up with. This is basically completely passive, not requiring any energy. What I want your help with is much more. "

I continue " If this exo-musculature is combined with any exo-skeleton, one can gain benefits of both. One can even optimise it such that the combined effect is greater than the sum of its parts.".

Pepper asks "Frankly Peter, I still don't see where you need my help? You seem to have everything together. If you created such advanced suit, certainly you must have thought of appropriate exo-skeleton for it. "

I reply " True, I can do this on my own, but I see a lot of benefit in partnering with stark industries. For one, Stark is a trusted American brand, which should streamline any Medical, Industrial, Military and Law enforcement application. You already have the connections and your for in those markets. These would just be another product or five in an already set product lineup. These are even modular to different body parts to make wearing and replacing them easy."

Pepper seems to understand now and says" Now I get it. You want to use our connections and network to speed up the sales process. It's smart really, it pulls a lot of pressure and grunt work off of you and we benefit as well, if the presentation is anything to go by" she smiles.

"Actually there is another reason" I say " I'm leaving America. I love this country but I'm not registering for sokovia accords. My identity is public, so this all might sound stupid. But I need to protest this. I know Tony was for them, but he allowed me to keep my identity secret, right. "

Pepper says " Peter what are you talking about. Tony could not have made his stance more clear on this matter for you to bring it up like this."

I say " What happened to his Miami home pepper? Do you remember. I watched it on TV. Can you imagine if you were inside. Would he still have felt the same. I could only come out with my identity after I was sure that I could protect my loved ones, remotely. Do you think bad guys would have moral compass enough to leave my family alone."

I continue " Anyway, My identity is out there now. Me leaving America actually gives us another reason to co-operate. This means that I can't compete with you for military and police applications and even gain tax benefits for industrial applications. I still love New York, still love America. But I don't want to be arrested for protesting the law of the land."

Pepper asks " And where will you go?".

I smile as I answer " Wherever the waves take me, on the open seas."


" Let me know if you find the One Piece" laughs Ned, with tears. I had just explained to him and MJ that I'm leaving America. " Hey Ned, MJ. I got this brochure for you. So me and a few former Avengers recently created an organisation like ghost-busters, or like Sam and Dean in supernatural."

" We look for super-natural /Para-normal phenomenon and try to learn from them while mitigating there bad effects. You guys are still in school, so I don't think you can get into any field programs, but I think you can learn a lot by interning there. You don't even have to come to cruise with me on the ocean, we have a training base right here in new York. Inside the Newyork Sanctum."

Ned says " You mean I can learn magic?" . I reply " And a lot of tech/science. If you choose to join, you will be assisting Dr. Darcy Lewis in her tasks of monitoring readings from around the world . She will be your tech mentor. And while you will have lectures on magic from Dr. Strange and Sorcerer supreme Wong, your primary mentor in magic department will be the Scarlet witch, Wanda Maximov."

Ned exclaimed "yes! All my Naruto dreams are coming true." MJ replies " he said magic , not jutsu ". Ned says" They are the same thing, but that's not my Naruto dream. First hokage taught third hokage, third hokage taught jiraya, jiraya thaught Minato, Minato taught Kakashi and Kakashi taught Naruto. I get to join a famous line of teacher students with Dr Erik Selvig teaching DrJane foster, Jane foster teaching Dr Lewis, and now Dr Lewis teaching me. "

I smile at Ned and say " Just write you details on the brochure and give them to anyone in the Sanctum, they get your orientation started."

MJ asks me " Why do so this Peter? You mentioned us being high schoolers like you are middle aged. Why go through all this, why you. Let one of the adults do all this, come back to school with us."

I tell MJ " I can't. Did you guys see the war against Thanos on TV. Their average soldiers were way stronger than us. Even wakandans are way ahead of other humans. I'm sure someone will eventually replicate Tony's Armor. There are already inferior versions on black market. "

" Only the ultra rich, cartels or terrorist can ever hope to get their hands on one. I'm just trying to even the game. Bring a small amount of that power to the masses. It's just giving them a fighting chance. ".

I smile sarcastically as I say " Sometimes, what can protect you from a bad guy with gun, is a good guy with gun . "

MJ laughs and says " Where is your MAGA hat , Idiot !. What the NRA got you on their pay-roll or something? Haha...."


"You called for me?" I ask Darcy as I'm surprised to see Dr. Jane foster. "I responded to a paranormal event and found an old friend." Says Darcy

"Jane here is supposed to be bed bound with chemo, but she's out there playing hero as the mighty Thor" she says frustratedly.

" Yes, I'm just supposed to die quietly in in my bed like a good little girl right." Shouts Jane. Silencing Darcy before she finds her voice again. " You could have told me. You could have told me that you can control Mjolnir, that you're sickness is subdued by it. That using it extensively worsens yours sickness. I could have helped."

"How ?" Jane asked. I interrupt what is sure to be a long rant about Darcy hiding her new super powers and the new organization by saying " We can still help". I focus and bring my hand forward, attracting a broken piece of Mjolnir, shocking Jane.

" How'd you do that?" Asked Jane and Darcy in unison. I look at them and say" may the force be with you".


" So you need a Vibranium tumbler to break down strongest marital in the universe to size of nano particles. You then want to use these particles to directly subdue cancer from Dr. Foster's bloodstream." Asks Shuri.

" Well you forgot the part where I hope to use hulk's blood to absorb the excess radiation from reality stone, that is the cause of radiation in the first place. " I say.

"And Hulk will give you his blood?" Asks Shuri. " If it can save a friend, Sure. Infact Dr Banner is running tests on his blood as we speak to see if my theory is feasible."

" And you can only subdue the sickness with this Uru metal you speak of " asks Shuri. " Not any Uru. But this perticular clump of metal is magicaly controlled by me and Dr Foster. I think we have a great chance of achieving success."

"And what do we get out of it?" Asks Shuri. I reply " You're technology is easily 100 years ahead of ours, you wealth will put the rest of the world to shame. I won't be presumptuous enough to offer security to the most powerful nation in the world. Infact , after the sacrifices brave wakandans made against Thanos, I pledge to do everything in my limited power to protect wakanda even if you refuse to help. "

"You may stand! friend of wakanda! Your own deeds against Thanos are worthy of recognition. " Says King T'chala. I stand up from my kneeling position, still bowing in respect.

" Dr. Jane Foster is well regarded, even here in wakanda. Even We Marvel at the Wonders of Wormholes and inter-dimensional travel. I doubt Tony stark could have figured out time travel without her prodigious work in the field. If a lump of vibranium can save her life, you will have it".

Shuri looked like she had sucked a lemon. T'chala continues "All I request is that you perform the medical procedures here, such that our own scientist may learn from it and also provide assistance with our technology.". Shuri looked much more pleased with the situation now.

"We would be honoured to have your hospitality. Once Dr. Banner had confirmed my theories, We can have Dr. Lewis and Dr.Foster transported here. I actually have a couple of lumps of Uru with me. We can get started with trying to powderize the strongest known material in the universe" I say.

" Well if you ask so politely, it would be rude to delay" clearly excited to get her hands on Uru.


Me and Shuri bond well over our love for tech. We had some great chemistry in battle against Thanos, so we weren't starting from scratch.

I looked at the tumbler lighting up a green light, indicating that the fist full of Uru I had kept in there had reduced as much as it could, leaving behind a perfect polished sphere, size of a ball bearing.

The tumbler works with Uru only because of vibranium. The vibranium particals absorbs as much energy from friction that they can before suddenly releasing it all. But because the tumbler itself is also made of vibranium, the inside walls just absorb it, redirecting it to the powdered particles inside.

It's like the uru is under constant bombardment, a bombardment that keeps getting stronger as it's own bits of particles seperate from it, adding to the powder and furthering the powder's potential to damage Uru.

Frankly the main reason we could get it done so quickly is because Mjolnir has accepted me as worthy. It's similar reason to why Hella had such an easy time breaking Mjolnir. It was initially meant for her. Making her the orignal worthy wielder, against whole rest are measured against.

Mjolnir itself doesn't want to be reduced to tiny particles. But I convinced it that It is necessary to save Jane and that I will try to give it autonomy by not constantly needing a host to weild it. I offered it an existence beyond a weapon to be wielded.

I put in another lump of Uru in the tumbler as I continue my chat with Shuri.


Darcy and Jane arive with a drop of hulk's blood and the rest of Mjolnir. I introduce them to King T'chala and his family. After all the formalities, we go back to the lab and I show them my Uru+Vibranium mix powder, I call this mix 'Wibru'. Jane is surprised that she can actually control it. It is still part of Mjolnir after all.

We powderize the rest of the hammer head in the tumbler one by one, until we are left with only small ball sized uru particles. Then I take out some of the 'Wibru' powder as sample and put the small polished uru balls back in. This time a add the blood of hulk to the mixture before I turn on the machine.

Hulk's blood is essentially destroyed by constant bombardment of energy and shockwave inside the tumbler. It soon became almost inorganic as extremely small pieces of it are imbued/fused to 'Wibru' powder, giving it is gamma absorbent properties.

Even when the machine indicates that all matter inside is powderized, I still keep it running for a while to let it reduce to the level of nano partculates. Once we open the tumbler, all I can see is a silver liquid. Once I put my hand in it, I realised that it is not liquid, but a really fluid sand like powder.

By now Jane is already hooked to many wakandans diagnostic gadgets that will moniter her heath through the operation. I hold the handle of Mjolnir, to increase my precision and control over its particles.

I use my control over these particles to directly inject some of them into her blood stream. The Mjolnir is also attuned to Jane herself, so it can detect cancer cells that are distinct and harmful to Jane's healthy cells. It's like it is determining at a cellular level, what is worthy or not.

She also still has excess radiation from reality stone as well as her chemo therapy. This 'Wibru' powder was radiation absorbent because of hulk's blood. But energy can not be created our destroyed, only change from one form to another.

Thus the 'Wibru' particles that absorb radiation turn it's energy into heat. I bring out these heated particles outside the blood stream before they get to hot. Once outside the blood stream, I allow them to cool down again and send them black in.

It took hours but eventually we were successful. Darcy was hugging Jane tightly. I still held the 'Wibru' powder. I split the powder into three parts.

First and the largest portion I sent into Jane's bloodstream again. The second, fistfull of particles I stepped within my own bloodstream. The third, fistfull of particles I Fused with handle of Mjolnir, forming silvery branches and roots arround it.

I then focused on Mjolnir and focus on its commands, it's purpose. It's command from Odin to find and empower worthy people. Both Jane and I meet that criteria. It's second command is from Thor. To protect Jane at all cost. It fulfilled that purpose too, at great cost to itself.

I focus on the purpose fulfilled and cast a spell of gratitude from Me and Jane. I allow it to Split / Sacrifice the parts of itself in Me and Jane to free itself of its purpose. Or shall I say, pass on its purpose, from itself to those particals.

This would allow it to be free from any programming and exercise free will. But ofcourse what is the point of free will of you are going to live as a tree. I let it know that this is not the limit of what it will achive, only the start of it.

I ask T'chala if I could bury and grow Mjolnir anywhere. For some reason, he thought that the garden where they used to grow heart shaped herb would be a good idea. Although the garden has historical and cultural significance. It has lost most of its value since killmonger burned it's flora.

Once at the place, I bury Mjolnir in the dirt and start meditating near it. After an hour, Jane joins me in my meditation. We can still fell the bond to Mjolnir and it can feel us, but it is no more submissive to us, having sacrificed most of itself to gain that freedom.

Both Me and Jane spent hours there, just meditating. I was also using a magic spell to make plants grow faster. So much so that I saw a sprout come out from where I had buried Mjolnir.

I spent next few days meditating there, with me focusing on plant growth spell. Jane had to leave from time to time since she was still recovering, even though at a rapid pace.

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