
Sith Ascension

In the echoing silence of the void, a soul was reborn. Ripped from the clutches of a mortal existence, a young man found himself cast into the ethereal realm of the Sith. With eyes that burned with newfound power and a heart pulsating with unyielding darkness, he embarked on an epic odyssey that would forever etch his name into the annals of galactic legend. From the desolate wastelands of Korriban to the towering spires of Exegol, his journey would be fraught with peril, seduction, and the ultimate test of his allegiance. Beware, for this tale weaves threads of forbidden love and erotic encounters that will ignite your senses and leave you craving for more. Let the adventure begin, but tread carefully, for the path you tread is treacherous, and the temptations that await you are as intoxicating as they are dangerous.(NUDITY AND SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING)

Darkhorse99 · Filme
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18 Chs

Cargo Interception

The air in Darth Jadus's temple on Corriban hung heavy with the scent of incense and the oppressive weight of the dark side of the Force. Jadus, his obsidian mask glinting in the dim light, stood before Darth Krayt, his young apprentice. Krayt, a towering figure with crimson eyes and unruly black hair, fidgeted with his double-bladed lightsaber, its twin blades humming faintly.

'The Jedi have grown bold,' Jadus's voice, amplified through the mask's speakers, resonated with a chilling malice. 'They have stolen our weapons, our tools of power, and they intend to cripple our operations.'

'Who was it?' Krayt asked, his voice a low growl. 'Who dared to defy the Sith?'

'A Jedi Master, known only as Eldo,' Jadus said, his red eyes glowing with a sinister brilliance. 'He has managed to acquire a cache of kyber crystals and stolen lightsaber components. It appears he is en route to a shipyard, where he intends to halt the production of our ships and weapons.'

'We need to stop him,' Krayt stated, his hand instinctively reaching for his lightsaber. 'We can't let him get away with this.'

Jadus nodded. 'Indeed. But this requires more than just brute force. We need subtlety, a presence that can infiltrate the Jedi's ranks and dismantle their operation from within.' He paused, his gaze turning towards a door at the side of the chamber.

A moment later, the door hissed open, revealing a figure in a sleek cropped armor and tight grey pants. The figure stepped into the room, revealing Elara Therane, the Chiss Imperial agent. Her piercing red eyes scanned the room, landing on Krayt with a dismissive flick.

'I presume you are the Sith apprentice,' she said, her voice a melodic whisper. 'I've heard whispers of your prowess, but I'll need more than rumors to judge your true worth.'

Krayt, taken aback by her casual arrogance, bristled. 'And who are you?' he demanded, his voice laced with a hint of threat.

'Elara Therane,' she replied, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. 'An agent of the Empire, here at your disposal, or rather, at Jadus's.'

Jadus cleared his throat. 'Elara has been assigned to this mission. She will be your partner, Krayt. Together, you will stop Eldo and reclaim what is rightfully ours.'

Krayt looked at Elara with suspicion. 'A partner? We are Sith. We don't need partners.'

Elara scoffed, her hand adjusting the sniper visor atop her forehead. 'Then I suggest you rethink your strategies. Jedi are cunning, and they move with a certain grace you wouldn't understand.' She turned her back on them, her boots click-clacking across the stone floor. 'Come, Krayt, our quarry awaits.'

As they left the temple, Jadus watched them leave, his unblinking red eyes reflecting a sense of satisfaction. He knew Elara's sarcasm was a facade, a mask she wore to hide her own deadly efficiency. He had chosen her carefully, knowing that her skills and experience were precisely what Krayt needed.

They arrived at the shipyard on tatooine, the air buzzing with the activity of construction and repair. Elara, her senses sharp, spotted Eldo's shuttle moments before it was to dock. She leaped from a pillar, landing upside down like a bat, her boots clinging to the stone. Eldo, caught off guard by her sudden appearance, looked up in surprise.

'Well, well, well,' Elara drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm. 'Look who decided to show up for the party.'

'Who are you?' Eldo demanded, his hand reaching for the lightsaber at his belt.

'Just a girl who likes to play, Jedi Master,' Elara replied, her eyes gleaming with amusement. 'You know, I find it rather ironic. You, a seeker of peace, is stealing weapons to stop a war you claim to oppose.'

The air crackled with raw power, a tempest of the Force churning within the shipyard. A brutal symphony of clashing blades and blaster fire filled the air, echoing through the cavernous halls. Darth Krayt, a whirlwind of fury, his double-bladed lightsaber a blur of crimson, charged forward, a storm of raw energy unleashed against his opponent.

Elara Therane, her Chiss features contorted in fierce concentration, her sniper rifle a deadly extension of her will, weaved through the chaos, her movements precise and economical. She unleashed a barrage of shots, the blaster bolts spitting fire and striking the walls with a deafening roar. Each shot narrowly missed Eldo, the Sith apprentice Krayt was facing, a testament to Elara's precise aim and lightning-fast reflexes.

'You're going to need more than those shiny toys to stop me,' Eldo taunted, a smirk playing on his lips as he effortlessly dodged another blaster bolt. He ignited his lightsaber, a blue blade flaring to life, the energy humming with a chilling intensity. He was young, barely into his twenties, but his training had been ruthless and his power undeniable.

Darth Krayt, young and fueled by an insatiable hunger for power, clashed with Eldo.The late afternoon sun cast long, distorted shadows across the dusty streets of a bustling Tatooine shipyard, the scene of their bloody struggle.

Krayt, his eyes blazing with fury, a predator unleashed, closed the distance between them. The double-bladed lightsaber whirred, a deadly scythe of energy, as he slashed at Eldo, his every movement a testament to years of intense training. He was a whirlwind of robes and light, his youthful exuberance tinged with a raw, unbridled savagery. The cityscape blurred around him, a backdrop to his violent dance of death.

Eldo, nimble and quick, dodged the attack, his lightsaber a blur of blue light as he parried each blow. He was a seasoned warrior, his movements precise and economical, honed by countless duels against opponents far more powerful than Krayt. His tan robes flowed around him like liquid shadows, his movements graceful despite the weight of his armor.

'You fight with the fury of a cornered beast, Krayt,' Eldo said, his voice a low rumble, a mockery woven into his words. 'But your rage betrays you. It makes you predictable.'

'You dare insult me, Jedi dog?' Krayt roared, his voice a guttural growl, his anger fueled by a deep-seated resentment for the jedi , and trauma from his life as Kyle.

Their blades clashed, sparks flying with each contact, a deadly ballet of light and shadow. Krayt, fueled by his rage, pressed his attack, each swing of his lightsaber a desperate attempt to break through Eldo's defenses. But Eldo, with the wisdom of age and the discipline of a master, remained calm, his movements measured and deliberate.

Elara Therane, a shadow flitting through the battlefield, used the distraction to her advantage. Her red eyes, honed by years of training in the art of manipulation and espionage, darted across the scene, taking in every detail, analyzing the flow of the fight, anticipating the moves of both combatants. Her Chiss physiology, bred for cunning and cold calculation, made her a master of stealth and deception. She moved silently through the chaos, a whisper of wind through the battlefield, her blaster rifle a deadly extension of her will.

She darted towards Eldo, her blaster rifle trained on his back, her visor scanning his movements, anticipating his every move. The visor, a technological marvel, amplified her senses, allowing her to see the world through a different lens, one that focused on the subtle shifts of the Force, the slightest tremor in the air, the faintest change in pressure. She unleashed a volley of shots, aiming for his vulnerable points, but Eldo, with the grace of a phantom, deflected each one. His lightsaber, a blur of blue, deflected the bolts with ease, each parry a testament to his mastery of the Force.

'You're a distraction, little bird,' Eldo sneered, turning to face Elara, his lightsaber held high, a challenge glinting in his eyes. 'A pathetic attempt at saving your precious Krayt.'

Elara's red eyes narrowed, a predatory glint appearing in their depths. 'You underestimate me,' she retorted, her voice sharp and cold. 'My marksmanship is far more accurate than you think, and I couldn't give less of a shit about Jadus' lapdog you're fighting.'

'You are but a tool,' Eldo said, his voice laced with contempt. 'A pawn in a game you do not understand. The Sith are far beyond your comprehension.'

'Perhaps,' Elara said, her voice a whisper, her words laced with a chilling calm. 'But even the most powerful tools can be broken.'

She raised her blaster, her finger tightening on the trigger. The moment stretched, a delicate balance of power, the air thick with the tension of their deadly dance. Krayt, sensing the shift in the tide of the battle, let out a roar, his lightsaber a blur of crimson light, forcing Eldo to turn his attention back to the young Sith Lord.

The opportunity was fleeting. Elara seized the moment with a precision honed over years of training. She fired the blaster rifle a silent echo of death, a single shot that pierced the gap in Eldo's defenses. The bolt, imbued with the power of the Force, slammed into the sensitive area behind his right shoulder, a deadly strike aimed at the vulnerable point where his armor was weakest.

Eldo staggered, a grunt escaping his lips as pain shot through his body. The force of the blow sent him stumbling backward, his lightsaber falling from his grasp with a clatter. His dark robes billowed around him, a tattered symbol of his fading power.

'You... fool,' Eldo gasped, his voice weak, his eyes widening in disbelief. 'You dared...'

Elara stood over him, her red eyes cold and unforgiving, her blaster rifle still aimed at his heart. 'I warned you,' she said, her voice a chilling whisper. 'Don't underestimate the power of a broken tool.'

Krayt pushed Elara out the way so he could make the final strike.

The air grew still as Elara watched Krayt stand over Eldo's fallen form, his lightsaber still humming with lethal energy as he stabbed the Jedi's heart. The once-proud Jedi lay motionless, his blue blade extinguished, his eyes staring blankly at the sky.

'It's over, but just remember this was my mission...not yours' Krayt said, his voice gravelly, his eyes bloodshot, the dark side power radiating around him in waves of energy. He turned to Elara, his gaze piercing, his expression unreadable. 'He was a good student, but he failed to grasp the true power of the dark side. He was weak.'

Elara, her heart pounding in her chest, remained silent. She knew Krayt was right. Eldo had been merely a pawn in the Sith game, his skills and talents merely tools for their ambitious goals.

'You fought well, Elara,' Krayt said, his voice softening slightly. 'You have potential.'

Elara, despite the adrenaline pumping through her veins, felt a chill creep down her spine at his words. She knew what he meant. He saw her potential, saw her as a tool, a weapon to be wielded in his own ambitious schemes.

'I am no one's weapon,' she said, her voice firm, her eyes unwavering.

Krayt smiled, a chilling, predatory smile that revealed a glimpse of the darkness that lurked within him. 'We shall see, Elara," he murmured. "We shall see."

When the dust settled, Eldo lay motionless on the floor, his lightsaber sputtering out beside him. The stolen components of the lightsabers and the kyber crystals lay scattered around him.

'It's done,' Krayt said, panting, his body drenched in sweat. He raised his head, looking at Elara. 'We've done what Jadus ordered. You were right. You're... not bad.'

Elara smiled faintly, her red eyes twinkling with a spark of approval. 'Thank you, Krayt. The Empire needs its assets. But my mission here is complete. I have other assignments.'

'But-' Krayt began, his voice uncertain.

'Don't worry, I'll ensure that the lightsabers get delivered, ' Elara interrupted, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. 'Just... don't be late for your next meeting with Jadus.'

Krayt watched her disappear into the shadows, a feeling of both disappointment and a strange sense of accomplishment washing over him.