
Sirius Black (SI)

A guy was reading A prisoner of Azkaban while walking on a road when out of nowhere he was hit by a truck (It was actually his fault). He thought he had died but when he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a stag made of lights scaring away a Dementor that was inches away from his face... If you want to read ahead, go to pat reon.com/lazywizard And Check out my other work A JON SNOW SI

LazyWizard · Bücher und Literatur
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69 Chs

Ch 13 I Passed!! Part 3

"Ah... That was fun," Sirius mumbled with a sigh of satisfaction, it felt great to tease someone who gave such amusing reactions.

"Using problem as an opportunity... Huh," Sirius unconsciously mumbled to himself the advice he just gave to Harry. The phrase kept on revolving inside his mind and he didn't know how much time had passed when he immediately sat up, "Why didn't I think of this earlier," Sirius asked himself excitedly at the wonderful idea that occurred to him.

He immediately stood up and went to where the books were placed, picking up the second one, he flipped the pages until he reached the section with the topic, "How to Drain a Ward,". It was a topic about some elementary techniques that could be used to dismantle some simple wards.

After he perused through the information quickly, Sirius confirmed that the concept he had thought could be possible. So he immediately stood up and went to the place where the ward had shrunk to at the moment, to see if his idea worked.

The first thing he needed to find was the entry point of the ward, so he immediately pointed at the border of the ward and waved his wand in a specific pattern while chanting, and immediately an image of the bluish hemispherical film appeared in his mind.

He slowly circled the area while constantly chanting and waving his wand. It took him quite a few orbits because there were a few fake entrances placed here and there but eventually it paid off and he found the real opening.

"Now for the final part..." Sirius muttered, before taking a deep breath and pointing his wand at the opening, and then instead of draining the power inside the ward like written in the book he did the opposite and fed the opening with his magic.

It was a very delicate process so he used his Enhanced Occlumency mode without hesitation. But even then it took him about 15 minutes of trial and error before he found the correct amount and proper speed to supply without wasting any magic.

"Yes!" About 10 minutes after he started, actual results started to be visible to him, as the ward that was shrinking till now actually started to expand slowly. Sirius didn't lose his concentration for even a moment and kept on steadily supplying the ward with his magic power.

About half an hour later the ward boundary passed the range where it initially was when it was created by Beth, and the second that happened Sirius suddenly heard a pop go behind him, which made him lose his concentration completely.

He turned around with his wand raised defensively and a spell on his lips, but what appeared in front of him made him stop immediately.

"Mistress send misty and said to say, 'Congratulations,' " the house-elf said while fidgeting nervously and continued after Sirius lowered his wand silently, "And she said to give you food and books,"

The house-elf who was a lot younger than Kreacher said while placing two trays filled to the brim with delicious food down on a blanket that had appeared without his notice, and after that, she also placed two new books beside the ones from before.

"Misty go now," the house-elf gave a timid wave of her hand and popped away.

Sirius shook his head and threw the bizarre incident out of his mind, and immediately went to the blanket full of delicious-looking food. "Nothing better than filling your stomach after so much thinking,"

While Sirius had taken a different way than the one he had thought of in the beginning, eventually he had succeeded so that was all that mattered. He looked at the new books with renewed enthusiasm and confidence after he had filled his stomach to his satisfaction, "Let's do it,"


Beth was sitting on a moving chair in front of the fireplace in her home while reading a book about different curses over the centuries.

"About 2 days passed Huh," She mumbled while looking at the clock above the mantle. About 15 hours had passed since she had sent her house-elf along with the food and the books that would be useful for the next part for the young man to complete objectives.

And wasn't that a surprise for the old curse breaker, she had honestly never expected the boy to even last a day before giving up, but he had exceeded her expectation completely. The test she had assigned could only be completed by one with an enormous talent in warding and one who actually knew how to use his mind.

The only one who she knew could have passed it more perfectly was her granddaughter. And while she knew that he hadn't used the traditional approach, from her mental connection with the ward, and instead used an unconventional method but that was what made it better because the more out of the box you could think the longer you could last in this business.

She had initially gone into this with the mentality of completing a chore for a friend but the young man's potential had intrigued her and she was finally getting a bit interested in genuinely teaching him.

'How much time would he take to find the hidden ward... Hmm,' Beth wondered, 'Maybe he would be done by tomorrow,'

While she was reminiscing, Beth suddenly felt the runic circle drawn in the middle of the living room suddenly give off a shining light. She looked over and was quite a bit surprised to find the object of her musing appear in a flash of light.

"Oh..." Sirius exclaimed while looking around, "Looks like I passed successfully,"

"You did," Beth nodded without showing any emotion, but inside she was quite a bit surprised as while the first books had been easy enough that a beginner who knew a bit about Wards could comprehend them, the latter books were many times harder and were filled with thrice as much content so she was quite shocked to find that he had still been able to complete them so quickly.

"So What do I do next?" Sirius asked excitedly, ready to take on his next task.

"Go Home and Take a Bath," Beth said while scrunching her nose, but inside her mind, she was quite embarrassed as she hadn't prepared his next assignment yet.

"Umm... I guess I do stink," Sirius said when he took a whiff of himself before leaving for the fireplace, stopped in front of it, and looked toward the lady in the chair.

"Be back here by 9'O clock tomorrow," Beth said sharply, "And this time—Come Sober!"

"Yes!" Sirius said before hurriedly going into the fireplace.

As the flames disappeared along with her new student's figure Beth stood up from her place on the chair with a groan, "Looks like I need to actually do some work," Beth mumbled thinking that half-assing the job wasn't going to cut with this one.


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