
Sirius Black (SI)

A guy was reading A prisoner of Azkaban while walking on a road when out of nowhere he was hit by a truck (It was actually his fault). He thought he had died but when he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a stag made of lights scaring away a Dementor that was inches away from his face... If you want to read ahead, go to pat reon.com/lazywizard And Check out my other work A JON SNOW SI

LazyWizard · Book&Literature
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69 Chs

Ch 14 The Prank Part 1

Third-person POV:

Ron walked along the Seventh floor in a deserted corridor, looking at every cupboard he passed by. He was carrying three different bags in his hands including his own, "Ugh... What does she fill it with," he complained as one of the bags was much more stuff than the other two.

Before long he came across a line of broom cupboards and started walking along it while counting, "One... Two... Three... It should be this one," He mumbled and went closer to the cupboard and almost immediately he could hear whispering and muffled noises from inside.

He scrunched up his nose in disgust before raising his hand and with a wicked smirk on his face immediately started hammering on the cupboard. He only stopped after he was satisfied, the whispers had been scared into silence and Ron could imagine them stuffed in there scared out of their mind which made him want to keep them on the hook for a while.

But alas, they were already late so he reluctantly spared them, "It's me... You can come out now,"

Almost immediately he could hear two sighs of relief, after some rustling sounds the door opened and Harry came out, his glasses a bit skewed and his clothes a bit ruffled.

"You scared me mate," Harry said with a flushed face while straightening his tie.

"Yeah," Ron smirked, "That was the intention,"

Hermione came out blushing while trying to hide her face in her hair and looking anywhere but up. She took a deep breath and decided that she was just going to ignore what happened and move on.

"Here," Ron said while giving each of his friends their respective bags.

"Thanks, Ron,"

"But How did you umm...find us, Mate," Harry asked hesitatingly.

"I took a look at The Marauder's map before leaving the dormitory," Ron said while walking back the way he came, "And besides you always choose somewhere along this corridor for your "Rendezvous," Ron quoted with his hands.

"I don't always choose—"Harry started but Hermione elbowed him in the stomach and stopped him short.

"Yeah, you do," Ron said while walking ahead of them and ignoring the lover's quarrel behind him, "And the only reason I came to find you two was that I don't want to be late to Snape's class again, and go to another detention. That bastard" "Ron" Hermione chided but he ignored her, "That bastard just gives all three of us detention whether I am late or not,"

Hermione and Harry guiltily exchanged glances with each other while Ron went on, "And I don't how you managed to get Hermione late to class. I thought that was impossible," He finished while shaking his head.

Sirius corrupted Harry with the stories of his various conquest during Hogwarts and he glorified them so much, that now that Harry got a girlfriend of his own, he was tempted to try all those things with his girlfriend, which in turn corrupted Hermione. IT WAS A CYCLE OF CORRUPTION.

"Well, What can I say," Harry said while smirking like a certain dogfather, "Maybe I am just that good,"

Hermione immediately hit Harry with the full force of her very heavy bag, "Ow! Ow!", Ron started to laugh but it died in his throat when she turned her eyes on him and he just raised his hands in a silent surrender, "Hey, don't look at me. I didn't do anything,"

Hermione humphed before moving toward the front, and Harry and Ron exchanged glances with each other that only boys could understand before catching up with her.

"This place has got to be the farthest one from Snape's classroom," Ron said while groaning when the route appeared neverending, "Did you have a nightmare or something that Snape caught you in the act? Is that why you chose this place," Ron said while chuckling, but when he turned his head he found that Harry had stopped in place while looking ahead with wide eyes.

"Wait don't tell me it's true," Ron asked disbelievingly, "So that's why you were so pale when you came out of the cupboard. You thought I was Snape—That's hilarious!" Ron started laughing.

"Hey, don't laugh," Harry hissed, "I was really scared! I thought I had a heart attack," That made Ron laugh even harder.

When Harry looked ahead he noticed Hermione's shoulder shaking, "Are you laughing too," He asked in a betrayed voice.

"N-No I am not," She said while shaking her head but the suppressed smile on her face denied what her mouth was saying. Hermione changed the subject hurriedly before Harry could say anything, "Ron! I thought you were with Lavender. What happened with that,"

"Oh that," Ron said while looking ahead, "We completed the dress Robes a bit early, so we decided to leave," he tried to say it unconcernedly but his lips involuntarily twitching into a smile gave him away.

"Well then," Hermione asked with a smile, "Come on Show us!"

They stopped in the middle of the corridor and Ron took a long elegant black robe out of his bag with care. The thing actually looked like something straight out of a fashion magazine, It had a sleek design and was mostly in black color with minimal red thread on the borders here and there using stitches.

"Oh wow," Hermione said while running her hands along it with wide eyes, "It looks so pretty... I didn't know lavender was so talented,"

"Yeah Mate," Harry said while patting Ron with a grin, "I think it looks better than mine now,"

"Hehe... Thanks,"

"Wait a minute," Hermione said while narrowing her eyes at Ron, "You are blushing too much for it to be just about the dress, something else must have happened,"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ron said while looking away with his face turning the color of his hair which was a dead giveaway.

"Come On," Harry said while poking Ron's ribs with his fingers, "Tell us,"

Both of them kept on pestering Ron until he finally gave up, "Alright! Alright! Geez," He said before looking at the eager faces of his best friends and started, "Well after she was done with the final touches on the Robes, she asked me to try them on... So I did," He said while scratching his face, "And well... she told me that I looked really good in them,"

Ron had a silly smile on his face at this point, "One thing led to another and she asked me who I was taking to the yule ball... And It took some courage but I asked her—"I was hoping you... If you become my girlfriend..." he said while gesturing with his hands, "and fortunately for me, she said Yes,"

"That's Awesome Mate," Harry said with a huge smile on his face.

"Really I am happy for you," Hermione said while looking at Ron in a bit of awe,"I didn't know you had it in you, Ron,"

"I had no idea you had a romantic inside you, Ron," Harry said with a grin before he deepened his voice and said trying to imitate how Ron must have said it while gesturing with his hand, "I was hoping you..." he couldn't keep his face serious for even a moment and started laughing.

"Maybe you should take lessons from Ron now, Harry," Hermione teased.

Fortunately for Ron, before Harry and Hermione could embarrass him and turn him any more red, a voice interrupted from behind them, "What are you giggling about, Potter!"


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