
Simple Travelling Merchant

Autor: Bobmon
Anime & Comics
Laufend · 170.3K Ansichten
  • 8 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is Simple Travelling Merchant

Lesen Sie den Roman Simple Travelling Merchant des Autors Bobmon, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Greetings, kind traveller. I am Suel, but many know me as the red-cloaked bastard. My wares carry secrets and wonders from many realms.Until our paths cross once more, kind traveller....


Greetings, kind traveller. I am Suel, but many know me as the red-cloaked bastard. My wares carry secrets and wonders from many realms. Until our paths cross once more, kind traveller.

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Good grammar and writing, maybe annoying mc for you? but worst of all the story basically starts halfway through with zero context and a well established op mc with everything already. danmachi fic tho!


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This is the first time I’ve seen MC being merchant that travel through the multiverse. This will be a very interesting story because MC seem just having fun and trolling people and making them think about what’s the meaning life when he speaks to them. Thank you for the opportunity to allow me to read this novel to experience this wonderful and unique story.


doing this cause there's someone who is 1 staring because of the word count chapter. while I dislike word count chapters, i hate people do reveiw negatively without any type of input.


The only 3 chapters I read were nice and funny, recommended .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................


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