Grass dies beneath my feet, the shower swerves to avoid me. my neckbeard grows back seconds after a shave and I don't even need adblock to repel the single mothers 1km away. I am Giga. I am Weeb. - 🗿
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For the record, being concise is important too. And ChatGPT or other AI descriptions are really long and abrupt because their more focused on describing than the context of the scene. There's a middleground. Other thing to focus on, dialogue.
PLEASE clean up that forensics nightmare 💀
your not gonna get major traction unless you release dailyish for 2 weeks and keep it fairly consistent after minimum
system puppets MC, has awful layout and has an active warped deity manipulating it and him. Basically MC is forced to be a loser (literally permanently obese?) and has no independence. also gets way too many stats from literally in fast food. literally couldn't be worse plot or balance wise. every second sentence is a massive red flag from a writing perspective and the first chapter is a word dump.
you literally cannot get obese unless you are eating copius amounts of food. Irrefutable thermodynamics. even with the worst actual genetic conditions that radically changes how you're body actually processes food (not it's efficiency rate because thats nigh identical among everyone, again thermodynamics) you will at most be chubby/fat than obese with a proper diet. and those conditions are like 1 in 100 million+ with few documented cases.
of could simplify and have false emotions that appear with brief memories of the future. like that korean novel where mc sends his feelings/emotions back in time and his gut instincts help him get opportunities avoid tragedies.
MC could use it on multiple people at once so they all 'realise' they're regressors and work together to enable his goals. make himself a martyr/hero/sage/lover in the future timeline. maybe he sent them back in time as a final sacrifice. (truly the MC is a saint and would never manipulate anyone guys). imitate the effect of kotoamatsukami but way cooler and fun storywise than instant loyalty. you'd have to work with POVs though.
based off Seth1snoisage's false reincarnation. false regressor. make someone wake up with a fake set of memories of the future that shows them interacting with MC or dying but being caught in a fake 'regressor jutsu' or banished by kamui while under a time justu. anything to validate and justify their regression. even better because MC can use canon events to legitamise the genjutsu making it appear even more real. used properly you could imitate the effects of kotoamatsukami. Example plot. turning konan into an ally by showing her events of the real future, akatsukis plan backfiring, faking that her current allies etc. nagato/pain is secretly insane evil and will kill her if she reveals the truth and of course the MC being a hero who enacted her dream of ending all suffering. because it's a dream effect and naturally ends it's nigh impossible to prove it was a genjustu after waking up, especially when the regressor deja vu sets in.
chimera seal. incorporate genetics of others into oneself, through sampling or sealing them/their chakra.
only if mc doesn't stay a child (and act like one) for 100 chapters.