
Simple Travelling Merchant

Greetings, kind traveller. I am Suel, but many know me as the red-cloaked bastard. My wares carry secrets and wonders from many realms. Until our paths cross once more, kind traveller.

Bobmon · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Fateful meeting

- Suel –

"Suel, now that we are in Orario, I want to ask you something." Said Zald with some seriousness that made Suel stop in his steps.

They were currently on their way to the market square to set up the stall for the day. They had a good night's sleep at a cheap and affordable inn they found last night. Their current goal would be to find a house for four people.

After all, they can't keep living in an Inn during their entire stay at Orario. Moreover, it would be simpler for everyone if they had a house.

Unfortunately, they didn't have enough Valis to afford a house in Orario. Zald and Alfia didn't keep their fortune as adventurers, as they didn't expect to be alive and still walking amongst the living.

They donated their entire saving to some orphanage before their coup during the Dark Age. As for Suel… well, let's say he had some complications as a humble travelling merchant.

"Are you going to join a Familia?"

"A Familia, you ask?" muttered Suel as he pondered his friend's question. This is something he never considered since he became a traveller. They were responsible for joining them, making Suel walk around the subject.

It would make their life easier, but the four had secrets they would rather not divulge to anyone, especially Suel.

Suel didn't immediately respond to the question as he wanted to hear the opinion of his friends first. "What about you, Alfia? What do you think? Should we join a god?"

"... I don't mind either way. All I need is to find my nephew."

Suel was a little speechless, but he should have expected that since Alfia's only desire was finding her nephew and things unrelated to her nephew were pretty much irrelevant to her. So he could only turn his head to Zald.

Zald understood Suel's look as he gave his opinion on the situation. "First of all, unlike you, our growth is locked behind the falna system. So, our progression has stagnated, and we can only hone our skills so far until we hit a wall. Moreover, the kid should unlock her potential, or it will affect her growth."

Alfia's face darkened a little as she subconsciously looked at her back with some nostalgia, and Haruhime became a little depressed.

Suel also made a problematic face as he contemplated the situation. Zald explained their situation, and seeking a god to help his people seems necessary. He recruited them to join his little merry band to do all his dirty work.

What? It's not that Suel was lazy (a little bit), but he was foremost a travelling merchant, so what's wrong with recruiting a few thugs to keep some malicious people who are trying to ruin his business?

"However, we don't technically have to join a Familia to unlock our falna." Continued Zald as he noticed the sombre atmosphere.

"Oh? I see…" muttered Suel as he understood Zald instantly.

They only needed to seek the cooperation of a god to unlock their falna, but whom to trust was very difficult. After all, Alfia and Zald are infamous worldwide, and Haruhime's beautiful appearance might attract the wrong eyes.

And to receive a favour from a whimsical god can be very annoying.

They looked at Suel and waited for him to decide on their situation.

"…Let's not join any of those Familia for now. We have no information on those gods except Freya or Loki. I'm certain there's also a black market somewhere in Orario, but I don't trust them enough not to backstab us when they can."

"However, don't forget that I'm a particular travelling merchant. I might acquire special wares in the future. Moreover, we just arrived in Orario and didn't know the current hierarchy of the city. So no need to rush. Let's take our time; if there is a chance, we can unlock your falna."

"That's fair…" muttered Zald as he scratched his chin in understanding. Moreover, from the gossip, he heard there shouldn't be anyone stronger than them in Orario. The current strongest should be Freya's loyal dog.

"But it's a pity our little mascot can't unlock her potential." Said Alfia as she pinched Haruhime's cute cheeks.


Suel was also helpless about it, but what can they do? They can only diligently wait for a chance in the future.

Who knows, they might run into a naïve and kind god or goddess in the future.

"Anyways, Alfia, you can take Haruhime around Orario and look for a house. It doesn't matter where it's located at all, or you can walk around and gather some information that you deem useful while Zald and I are going to the market square to do some business finally." Said Suel as he dragged Zald away and threw a pair of rings to the girls.

Suel gave them the Ring of Seeming, which Suel acquired in his long life as a merchant. Those rings are essential tools for disguise. While wearing the ring, you can make yourself look different, alter your weight or height, or change the appearance of your clothing and gear.

The ring does have some limitations as the most you can increase or decrease your height is one foot, and you cannot change your basic body shape. The ring does not change your equipment's function, or any sounds you or your gear make.

"Finally, we can remove that ridiculous clothing…" muttered Alfia with relief as she was getting irritated by always wearing them.

Suel even saw the relief on Haruhime's face as his mood suddenly became very bad.

Suel "…"

'My clothes are not ridiculous… they are cool! Hmph, what do those women know about fashion…'

Zald hesitated to open his mouth as he sensed the mood of his dear boss but shot his shot nonetheless. "Boss, wha—"

"Shut it."

"My fault."


- Riveria Ljos Alf -

"Riveria, why are we wasting our time in this market? We should be down in the dungeon, killing monsters," grumbled Tiona, her annoyance evident as she aimlessly wandered around.

She wasn't the only one pulled away from their dungeon activities. Her sisters, Tione and Ais, also reluctantly trailed behind Riveria, their Familia's vice-captain.

Riveria offered a patient smile. "Tiona, it's essential to balance dungeon dives and taking breaks. We can't be down there every single day. And don't forget, an expedition is scheduled soon. We wouldn't want a repeat of the last time, right?" Her gaze was pointed as she mentioned the previous mishap.

The reminder seemed to deflate the girls' initial resistance, replacing it with a touch of guilt.

With a sigh, Riveria shook her head. "I swear, sometimes I wonder what to do with you lot."

Tione's expression bore boredom, clearly puzzled about the purpose of their visit to the Orario Market Square. The market rarely boasted items suited for adventurers of their calibre, let alone a well-known Familia like theirs.

Riveria, sensing the group's mood, couldn't help but chuckle. It was understandable; they were still young and inexperienced when it came to appreciating the market's offerings and the thrill of discovering hidden treasures.

"Listen, don't underestimate the market. Besides, we're in luck. Orario is about to host a gathering of merchants from various places. We might stumble upon some unique treasures or items that could benefit us."

As the realization dawned upon the girls, a hint of excitement lit up their eyes, especially in Ais, who rarely showed such enthusiasm outside the dungeon.

Riveria shook her head, bemused. "You three... You might be experienced adventurers, but remember, these markets can hold surprises, and not everything must be about diving into the dungeon too. Speaking of which, do any of you recall how I acquired this necklace?" She touched the intricate pendant around her neck.

Recognition crossed their faces as they recalled the story behind it. The necklace was an artifact that had solidified Riveria's reputation as one of the most formidable magic casters in Orario, if not the world.

Smiling softly, Riveria continued, "Well, this necklace was sold to me by a travelling merchant during my journey to Orario. Sometimes, these vendors can offer more than meets the eye."

With renewed curiosity, the girls exchanged glances. Ais, in particular, seemed to be looking forward to the potential discoveries.

Tiona couldn't resist asking, "Riveria, is it possible we might encounter the same merchant who sold you that pendant?"

A subtle shift came over Riveria's expression, a blend of nostalgia and... something darker. Silence stretched, and her companions grew concerned.

"Riveria? Are you all right?" Tione's voice held a note of worry, reflecting the uneasy atmosphere.

Sensing the change, Ais cautiously spoke up, "Riveria, are you okay?... Is something bothering you?"

A low, almost growling mutter escaped Riveria's lips, her eyes narrowing with a hint of madness. "If that masked swindler dares to cross my path, he'll find out what true hell feels like."

Suddenly aware of the shift in the vice-captain's mood, the three girls huddled closer together. Even a nearby passerby swiftly escaped, unwilling to be caught up in whatever was transpiring.

Confusion and unease riddled their expressions. They hadn't realized that Riveria had such a fierce side to her.

Whoever had managed to incur the wrath of the famed Nine Hell was in for a world of trouble – and the girls certainly wanted to avoid being collateral damage in the impending storm.


- Freya –

As Freya's heart raced and her thoughts spun, she could not tear her gaze away from Suel. The enigmatic man seemed to be able to hide his soul from her, something that never happened before. Her desires burned brighter than ever, a fire she had thought would remain dormant.

This is precisely why she came down from heaven to the mortal world. Moreover, the companion that Suel brought to Orario also startled her since she recognized them and their infamous reputation. After all, she was also present during their assault, sending some of her Familia on the battlefield.

With every passing moment, her longing intensified, and her thoughts became consumed by the need to possess this man, to unravel his secrets, and to make him hers. She was a goddess used to getting what she wanted, and Suel's mystery only fueled her determination.

Suel, on the other hand, was fully aware of Freya's attention on him ever since he entered Orario. His perceptive eyes had caught her staring, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of intrigue and playfulness. He had dealt with his fair share of powerful individuals in his long life as a travelling merchant, but something about Freya was very interesting to him.

As the crowd bustled around them in the market square, an unspoken connection between Freya and Suel seemed to form. It was as if the currents of fate had intertwined their paths, setting the stage for an inevitable encounter. Freya's goddess-like beauty was matched only by her aura of authority and power. At the same time, Suel's air of mystery and his companions' notable reputations made him a figure not easily ignored.

Their eyes locked once more, a silent conversation passing between them. Freya's lips curled into a playful smile, her enchanting beauty combined with a spark of genuine interest. Suel smirked in response to their little exchange as he went one step ahead.

"Hello, dear, can you hear me?" Suel's voice echoed within Freya's mind, a whisper that sent a shiver down her spine. The intrusion startled her, reminding her there was much about this man she didn't yet understand, making her fall even more.

"Freya?" Ottar's concerned voice broke through, momentarily causing Freya to lose her composure. She quickly regained focus, pushing aside her surprise and regaining her goddess-like poise.

"No… It's nothing, Ottar," she replied, her voice composed once more. "You can leave the room."

Ottar hesitated, his loyalty to his goddess evident in his conflicted expression. "Freya-sama…"

"Ottar," Freya's tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.

"I understand," Ottar reluctantly agreed, bowing respectfully before leaving Freya alone in her chambers.

Now, in the solitude of her divine sanctuary, Freya's thoughts swirled. The encounter with Suel had left her both exhilarated and unnerved. She could sense that this man was no ordinary mortal, and his ability to breach the walls of her divine influence intrigued her beyond measure.

"Fufufufu, what an interesting woman you are," Suel's voice once again reached her, and Freya's heart skipped a beat. She became even more surprised as she saw someone appearing in the middle of her chambers.

She was honestly startled but soon became excited as she noticed who it was. It was a Suel who performed a technique to appear inside.

"Hello, dear. Are you surprised? I acquired some neat technique In my long life." Said Suel as he smirked and enjoyed the reaction from Freya.

"How bold of you, Suel~" purred Freya as she calmly walked to Suel full of grace.

"Please be mine." Said Freya as she hugged Suel in her arms and pressed his head to her chest.

"Let's meet again, my dear goddess." Said Suel with a grin as his avatar slowly vanished from Freya's embrace.

The goddess pouted, seeing Suel playing hard to get, but they both knew they had become interested in each other after their little encounter.


- Suel -

"Ah! I knew I was still a handsome guy…" sighed Suel with relief.

Zald: "?"

What is this guy going on again?


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