
Simple Travelling Merchant

Greetings, kind traveller. I am Suel, but many know me as the red-cloaked bastard. My wares carry secrets and wonders from many realms. Until our paths cross once more, kind traveller.

Bobmon · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Business!

- Suel –

Caught in the grip of an unexpected encounter, Suel's thoughts raced as he stared at the simultaneously furious but captivating elf before him. Suel immediately recognized the elf as he met her during his travels.

"Hey, bestie. Long time no see~" Suel's voice oozed cheerfulness as he brushed off Riveria's aggressive collar-grabbing, her eyes ablaze with a familiar but potent anger.

Unfazed by the tense atmosphere, Suel's nonchalant demeanour seemed to fuel Riveria's ire even more.

"…So I was right. You are the same masked bastard after all," Riveria's words held a mix of exasperation and begrudging acknowledgment as she released Suel from her hands.

With a small adjustment of his attire, Suel regained his composure after the skirmish. He recognized that Riveria was not alone.

Clearing his throat, Suel projected an air of hospitality. "Welcome, esteemed members of the Loki Familia! I am Suel, a humble travelling merchant who has graced Orario's streets with wondrous treasures. It's an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Caught between their vice-captain's rage and the unfamiliar scenario, the Loki Familia members struggled to find footing. Their initial impression of Suel was far from favourable, yet their gaze alternated between him and Riveria, seeking guidance on how to react. From this small interaction, they knew they had a history together.

Riveria sighed, her irritation shifting to reluctance. "You girls don't need to concern yourselves with this rascal. While he may be unreliable and a troublemaker, he's proven himself as a reliable merchant who honours his word."

A mumbled protest escaped Suel's lips, though it didn't deter him from studying the assembled guests, a sudden glint in his eye.

A playful grin curved his lips. "Hohoho, you are still adorning yourself with that intriguing necklace you bought from me. I hope it's bestowed upon you a wealth of benefits, my dear Riveria."

With a surprised look, Riveria, tinged with shyness and a faint blush, didn't escape the notice of Tione, Tiona, and Ais. Their awe was palpable as the fierce vice-captain they knew seemed to melt into a girlish version of herself in the presence of Suel.

The trio exchanged gazes as they knew they needed to go to the bottom of this story! They can't let a bad man like Suel take hold of their vice-captain.

Conscious of the stares, Riveria collected herself and turned her attention to the bewildered figure of Zald at Suel's side. She almost missed this person if not for Suel, and Riveria herself felt some pressure from this man.

Somehow, she also felt that this person was familiar…

Confusion swept over Zald's thoughts. He hadn't anticipated witnessing his often difficult boss charming someone like Riveria, a woman of both beauty and strength. Memories of Riveria's impressive power during their encounter in Orario resurfaced, and he deduced that the necklace played a pivotal role in their past struggle.

'As expected of the boss,' thought Zald as his estimation of Suel's strength deepened, acknowledging his boss's hidden prowess.

A raised eyebrow accompanied Riveria's inquiry about Zald. She couldn't ignore the matching attire, a detail that had always struck her as peculiar.

Suel responded with his characteristic nonchalance. "Ah, him? That's Dlaz, a retired adventurer I've taken under my wing. As for the attire, don't look at me like that! It was Dlaz who begged to wear an outfit similar to mine. After all, he's a man with taste."

Zald was speechless but stayed silent. After all, he couldn't deny his boss in front of the ladies… After all, even he could see the amount of affection Suel held for Riveria.

Shifting the conversation, Suel's playful charm resurfaced. "Anyway, Riveria, now that you've graced us with your presence, why not peruse my wares? I'm confident that a distinguished familia like yours will find everything you require within my collection."


- Riveria Ljos Alf -

She looked around the stall and observed some products lying around. Those various items didn't immediately catch her attention, but knowing the vendor was Suel, she suspected those items were far from ordinary.

Yet, something did manage to pique her interest, albeit subtly. It was a vial filled with blue liquid carelessly around that exuded a magical aura that drew her in. She reached for the elixir, her gaze turning to Suel. "May I?"

Suel responded to her with a thumbs-up, understanding her curiosity. It was an elixir that was attractive to all sorcerers, after all. Riveria removed the vial's cork, attempting to confirm its scent, but before she could, a surge of pure magic escaped from the vial and enveloped her.

Riveria and her companion, Ais, were both taken aback by the potency of the elixir. They only felt a whisp of it, yet they felt the power. Riveria hurriedly sealed the vial to save the elixir's efficacity. Even Ais, standing nearby, could feel the immense magical energy contained within those small vials.

"…Can you tell us about these potions, Suel?" inquired Riveria as she looked at those potions with determination. She was honestly prepared to purchase all of them in one go.

Her own little whims to visit the market unexpectedly became a huge boon for her and her Familia's growth. With this newfound opportunity, she was resolved to spend her small fortune on Suel's stall.

Knowing Suel's slippery nature, she understood that any hesitation might leave her with regret. Furthermore, she wouldn't let this masked bastard slip through her hand anymore after finally reencountering him.

That's a promise that she, Riveria Ljos Alf, will honour.

'Hehehehe,' thought Riveria darkly as she looked at Suel with bad intentions.

Meanwhile, Suel, ready to introduce the elixir, felt a shiver run down his spine. He quickly glanced around him with a mix of doubt and panic.

'Perhaps, Freya?' speculated Suel with suspicions as she soon introduced Riveria to the four elixirs from his stall.

"Behold this beautiful elixir before you! This is the Sorcerer's Elixir. With a mere sip of the Elixir of Sorcery, the stars' brilliance kindles within the user, igniting their abilities with cosmic fervour. The constellations shimmer on their skin, guiding their actions. Even their most mundane touch or strikes will turn into magic, becoming a devastating force! It awakens a blazing brilliance within the users, enhancing their spells and abilities." introduced Suel with an air of mystery that managed to confuse Ais and the twins.

Fortunately, they were with Riveria, who understood the elixir's effect.

Ais: "?"

Tione: "?"

Tiona: "?"

Riveria sighed as she explained the potions more straightforwardly to the trio since Ais would be very interested in the effect brought by the elixir. She was confident that Ais wouldn't miss any chance to get stronger.

Tione and Tiona were only slightly surprised by the amount of effect since they only knew how to smash or cut stuff. Ais practically shook with excitement as she used all her will not to drink it on the spot.

Riveria then transitioned into her role as the vice-captain of the Loki Familia, her tone becoming serious. She realized the potential of this Sorcerer's Elixir to conquer the dungeon.

"How much for these?" she asked.

"50,000 Valis each."

'So cheap..!' thought Riveria in disbelief at the seemingly low price. She eyed Suel carefully, not sensing any deception on his part. She had honestly anticipated a heftier price for such a powerful elixir.

After a brief contemplation, Riveria purchased six Sorcerer's Elixirs — three for herself and the last three for Ais. While she trusted Suel's claim, she thought it was necessary to verify this elixir's potential personally before acquiring more for Her Familia. Additionally, this kind of large expense should be consulted with her companions and Loki.

Riveria handed the money to Suel, who happily accepted it. She couldn't help but glance at the rest of the elixir on display.

Of course, Suel noticed the interested stare from Riveria and the little trio as he took the initiative to introduce them. "Ah! Your gaze has wandered to the rest of my elixirs. How about I guide you through them?"

Suel gestured toward a vial containing a crimson-red liquid as he continued, "Allow me to present you to the Elixir of Wrath. This elixir embodies the ferocity of an untamed rage, and upon drinking it, the users unleash boundless anger course through their veins as each strike becomes as fierce as a storm's fury. Their wounds mend as quickly as they were inflicted, drawing strength from the raw intensity of rage."

Tione and Tiona's eyes gleamed brightly excitedly at the elixir's potential as they skipped the side effects. They were very familiar with the emotion of rage as Amazonesse.

However, Riveria wasn't on the same page as the twins, as she knew uncontrolled rage was very dangerous. Regardless, they couldn't fully evaluate the effect of a potion with just words. They would have to test it in a controlled environment.

"Is there any way to mitigate the rage's side effect?" asked Riveria with some hope, as the elixir of wrath would benefit any of their Familia melee combatants by a lot.

"Alas, it would not be called the Elixir of Wrath if such a solution existed." Said Suel helplessly.

"You can only experiment with it by yourself to potentially control the rage of the user."

"As for the price, they are also 50,000 Valis each, like the rest of my elixirs."

"I see… Well, it's worth a try." Muttered Riveria as she bought six Elixirs of Wrath. Suel graciously received the money and explained the next elixir.

"The next one is called the Elixir of Iron, made by a solitary alchemist blended with the essence of ancient resilient creatures that thrive in the harshest terrains with rare metals from the highest peaks of the Ironspire Mountains. When consumed, the essence of the mountains envelops them like a protective cloak, bestowing them an impenetrable skin – a manifestation of impervious stone and unyielding determination. Their movement becomes steadfast, shrugging off the most malevolent types of magic resistance to weakness that would shackle them."

"A perfect potion for a determined tank." Ended Suel with a smile.

Riveria didn't speak any nonsense as she handed Suel enough money for six Elixirs of Iron. She recognized their utility and didn't seem to have significant side effects, unlike the Elixir of Wrath, except for a diminished movement speed.

Suel almost forgot an important point about his elixirs as he addressed a crucial issue: Before consuming them, remember that their effects cannot be combined. Each lasts an hour, and only one can be active at a time."

"I see… that's very good to know." Said Riveria as she understood and turned her attention to the final vial on display.

"As for the last one, it is an elixir brewed by a seer by mixing moonlit dew with the tears of fallen stars to create the Oracle's Elixir. Upon consuming this elixir, the user's gaze becomes as keen as a hawk's, and their awareness expands. Invisible wards and cloaked creatures are revealed, each with a luminescent aura that only those gifted with this elixir can perceive."

Riveria handed the money as she started to feel her light wallet. She didn't bring all her money with her as she didn't expect a devil-like Suel during her visit to the market. 'Sigh…, but it's for the future of the Familia, ' thought Riveria as she coped hard.

Overall, that was a fulfilling day as she bought a lot of good stuff and was already satisfied. She turned her gaze to her companion and thought of something. "Suel, do you still have your wares compendium?"

"I do."

"Can you lend them to my friends? I think they would be interested in some of your products."

"No problem, there you go, girls and take your time. I won't leave this place until night~" said Suel as he sat on his chair, not before asking Zald to distribute more chairs to his guests.

'Life is good thought Suel.


- Alfia –

"Here's your ice cream, kid," Alfia chimed, handing over a luscious ice cream cone to Haruhime as they sauntered down the bustling main street.

"Yay! Thank you, Alfia," Haruhime beamed with delight.

Alfia smiled in response. "No need to mention it. Remember, I promised Suel I'd keep an eye on you."

They ambled along, savouring the picturesque views of Orario, their ears catching snippets of gossip from both residents and gods.

Yet amidst the chatter, one particular conversation piqued Alfia's interest, subtly causing her to eavesdrop on them.

A male god nearby engaged in hushed conversation with another god, their voices carrying over the street noise. "Hey, have you heard the latest information from the heavens?"

The second god appeared puzzled. "What in the world are you talking about? How could you possibly be privy to news from above?"

"Ah, don't you worry about the details. The word is, there's a fresh wave of gods making their way down to Orario."

The second god's eyes widened in surprise. "Hold on, you're serious?"

"Absolutely. Who do you think might be joining us this time? Could even Hades decide to grace us with his presence?"

A dubious expression crossed the second god's face. "Hades? You're dreaming if you think he'd bother to make the journey. But seriously, how on earth did you come by this information?"

A mischievous grin was the only response the first god offered.

A lull settled between them, the weight of unsaid words hanging in the air.

Alfia sensed it was time to withdraw, guiding Haruhime away with a gentle tug and guiding her through the vibrant streets of Orario.


As they strolled away, the chatter of gods faded into the background, leaving Alfia to contemplate the implications of the overheard conversation.

I just bought Baldur's Gate 3 not too long ago.

Really fun game...

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