
Shoto Todoroki In One Piece?!

one piece x shoto todoroki Shoto Todoroki had no intentions of travelling into another completely different world that involves Piracy and Maritime. In that world is where he sees a completely different system from the one back home. Grand Line, Devil fruits, Haki. . . Not to mention, an obnoxious Pirate crew with a rubber man as Captain

Darker_Than_Black · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Another World?

Sand. Shoto Todoroki only realised now that it was uncomfortable and indecent, it goes everywhere and he hated it, most especially when he was only wearing his pyjamas while barefooted on the very surface. Just his luck.

Where was he anyway? In the middle of the desert? There was no way a desert was around the city, it could only exist in some countries that hasn't developed a modern society yet. So what was he doing here? He didn't exactly remember riding a plane towards some other country, nor does he recognise this as some type of quirk.

No way it was. Besides, last time he checked: he was sleeping on his room, not exactly in a crowd of people.

Now all he has to do was to be alerted of any threats, mainly for his safety of course. He had to make sure that he won't have to face any enemies anytime soon-

"Oi! There's a guy there! He has weird half hair!"

Speaking of threats who insults his hair.

Shoto turned around and went to search for the source. He then looked and saw a group of travelling people wrapped up in covers so that the heat of the sun wouldn't burn them. Luckily though, there was no such temperature that Shoto couldn't handle with both his quirks so there was no need for unnecessary layers of clothing.

But his face and body language must have not been so friendly since they started off in defensive stances, one was holding the hilt of his sword, one was ready to kick, and one had his arm ready to throw a seemingly long punch.

And to Shoto, they were threatening him, and since he had this thing called pride, he activated his quirk just to make sure he was ready incase any type of danger arises.

What kind of quirk do they have? Shoto wondered, unbeknownst to him, quirks were basically nonexistent there- just about a legendary Treasure and sacred fruits of the ocean.

Ice started forming from his right and fire enveloped his left, ready for any fight to commence since they don't look very friendly as well, kinda mean and rude- especially the blonde and green haired ones.

And much to Shoto's surprise, they gasped. Why did they? Was this their first time seeing a multi-quirk? Can't be, things like this shouldn't surprise people who are familiar with quirks. Unless. . . Yep, maybe they were quirkless and clueless of the world of quirks, judging by their surprised faces.

Now how far of an isolated place on earth did he reach?

"D-Did he just get covered in both ice and fire?" They asked in disbelief, staring back at him. "I thought the fire-fire fruit was eaten by Ace. And why does he have two fruits?"

Shoto tilted his head slightly, what were they talking about-? Fruits?

"Oi, you there. We come in peace." The blonde spoke up, putting down his leg as the green haired swordsman reluctantly retrieved his hand from his katanas while the one wearing a straw hat only grinned widely in fascination.

Soon enough, Shoto melted the ice that latched onto him with his fire-lit hand while putting down his fire afterwards, his ground now ice and glass altogether- Which was good since he didn't have to suffer with dusty feet any time sooner.

They took wary and careful steps towards him until they stood a good distance away.

"We're sorry about earlier, we thought you were a threat." The tangerine haired woman explained before hitting the three who previously challenged him. "These three idiots were stupid enough to fight a teenager like little kids."

Shoto's eye twitched. Did they just hesitate because he was merely a teenager of age? Sure, he looks young since he just turned 18, but heroes are already progressing at that age, why were they acting so off?

"Whatever." He muttered coldly, his face remained impassive. "Where is this place? Do you know any way out towards the city?" He asked, crossing his arms against his chest as they stared at him skeptically as if they were trying to process his words.

"The city?"

"You know, somewhere in Japan." He replied, shaking his head. Were these guys not updated? Didn't even know cities or quirks? Have they been living under the rock or something? Then again, they were in the middle of the desert, perhaps they don't get much update in such isolation.

"Listen, kid, there's no Japan city that exists here."

Japan. . . City? What kind of person could mistake that? Shoto could feel a headache forming for merely speaking with them. Who were they anyway? Why were they so outdated?

"Fine. Then what place is this?" Shoto sighed, it's better to know his current location first and then figure things out from then-


Ala- what? Shoto was torn in confusion between both mind and brain (which was one), a place where quirks were unfamiliar and Japan wasn't a location. Perhaps, he was in another world? Nope, no way, those things were fictional, not even a single person possesses a quirk that allows warping into a whole new world. Maybe.

"Alabasta?" Shoto just had to make sure he heard it right. They nodded in confirmation. By the looks of it, they were completely serious, no jokes, no lies. Just great. "Where on earth is that?"

"In the Grand Line."

"Grand Line. . . ?" He was utterly clueless, the Straw Hats were feeling the same exasperation. This guy was just utterly clueless. Didn't even try to act like he knows at least something, it would have saved them from all the trouble.

"Have you been living under a rock?" They asked incredulously.

I'm supposed to be the one asking that, Shoto could feel mild irritation. Their conversation wasn't going to reach anything, it's better if he fakes amnesia so that he could garner more information without any further questions.

"I suppose I hit my head on a rock." He lied smoothly, his impassiveness working at its finest as they all bought the whole lie, maybe because it seems to be the most logical reason for his confusion and cluelessness.

"Huh? Where's the damage??" Did the Tanuki just talk? But then again, Shoto saw enough peculiar things in his lifetime to be surprised with talking animals.

"I don't think there's any physical damage." He waved his hand off. "It seems to be more in my mentality, I guess." Great, now he sounds like he's has issues.

"That's not good." The tanuki murmured as it paced. Why was it so concern anyway?

"Anyway, this is Chopper, He's our ship's doctor." The tangerine haired woman introduced, detecting Shoto's puzzlement. "And my name's Nami, I'm the ship's Navigator."

So it has a name, Shoto thought to himself once more, glancing at the reindeer with a pink hat. How interesting.

"I'm the great Captain Usopp-"

"Don't believe him, he's not our Captain, he's our sharpshooter." The green haired swordsman piped in, holding Usopp's head back. "I'm Zoro."

"And I'm Sanji, the cook of the ship." The blonde finally said, a lot more neutral than before, no more signs of attacking which was a relief since Shoto wasn't in the mood for fighting while still in his pyjamas.

"I'm Vivi, a temporary member of the crew." The blue haired woman said before pointing to the perverted looking camel. "And this is Eyelashes."

Before the last one could go any further, Shoto interrupted, holding out his hand to make sure he got their attention. They've been talking about ship positions and names, it didn't make any sense to him.

"Hold up." His tone was cold but the same confusion laced his words. "Why are you talking like you're some part of a crew?"

"That's because we are." The swordsman told, huffing lazily.

"Oh, you're voyagers."

"No, We're Pirates." The boy wearing a straw hat interjected cheerily, his tone bright and optimistic. Shoto could only furrow his brows further.

Pirates. . . Maybe I'm truly in another world? No doubt. But how could this be? How did this happen-

"And I'm Luffy, the man who'll be the Pirate King." The straw hat interrupted him from thinking any deeper. "Join my crew!" It wasn't even a request or question, it was more like a demand.

Shoto sweat dropped.

Calm down, Shoto, you'll figure out a way. It's not like this sort of situation is unfamiliar, right? He tried assuring himself. He has met people with similar quirks of entering a different world, but it was mostly just the dream-like or imagination kind.

"Luffy! You can't just ask random people to join your crew, you won't even accept a no." Nami spoke, hitting his head. Shoto could feel himself slightly in relief, at least there was someone who was rational- "besides, he's still obviously young."

That last part was absolutely unnecessary. Does he really look that young? They seem to be the same age.

Shoto could feel his line breaking already. What kind of Pirates are they? They don't even fit the description of intimidating badass Pirates who steal treasures with an eyepatch and a hook, as well as a sidekick bird.

"How old are you anyway?" Sanji quirked a brow.

"I'm 18." Shoto grumbled, having enough of these people judging him just because of his age. But Luffy brightened at his words.

"Good, I thought you were 16 or something. You're the same age as me, then!" Luffy grinned widely. "Join my crew!" He repeated, Shoto narrowed his eyes.

He was 16 about 2 years ago, he just recently turned 18. He can still remember vividly of the problems that he had to deal with.

"No." Shoto bluntly replied.

"And Luffy, you're a year younger than him, not the same age." Usopp corrected.

But Usopp's words fell into deaf ears as Luffy stared at Shoto in shock, "Eh?! Why not?!" He asked, Shoto stared at him in disbelief before sighing.

"I don't trust strangers." Shoto simply stated. "And, you're Pirates. Aren't you wicked or something? Like killing innocent people for the sake of treasure?" Luffy tilted his head a little; what kind of Pirate was that?

"That sounds more like Nami." Usopp said, earning a smack on the head from the said tangerine haired woman.

"You must have gotten the wrong image." Sanji intercepted. "We aren't those kinds of Pirates who does everything for treasure, and Usopp, Nami-chwan doesn't kill for treasure. Nami-chwan may love money but she's lovely~!" And there he goes with the love tornado.

"Yeah! We sail the seas for freedom." Luffy exclaimed before snickering with his trademark 'shishishi'.

Shoto still shook his head, "What sane person would join a random Pirate crew? You haven't even earned my trust yet." He said. The others could slightly relate since their Captain had to do something for them to join, like freeing from the marines or defeating a tyrant king.

"Shishishi, fine. But I'll make you join my crew so come along with us for now- we're on a quest to defeat Crocodile!" Luffy stated, and from his tone, Shoto could tell that he was never going to take a no as an answer. He hated arguing with incredibly stubborn people.

Plus, he may benefit from it, he might just find a route out of this miserable desert.

With a sigh, he nodded.


He then turned to Nami, "Can you tell me more about the things here? I might have forgotten." And happily, Nami explained everything about this odd world.

Now, how do I get out of this world and return to mine?