
Shallot's Dragon Ball

A normal guy from Earth got transmigrated as a Saiyan from universe 6, what's he to do when he knows that universe 7 will aventually lose the tournament of power? This is the story of Shallot, as he train to become the strongest mortal and beyond.

Nob7 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Busy Month Part 2

A week has passed since all of us began training, everyone has already shown signs of improvements.

After a week of Ki suppression and Ki sense training everyone already got a lot better at it so I decided to cut the time off from 1 hour to 30 minutes in the next week of training.

There wasn't much needed to be said about the physical side of our training, everyone did their best and now all of them are above 15,000 in power level, my telekinesis helped them quite a bit because I amplified the gravity so I'm gald I learned that technique.

I also added spars for our training, I frequently spared with Caulifla and Kale while the other twenty to-be-commanders spared among themselves.

I already reached a power level above 20,000, along side Caulifla, the physical training and the spars helped quite a bit in that area.

I wanted to learn another useful technique and eventually teach it to the other twenty Saiyans, telepathy was a very useful skill to have after all, it wasn't that hard to learn as I already have a technique that's focused more on the mind so I was quite happy about that.

Kale actually helped me with telepathy, as you need a partner to practice sending your thoughts to, or to read their minds, so once we had our private Ki suppression and control training, I tried to send and read her thoughts while she was meditating.

Her training helped her to get a much better control of her Ki, alongside our spars where I actually needed to use the Max Power form most of the time to actually match her and win against her, she became quite a bit stronger, however she still have the confidence issues.

Other than wanting to send my thoughts and read other people's thoughts, I also wanted to have a technique that can help me defend my mind from mind readers, and telepathy is the perfect technique for that.

Alongside that, the spars also helped me learn how to fight with my body and not just spam Ki attacks, Caulifla was trained by her brother on how to fight after all, so she helped me with that.

I also learned the afterimage technique and taught it the the others, it was a very easy move to learn once you understand the basics of it.

I ended up being correct as it took Caulifla a week to learn the Max Power form, she still needed to master it as she had the stamina and speed problem but I believe that by the end of the month she'll eventually master it.

On to stage three of the training, the Ki attacks and techniques, the twenty Saiyans already mastered the Death Beam and Solar Flare, while all of them learned telekinesis they still need more training at it to master it.

They haven't mastered the Destructo Disc but I expected that already as that is a difficult move to learn, Caulifla taught us her Ray Blast as well as her Trap Shooter.

Ray Blast is a move she developed where the user release his aura strong enough to create powerful laser-like flashes, a very useful technique that can be used against an army of opponents.

Trap Shooter is a one-handed Ki blast move, the user can fire several Ki blast that follow his opponent direction, it's a very useful technique as well.

Now a week later, it was finally time for the Tuffles to return and for us to talk about the gravity chamber.

Me, Caulifla and Kale were at our house, it was the final day of the first week of training. There's a knock on the door and as Caulifla opened it we saw it was Curi and Mello, the same Tuffles from the week before.

"Hello Curi, Mello, are you finally ready to talk about the gravity chamber?". Caulifla asked as she let the duo enter her house, they nodded and sat down on the sofa besides me and Kale, Caulifla closed the door and sat next to me.

"Yes, we tested if the idea for a gravity room is possible and it is, we estimate that we will be able to finish the room in about two weeks from now". The duo said.

Caulifla was quite excited about the news. "How many rooms can you make with the amount of resources we currently have?". She asked.

The two Tuffles thought about it for a couple of seconds as they reply, "We have enough resources to create about six of them, however we do not recommend to spend all of them on this rooms for now".

Caulifla nodded her head agreeing with the Tuffles. "Don't worry about it, I already have a plan on expanding our gang and territory so we will definitely have more resources in the near future, for now I only need two rooms".

We decided that the twenty future commanders should have a gravity room for themselves, we can't really make a room for every single one of them yet, however we can make a single room for all of them for now.

The second room will be for the three of us, me Kale and Caulifla.

The two Tuffles nodded their heads as Caulifla continued, "I want all of the rooms to have several healing pods as well as, bathrooms, a kitchen, and several bedrooms".

The duo nodded and left soon after.

"So only two weeks huh", I said.

"Yep!, just you wait once we get those rooms I'll become far more powerful than you!", Caulifla shouted with a huge shit eating girn on her face.

"In your dreams maybe, but as of now I have fifteen wins against you, how many wins do you have huh?", I smirked right back at her.

Her grin only got bigger at that, "Just you wait!, tomorrow I'll crush you!", she ran back to her room to sleep.

Kale sended a small smile towards me, "Goodnight Shallot". She said. She got up to her room as well.

I smiled back and replied with the same, "Goodnight". Then I got to my room to finally sleep.

'This bed is still awesome as shit'.


Author notes:

Not much to say about this chapter..

I updated the Auxiliary chapter and added Kale and Caulifla to whoever want to see their PL and abilities now.

And about the romance, currently it's just Caulifla and Kale, Vados wouldn't be introduce to the story for a while so I still have time to think if I should add her or not, let me just say that even if she wouldn't be a romantic interest she still would be a main (supportive) kinda character, cuz she literally can't do mortal shit I can't have her in the story all the time cuz yk she's an angel and all, she is important (very, VERY important) in the God Saga..

Nothing is decided yet though, I'll only say that Kale and Caulifla are for sure FML though.

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