
A new world.

Darkness. Nothing but darkness.

~Hello darkness, my old friend~

Oh, hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Ender. Once I was a human, but then I died. I thought I could finally relax in heaven but I was wrong. I thought I get to meet a hot Goddess and get some crazy overpowered cheat or many wishes which would help me get the harem of girls from every anime I wanted, but NO. Nothing like that happened.

The next thing I see is that I am standing in some kind of dark place. I look around and see some kind of monster coming towards me.

I panicked and try to run like many humans would do, but I fall to the ground. The monster lands and speaks to me: "What kind of demon are you? I never saw one like you before." I turned to look at him and my eyes went wide. Before me stood a big red demon. Demon, because I recognized him. He had a smile on his face.

"Hello, my name is Galand the Truth. My friends call me, Galand. Tell me what kind of demon are you?" I lost my voice as I couldn't say a word. "Scared of me are ya? Don't be, I am quite a nice guy as long as you don't lie to me. Now calm down and tell me what kind of demon you are."

I started to breathe slower. Deep, slow breaths. I looked at him: "I don't know." I thought I was human. Why should I be a demon?

He frowned: "Hmm, you don't lie or it would turn you to stone. Well, maybe looking into a mirror gives you an idea. Let's go." I didn't have time as he took me over his shoulder and then I saw myself flying. What was the best thing I could do?

Right, I screamed like hell but Galand put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. The only thing I knew was that I somehow ended up in the demon realm of Seven Deadly Sins. How unfortunate.

Somewhere in the demon realm.

I was dropped rudely on the ground. "Hey Melascula, do you have a mirror? I have a guest who wants to see how he looks like." Galand said as he walked into her house. "I told you to knock before you come into my house," said an angry-looking Melascula.

When I saw her, my eyes widened. She looked so beautiful with her long violet hair. Her black eyes radiated some kind of mysterious energy and her skin was so smooth. I think I have fallen in love with a demon.

She turned to me, and I froze. "You must be the new demon born from the darkness. Few are like you. Come, let me give you a mirror." She walked into a room and came out with a huge mirror. "Here, take a look at your appearance."

As I glanced at the mirror, I was shocked. In the mirror, I saw an Enderman looking at me. 'Impossible. How can I be an Enderman? I was a human and now I am in the demon realm as an Enderman. Is this some kind of jock?' I stood at about two meters in height. My whole body was black. To my fortune, I had fingers. I had long legs and arms with violet eyes. "So how should we call you," asked Galand.

A name shot out of my mouth:


It was short for Enderman so I could live with that. "Well, nice to meet you, Ender. As you are a demon born from darkness, we have to bring you to the Demon King. If he likes you and your strength, he could give you a high position in the order. As you are born from the darkness, he could give you a commandment," spoke Melascula.

I panicked. Off all demons, I didn't want to meet the King. He and his stupid war with the Goddess clan were so stupid and unnecessary. Like, come on, just have sex with that Supreme Deity and it will solve all your problems. Instead, they fought for years and no one was on the right side.

"All right time up. Let's go, Ender." Galand took me again, against my will, and he and Mirascula took me to the Demon King.

Demon King castle.

The castle was enormous. I saw many red and grey demons flying around. "This way. You also have the privilege to meet one of his sons, Meliodas, our captain," said Mirascula.

As I walked more in the demon realm, I started to get used to it. The darkness around the castle helped me calm down. It went into my body calming my mind or I would already scream for help. As we entered through a giant door, I saw the Demon King sitting on his throne and beside him stood Meliodas. Well, not the one I saw in the series. He had a grim look on his face as he looked at me probably thinking how to use me.

"So he is the new demon born out of the darkness? Doesn't look to me like he is strong," said Meliodas. The Demon King stood up. I trembled from his mere existence. His presence suffocated me. "You are the last demon born from the darkness. Tell me, child, what is your name?"

"My name is Ender, my king," I stuttered. "Good, Ender. I have a mission for you. I want to see how strong you are. Fight against my son, Meliodas." Somewhere deep inside my body, I wanted to die. The Demon King wanted me to fight his son, Meliodas. "My King, I don't think I am worthy to fight Meliodas-sama. He would defeat me easily," I stuttered.

The pressure got stronger: "I know you will lose. I just want to see how you survive. Now fight." As soon as the Demon King said that Meliodas flung towards me and attacked me with his darkness sword. I closed my eyes and awaited my death.

What could I do? I was a human who had to fight demon Meliodas. What could I possibly do? As I opened my eyes, thinking I was in heaven, I saw that I stood next to Melascula. 'Huh?' Meliodas smirked: "So you decided to run. Clever choice. Let's see if you can do so forever." His speed increased, and I closed my eyes again. When I opened them after a second, I stood a few meters from the demon king.

"Fight me!" shouted Meliodas. A massive amount of darkness flew toward me. This time I didn't close my eyes, growing confident, to see what happens. Wrong move. I should have kept my eyes closed as the darkness hit me and I felt hurt all over my body. "Finally starting to fight?"

I tried to think about what happened. Then I remembered. I was an Enderman. I could teleport. I saw Meliodas attacking me and I thought about teleporting to Melascula. My vision went dark and the next thing was that I stood next to her."

"Teleportation. What an annoying ability," grumbled Meliodas. Meliodas increase his speed, hitting me all over my body, not giving me time to teleport. I cried inside, but I did not want to die.

Meliodas attacked, and I thought about Meliodas back and then I stood there. I looked at my black hand, clutching it into a fist and hit Meliodas into the back.

Well, a hit was exaggerated. Rather, it was like somebody hit you with a feather.

"You call that a hit? Demon babies could hit stronger than you!" shouted Meliodas and went for my head. "That's enough!" I heard the voice of the Demon King and I was thankful that Meliodas stopped a few centimeters from my head. "He passed my son. He hit you, despite it being so weak. Both of you come here." I walked next to Meliodas who glared daggers at me.

"Ender, you have shown remarkable speed for a new demon. You also managed to hit my son, despite being a coward who ran away you still attacked. With that, I bestow upon you a new commandment."

"Do you know which kind?" I asked. I didn't know how the Demon King did it so I just asked. Meliodas was getting furious and the audacity with how I talked to his father.

"I only make one. The commandment itself will activate when it fuses with you giving you power. You will know how it is called and what ability it has. Other abilities you have to unlock by training." The black orb flew into my chest and it felt like someone poured memories into my mind. "So what kind of commandment did you get?" asked Meliodas.

I looked at him as I stoke my head and laughed stupidly: "It is called The Commandment of Cowardice." Meliodas has a grin on his face. "Truly a commandment fitting for someone like you." The Demon King asked what power it has. "Well, it only said that if I don't attack my enemy, I won't get hurt by them." It was the first time I heard Meliodas laugh and the others snicker.

"What a useless commandment! We need the power to fight the archangels, not some coward who sits at the back and watches. What can we do with that against the Goddess clan?" said Meliodas.

The Demon King shouted: "Enough! He has a commandment and will be under your command my son. Train him into a strong demon." I felt a shiver running down my spine as I saw the sadistic grin Meliodas made.

'Oh, what have I done to deserve this.'

Hope you like it.

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts