
About Ender

Ender is an Enderman who has the mind of a human but the body of an Enderman. No, he does not get hurt by water. I will show his abilities in time.

He was reborn in the demon world of The Seven Deadly Sins as a demon. Through the power of the plot, he is given a commandment from the Demon King.

A special commandment which is completely useless in battle. Fitting for a coward like him. But Ender does not even need power as his power level is off the charts and can not grow no matter what.

He is going to be 'trained' (here tortured) by the protagonist Meliodas to be a demon worthy of the demon clan. If you thought this will be a happy FanFiction with everyone laughing, then you are WRONG!

Watch as Ender sees what it is like to be hell. Being a demon has its ups and downs.

Watch how Ender tries to survive the massacre that is called the Holy War as a modern human. That is if he even survives until the true plot comes. And that is more than 3000 years or so away.

See how Ender changed his beliefs from a pacifist to a demon worth fearing.

There are no clocks in the demon realm.

Not everyone can live that long without losing his mind many times over. Maybe his love for a particular demon will help him through the horror that awaits him or maybe he will fall under the blade of the ones he so-called friends.

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