
Life in the Demon Realm

Ender POV

The years that followed were both horrible and happy. Horrible because Meliodas knocked me around the whole demon realm, calling me weak and got mad if I managed to hit him. My happy times were when I met new people.

As a commandment, I had the privilege to meet Derieri, Monspeet, and Grayroad. Then there were also Gowther, who I've met when I accidentally teleported into the demon prison, and Meliodas' younger brother Zeldris. As I was mostly following Meliodas like a dog, I also met his teacher Chandler and Zeldris teacher Cusack.

Chandler was the most annoying one as he had some kind of obsession with my commandment. I learned a lot from him, but the training comprised dodging spells when my commandment was off.

His reasoning: 'If you rely too much on your commandment you will never evolve into a higher being. Even without a strong physical ability, you could be strong.' Since the first day, I tried to avoid Chandler.

I also met Fraudrin who was like a butler to the higher demons.

There were others, but they were not so important. With all of them, I had some kind of bond.

Monspeet was a demon one could have a chat with about the meaning of life.

Grayroad, a demon who like spells and Derieri a fighting junky and a sis-con. Gowther creeped me out as he always smiled like he wanted to do something to you. Doll Gowther was not done so I didn't meet it.

The strongest bond I formed was with Melascula. She liked me despite being a coward and not fighting. She said to me that she likes other things about me but never told me what they were.

It was uncommon, or rather forbidden, to have feelings for other demons so we hid them so nobody could know. With each day we started to get closer and closer but the fear of being found out was too high. We only hold hands as a sign of our love. We never kissed.

Zeldris was a problem on his own. He disliked me as Meliodas gave me more of his time than I deserved. I couldn't complain as Meliodas used me as a punching bag most of the time so I would happily switch.

My commandment was cool if not for the fact that Meliodas demanded me to attack him and then run like hell. Hitting a person disabled my commandment and then Meliodas used me as a punching bag while I had to dodge.

The best thing that could happen was when the commandment was active. Maybe even broken if used correctly. I could shrug off every spell directed at me no matter how strong it was and then sent them back. Weapons broke or bounced off me and spells like the perfect cube broke when I touched them.

I was a pure pacifist and hated fighting so is it was perfect for me. So on one particular day, Meliodas took me outside of the Demon Realm to face off against the other races. I cried and even considered hiding from him, but his glare made me follow him.

This was something I did not know how it worked. Demons had some kind of instinct to follow those who were of the same race and stronger than themselves. You were not controlled, but you did it as a gesture of respect. Something also fascinated me about Meliodas. Maybe it was because he was my captain? He put me into the open world and I walked aimlessly through it.

That was the first time I met the Goddess Elizabeth. She looked like she would as a human, but with beautiful white wings. She glanced at me curiously and decided to come closer as she saw me not attacking her. "You are a demon," Elizabeth stated.

I looked at her surprisingly: "Yes, and you are a Goddess. Nice to meet you. You are the first Goddess I have seen in my life."

She looked at me dumbfounded: "Why are you not attacking me? We are enemies." I was lost. I mean, what should I do in that situation? It was silence for a moment. "I am sorry but I am a pacifist, I don't fight."

General POV

The last sentence shocked Elizabeth as her whole propaganda about demons crushed. How could she not be shocked? All angels and Goddesses told her that demons are evil and would kill her the moment they saw her and now she hears that this demon was a pacifist.

Before Elizabeth could tell him her name, Meliodas appeared. Ender looked at him and was shocked. 'No, please don't tell me that this is the first time he meets her. Am I some kind of demon wingman or something?" Meliodas looked at her and then asked: "You are a Goddess, right?" Elizabeth nodded nervously.

"I think I fell in love," muttered Meliodas. Ender only facepalmed as Elizabeth blushed when she heard Meliodas. Unbeknown to everyone it was the moment that a demon and a Goddess fell in love. "You should leave Goddess. Many demons roam around and are not as friendly as us." Before Elizabeth could say something they heard a voice.

Ender looked up and saw a grown-up man with wings flying around: "How dare you filthy demons stand next to Princess Elizabeth. I will cleanse you so you shall find salvation." "Damm it, it is Mael, one of the 4 archangels. Ender, we have to go, now!" cursed Meliodas. He didn't have to tell him twice as Ender started to run away from Mael.

Meliodas just shook his head: "Why does he even run? His commandment will protect him and he could just teleport away with me. Maybe his stupidity is the justice for his commandment?"

Mael considered Meliodas a higher threat and flew to eliminate Ender first to even the numbers. Meliodas just smiled and sat next to Elizabeth.

"Arent you going to help him? Mael-san will kill your friend," asked Elizabeth, perplexed at Meliodas' carefree attitude towards Ender. Meliodas just smiled as he looked into her eyes: "Relax. Ender isn't a demon that is easy to kill. So tell me, beautiful Goddess, what is your name?" Elizabeth blushed and both of them talked.

Meanwhile, Ender ran away from Mael while the latter chased him. "Why are you running little demon? Just take in the light and be gone from this world. Make the world a better place." Ender turned around and started at Mael while pointing his middle finger at him.

"**** you Mael! Your style of talking is so horrible. Just get a girlfriend and have many baby angles and stop following me! Oh, wait you will be ****blocked by a demon, hahahaha." Ender laughed.

Mael's face darkened: "How dare you say my style is horrible. Oh, misguided soul, may you find peace in the afterlife. Blazing sun!"

Elizabeth saw that Mael used one of his attacks on Ender and became worried. Ender was the first demon who was nice to her, and she didn't want him to die. "Have trust in Ender. He will survive. I know that better than anyone else," reassured Meliodas.

Ender looked at the sun as it came closer to him. It reminded him of Escanor's ability. Before the sun could touch Ender it flew with double its speed to Mael. Mael dodged his attack. "You dare to attack me with my glorious attack? You sinful demon. My beautiful grace shall erase your existence in this world. Now, I will smite thee!"

Ender just looked to escape, completely forgetting about his commandments effect. Seeing Meliodas talking with Elizabeth, Ender decided to run to them so they could finally leave.

While running Ender glanced at Mael: "You talk like Shakspere, shame on you as you defile his name." Mael was fuming and increased his power level while trowing suns at Ender.

Meliodas had a nice chat with Elizabeth. It was love at first sight and he could forever talk with her if it wasn't for the wailing of Ender who ran to them while being uselessly bombarded by Mael attacks.

"Meliodas-sama please let us leave. I had enough of this Shakspere wannabee. I want to go home," Ender cried.

Meliodas did not understand who Shakspere was but seeing Mael's face was enough to know that the latter hated to be called that.

Meliodas turned to Elizabeth, kissing her hand: "I hope we can see each other again. I fell in love with you so let us meet here again." Elizabeth blushed but nodded. Meliodas stood up: "Come here, Ender." Ender didn't think twice as he ran to Meliodas. The moment he was next to him Meliodas hit Ender on the head.

It was something Meliodas found out during Chandler's countless experiments with Ender. Ender's commandment only worked if he was attacked with something that could harm him, which was mostly everything considering how weak Ender was, or if the Enderman considered it a threat. A normal friendly hit was not considered evil or harmful.

"Stop running like a scared demon, oh wait you are one. Now teleport us back to the demon realm before we get hit by the fuming archangel." Mael started to form a gigantic sun, but it was too late as both demons were gone.

And that my fellow demons were how I became the wingman and a horse for Meliodas and Elizabeth love life.

I saw that many people are reading my new Fanfiction so I post another chapter to see if my work is appreciated.

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts