
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

The feeling of being betrayed(2)

Sadie Xia frowned and suggested, "Why don't we have the police issue an investigation notice and expose Carl Edwards' crimes directly?"

Oliver Ford immediately nodded. "That's a good idea. We can use it to crush Carl Edwards' parents."

Jane smiled. "Okay, I'll contact the police station right now."

Carl Edwards' crime was a foregone conclusion, and she had provided ample evidence. The notice could be issued to explain the situation, but it required two days to apply to the higher authorities.

"Jane, if you're okay in these two days, don't go out. Don't let Carl Edwards' parents catch you. They all rely on Carl Edwards to provide for them. Now that they've lost their source of income, they will definitely cling to you like leeches."

Leeches? Hearing this word, Jane suddenly thought of a little plan and smiled, "I'll avoid them."

The continuous online violence is a kind of harm to everyone. Although she had experienced it many times before, it still hurts, disappoints, and makes her wonder what's wrong with this world.

After leaving the hospital, Jane went to see Carl Edwards. But after two days, Carl Edwards had lost weight and grew a messy beard, looking like he had gone through a lot.

When he saw her, he was particularly excited. His eyes were round and angry, as if she had committed a crime.

They sat face to face. He was wearing a prisoner's uniform, while she was dressed in glamorous clothes.

He clenched his fists, with bulging veins, as if he wanted to punch her.

"Carl Edwards, when I started recording at 18, you became my manager. For a full seven years, I trusted you completely. I left all affairs to you, and I didn't hide anything from you in my private life..."

At this point, Jane choked up, "I never thought you would betray me, or even frame me... it's not a good feeling to be betrayed."

She raised her hand to wipe her wet eyes, and her fair jade hand reached out to Carl Edwards over the table, as if she wanted to hold his hand. After hesitating, she finally withdrew it.

In Carl Edwards' eyes, her appearance was filled with reluctance, sadness, and disappointment, as if he was someone very important to her.

This feeling was new to him; he had never experienced anything like it before.

Jane lowered her head. Carl Edwards had been an incredibly important presence in her life for the past seven years, and she had spent more time with him than even John. She had trusted him completely, so when she discovered his betrayal, she was devastated.

But her sorrow couldn't change the facts.

He had ultimately become her adversary.

She had come today with a purpose.

"This is a six million dollar check," she took a check out of her bag and showed it to Carl Edwards. "I know you still owe over five million in gambling debts outside, and this money is just enough to pay it off. You can use the rest to take care of your parents in their old age."

Carl Edwards raised his eyebrows. Before, he had thought Jane was just a pretty, talented, and wealthy girl. However, recent events had changed his perception of her.

She was not only pretty and talented but also intelligent.

"What are your conditions?" She had not leaked any information when she sent him to jail, and he couldn't believe she would give him six million for no reason.

Her sweet words and tears before were just to move him, and he was indeed moved.

"As long as you provide me with information about Alice Garcia, this money is yours," Jane paused and a cold glint flashed in her eyes. "Including the incident where you and Stella Ford were hired by her to falsely accuse me in the United States, the night when you drugged me, or any other harm you have caused me that I am not aware of yet..."