
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

A small plan(1)

Carl Edwards suddenly sneered and raised his eyebrows, "Are you planning to bribe me with this six million?"

Jane stared at Carl Edwards, who looked strange and cold, seeming unmoved by her sincere words.

It seemed that her heartfelt talk just now had not affected him at all. But then again, he had embezzled millions from her without any guilt, so how could she expect to easily sway him?

Maybe she was too naive.

"If you insist on thinking that way, I can't do anything about it," she paused for a moment, her tone less gentle than before, becoming rigid. "But considering your current situation, you should be aware that you'll be in prison for at least a few decades. You'll have food and shelter, but what about your parents?"

Carl Edwards stared directly at Jane, then suddenly leaned closer to her and spoke in a low voice, "In addition to this six million, promise me one more condition, and I'll do as you say."

"What condition?" Jane raised an eyebrow.

Carl Edwards's face slowly showed a wicked expression, "Let me sleep with you for one night. Just one night, and you can easily bring down Alice Garcia as you said."

Jane looked shocked, never expecting that Carl Edwards, in prison, would still propose such a condition. It was simply unscrupulous.

Anger caused her to tighten her lips, and her eyes were full of coldness.

She realized that negotiating with Carl Edwards was an insult to herself!

She tightened her bag, John stood up, and as Jane was about to leave, Carl Edwards couldn't help but shout at her, "You put me in jail, and I just want to sleep with you, what's wrong with that? You can have a son with a wild man and sleep with Mr. Green the pig, but you can't sleep with me?"

She coldly looked at the angry Carl Edwards and asked one word at a time, "Carl Edwards, you have stolen almost all of my singing income for seven years. Don't you feel any guilt?"

Carl Edwards sneered dismissively, "You're a rich girl or a wealthy woman. You can still live a noble life without this money. You want to force me to take your money, shouldn't you be the one feeling guilty?"

Jane heard this strange theory for the first time, so what if she was a rich girl? Her parents chased fame and fortune all day long, rarely caring about her, and her marriage was just a tool for them to climb the social ladder.

Being a wealthy lady sounds nice, but who knows the bitterness behind it?

She had been married to John for five years, and her mother-in-law never looked at her directly. Behind her back, she was even called a shameful adulteress, and no one believed her, including her husband.

Who could she talk to about these pains?

This life full of intrigue and deceit was not her ideal life at all.

If she could choose, she would rather be a daughter of an ordinary family, work a nine-to-five job, be filial to her parents, and live a simple life.

As for money, she always felt that what she earned was hers, not something to be stolen or robbed.

"You are just like your parents." Carl Edwards's strange words about his parents and sister came to mind, and it was not surprising that he could say such things.

Carl Edwards was stunned for a moment. The family background was a thorn in his heart, but now it was exposed by Jane so blatantly that he was angry and his face twisted. He spoke even more harshly, "Jane, if you don't agree to my conditions, don't expect me to help you."

Jane gave a cold smile. "I don't need your help."

After coming out of the detention center, Jane felt like there was a haze over her heart, making it hard for her to breathe. Even if it was a dog, seven years of companionship would have created some emotions.

She stood on the roadside, looking at the distant sky for a while before rallying herself and making a few phone calls. She found out that Alice Garcia was at the company and flagged down a car to Starlight.

In Elizabeth's office, Alice Garcia painted her nails and boasted, "Carl Edwards's parents can really cause a commotion. They dare to say anything in front of the camera. Now Jane is getting blasted on the internet. Her fans are saying that all the money she earned belongs to Sarah Ford and she should give it back to her. It's so funny. When she sees it, she'll probably be so angry that she'll spit blood."