
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

The feeling of being betrayed(1)

As she turned around, a smile instantly lit up her face. "Sadie, you're here!"

The person she was waiting for was Sadie Xia, Aunt Xia's daughter.

Sadie Xia beamed back at her. "Jane, my sister!"

They had known each other since they were young, but Sadie Xia had always been studying in her hometown or in the capital for university, so they mostly kept in touch online.

Sadie Xia admired Jane like an idol and Jane never acted superior, so over the years, they had become the closest of friends, confiding in each other about everything.

Jane took Sadie Xia's arm. "Let's catch up as we walk."

They hailed a taxi and headed back. Jane recounted the recent events in her life to Sadie Xia along the way. Sadie Xia listened with a serious expression, clearly worried.

Jane's mother had already mentioned Jane's troubles more than once over the phone and had been urging her to come to S City to help, but her probation had only just ended and she had only just arrived today.

"It seems like you've got a lot of trouble on your hands," Sadie Xia said.

Jane grew quiet and looked at the delicate features of Sadie Xia. She grabbed her hand tightly. "Sadie, Alice Garcia is not easy to deal with. My parents won't help me either. If you follow me, it might be difficult in the future, so I hope you can stick with me."

Her tone was sincere and resolute, and it was very convincing.

Sadie Xia smiled back with determination. "As long as Jane is still standing, the world won't end. Let's team up and take down the bad guys, kick those scumbags and bitches."

Jane laughed. For a long time, she had been holding on by herself, misunderstood and defamed, bearing all the pain alone without anyone to confide in.

Now, in front of her good friend, she couldn't help but feel emotional, as if she had found a place to vent her emotions.

The taxi pulled up outside an apartment building. Jane calmed down before helping Sadie Xia carry her luggage.

It was the same apartment that Jane had bought for Aunt Xia's retirement, where Jack had stayed with her before. After Sadie Xia came to S City, she had been living here.

The two of them cleaned up and organized their belongings, then Jane took Sadie Xia to St. Mary's Hospital to see Oliver Ford.

Oliver Ford had previously had a manager, but Starlight had been giving him a hard time. He had resigned out of anger, which gave Alice Garcia and Elizabeth the opportunity to swoop in.

Since Sadie Xia was Jane's arrangement, Oliver Ford had no objections.

After discussing business, Oliver Ford looked at Jane with concern. "Jane, you weren't hurt by Carl Edwards' parents, were you?"

Jane was taken aback. "How did you know?"

Oliver Ford picked up his phone. "It's all over the internet. Some reporters interviewed Carl Edwards' sister."

Jane frowned and immediately went online to browse. When Carl Edwards' sister was interviewed, she said that she made Carl Edwards work overtime day and night without paying him and frequently insulted him. She said that when she scolded Carl Edwards, it was like scolding a dog that worked for her. She even said that making money through singing had earned her hundreds of millions, successfully inciting hatred towards the rich among a group of people. This topic quickly became popular, and countless people called her a hypocrite. Some even said that entertainers like her were the ones that the country should crack down on.

As she looked at the overwhelmingly negative comments directed at her, Jane felt empty inside, unable to express her feelings.

Suddenly, Sadie Xia took her phone and said, "Jane, the online opinions are obviously being manipulated by someone. Don't be upset about this kind of thing."

As the person at the center of the storm, how could Jane remain indifferent to the public opinion?

Taking a deep breath, Jane forced a smile and said, "I've never seen such shameless people as Carl Edwards' parents."

They were skilled at twisting the truth