
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Criticizing her is just skin deep(2)

She's most afraid when he gets angry.

His angry look is terrifying, and the things he does can be brutal. For her own safety, she better not talk back.

The carriage was silent again, and after a moment, Jane thought of something and asked Brian in front of her, "O Assistant, how did you guys come here?"

Brian glanced at his boss's expression through the rearview mirror, seeing him focused on wiping his hands, his expression cold. He didn't dare to answer Jane's question.

Pretending not to hear, he focused on driving.

Jane noticed Brian's hesitation and glanced at John, who was handsome but had an icy expression. She smiled slightly and said, "You're not going to the set to see Alice Garcia, are you?"

According to Alice Garcia's tone, she had been hot with John recently.

"Yes." John raised his eyes, and the cold light shone in his slanting phoenix eyes, looking at Jane expressionlessly.

She thought she might get angry, jealous, or resentful, but she didn't.

She remained calm and silent as if whoever he was dating had nothing to do with her.

Jane nodded, suppressing her discomfort, and spoke as if nothing had happened, "Please stop at the intersection ahead. I have to pick someone up at the airport."

Brian looked at John for approval, but he saw his boss's gloomy expression and the terrifying coldness in his eyes. He quickly turned his gaze away and continued driving without looking.

Jane frowned at John. She clenched her fists secretly, "Mr. John, thank you for giving me a ride. I'm getting off here."

"Brian, stop the car." John's face was still cold, and his tone was not good.

Jane didn't think she had done anything to upset him, why was he angry again?

This guy is really inexplicable.

Brian parked the car and she immediately pushed the door open, but her wrist was suddenly grabbed by John. She turned around to face his dark gaze and weakly asked, "What's wrong?"

His eyes were fixed on her neckline.

She looked down and realized that her neckline had just been torn open by Carl Edwards' sister, hanging loosely on either side of her chest and revealing the middle part in a teasing way. She blushed and took out a brooch from her bag to fix the torn part, but it was still a bit revealing.

John sneered, "Is this how you're going to the airport?"

His tone was mocking, disgusted, and contemptuous, as if she was beyond redemption.

Jane was annoyed and lifted her chest, flipped her hair, and threw a contemptuous look at John, "Even if I'm showing a lot, it has nothing to do with you."

She slammed the car door and stood on the roadside, stopping a taxi with great grace.

John's face turned pale with anger and he urged Brian to drive faster. Brian stepped on the gas, but couldn't help glancing at Jane through the rearview mirror. She was wearing a floral dress, standing elegantly on the roadside, and he blurted out, "Even if Jane doesn't sing, she could be a star."

After all, her appearance was undeniable.

John kept sneering, "She's all show and no substance."

His tone was chilling.

Brian quickly shut his mouth, afraid to say anything more.

Jane was a little distracted on the roadside, thinking about John's relationship with Alice Garcia. If John really had eyes for Alice Garcia, it would be impossible for her to bring Alice Garcia down.

If she had to choose between blessing Alice Garcia and Vivian West, she would choose to bless Vivian West. At least Vivian West had no grudges against her and wouldn't deliberately target her.

Besides, Vivian West came from a top-notch family and was undoubtedly better educated and cultured, and would not mistreat Jill in the future.

Perhaps it was the exhaust fumes from the cars on the roadside, but she suddenly started coughing, feeling extremely uncomfortable and on the verge of tears.

By the time she came to her senses and arrived at the airport, she was inevitably late.

As she looked around, a hand gently tapped her shoulder.