
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

Criticizing her is just skin deep(1)

Carl Edwards' sister replied without hesitation, "Because she's a bad woman. My brother was her agent, working for her for ten years. Now that her reputation is in ruins, she threw him into jail without any regard for his loyalty. You'd be aiding and abetting a wolf-hearted, ungrateful woman if you help her, wouldn't you?"

John chuckled, his handsome face giving his cold laugh a seductive charm. Carl Edwards' sister was stunned, thinking that he agreed with her. Emboldened, she pointed at Jane in the car and continued, "And this woman, she treated my brother like a horse, even though she's so wealthy. She withholds his wages and won't even pay him for overtime. Disgusting!"

"Sir, you should let her come down. I need to talk to her today," she demanded.

"She's mine now. If you want to talk to her, you'll have to wait in line," John raised an eyebrow, his commanding presence intimidating her.

Carl Edwards' sister hesitated, staring at John, feeling unable to act impulsively.

The car's soundproofing was too good, and Jane, sitting inside, saw Carl Edwards' sister's spittle flying everywhere but couldn't hear what she said to John. But seeing her angry face, she knew it wasn't good.

John got into the car with a stern expression. After slamming the door shut, he immediately told Brian, "Let's go."

Brian started the engine and stepped on the gas pedal.

As the car started, Alice Garcia ran over, still wearing her stage costume, indicating how urgent she was. "John—John—" She chased after the car, shouting loudly, but the car's speed didn't decrease. It quickly turned a corner and disappeared from view.

Alice was so angry that she clenched her fists. John came to see her so rarely, but Jane shamelessly got into his car and left with him. It's unbelievable!

"Fool!" She sneered at Carl Edwards' sister and parents. She had expected to incite them to cause trouble for Jane, hoping to delay Jane and make it difficult for her to leave. But she didn't expect it to be so easy for Jane to leave.

What if she went to the hospital again...

So much had happened, and she should postpone it. In any case, she had to act quickly.

Carl Edwards' parents and sister didn't leave in a good mood, each with a gloomy expression on their faces, discussing causing trouble for Jane again.

Alice Garcia listened to their words, smugly smiling to herself. Being chased after by these kind of annoying people was enough to make Jane suffer!

In the car with John, Jane breathed a sigh of relief before furrowing her brow in thought.

She came to the set because Oliver Ford was injured. How did Carl Edwards' family know to come to the set and confront her? It seemed like they had received advance notice and purposely rushed over.

Could this be Alice Garcia's doing?

Was she causing all these small incidents just to make things difficult for Jane?

Cough cough Maybe it was because the car was filled with John's smoke, but Jane couldn't help but cough uncontrollably. Instinctively, she grabbed a tissue to cover her mouth, afraid that she would cough up blood if she wasn't careful, but luckily it was just a dry cough.

John sat elegantly in the car, wiping his face and hands with wet wipes as if he had just come into contact with some virus. Jane remembered the scene where Carl Edwards' sister had just stood in front of him, spitting while talking... She couldn't help but feel sorry for him, after all, he seemed to have some OCD tendencies.

Lost in her thoughts, the car suddenly swerved, and she was thrown into John's arms due to inertia. As she turned her head in surprise, she saw the look of disgust on John's face, and he pushed her away from him with a painful grip on her arm.

His involuntary expression of disgust and avoidance made Jane feel like she was just like Carl Edwards' sister.

She couldn't help but mock him, "Mr. John, I accidentally touched your chin just now, you should wipe it again, and your chest, do you want to take off your shirt and throw it away now?"

John's expression was cold, and he stared at her with sharp eyes like a knife.