

Blaze only wanted to help his sister to see if the man arranged for her was harmless. Little did he know, that wasn't his last meeting with the man as they will always cross paths, especially whenever he was in danger. Problems will then arise once the man started to develop feelings for him as both of their families are against same sex relationship. Plus, his parents' secret about his birth will also play a big role as he will discover that everything he believed and grew up with are all lies.

BlueSapphire_dust · LGBT+
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265 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

Blaze looked at his hand which had been bandaged recently by Hans. There's nothing so strange, it's just that for some reason he feels the doctor is a little different. Usually, the man would say hurtful things about anything related to him. But today, Hans looks so good.

Even too good.

He took a deep breath. He didn't want to think about anything unimportant. Right now, he had to hurry back to the office and prepare Lowells Group's documents before the trial day. Cameron just contacted him to confirm the court date and the readiness of the documents needed by him. In addition, Cameron also asked about his wound.

Jae, who was focused on driving, slightly glanced at him. "What is it? Did something happen when Hans treated your wound? Did he say something?"

He looked at Jae briefly. "He didn't say anything. Except I have to be back in the hospital in two days. And my bandages have to be changed every day."

"Oh. Then why do you seem unsettled? Did you say something you shouldn't have said?"

"Since when do I often say things like that, eh?" Jae smirked. Blaze looked outside again. "Never mind, just drive properly, Jae," said Blaze again.

Jae hissed. "Hey, don't treat me like your chauffeur, Lawyer Schift. I am Lawyer Legarda, your co-worker."

"But for today I consider you as my driver because you have talked to Lawyer Reyes all kinds of things. Drive well, Driver Legarda."

"Yaaah!! Ah never mind! You also can't just stop," said Jae giving up. Blaze glanced at him and chuckled. A Blaze Schift is not easy to beat. Well, except by that woman.

Jae took a deep breath. It had probably only been almost a month since the Siargao incident and Blaze didn't show any signs of depression at all. Well, that's good news. But the bad news, the man is getting more and more immersed in his work. Hell, even when he was injured, Blaze would rather be in the office than the hospital. It seems the man needs a new atmosphere. Or maybe a new lover.

"Hey, how about tonight we go see Chae?" said Jae.

Blaze glanced at him with raised eyebrows. "Chae? Why do you want to go there?"

"Just to take a break from work. After all, you will also be on trial for the Lowells Group case, right? Give your body and brain a rest. Are you in?"

"You don't have any hidden plans, do you? Like meeting a lover?"

Jae glanced at Blaze while hissing. "Hey! This has nothing to do with anyone in particular. I just want you to relax, Blaze. The last few weeks, you've been really tense. You're also busy with Lowells Group's documents. At least give yourself some rest. One night won't make you forget work."

Blaze is still watching Jae closely. Well, he might be able to guess why Jae asked him to go to his cousin's bar – Chae. He took a deep breath and looked away.

"Okay. I don't think there's anything wrong with that either. But you can't flirt with any of her employees! Chae will kill you if you touch her favorite. And I'll definitely get into trouble with her too, so don't do anything weird, Jae Legarda."

Jae smirked. "Okay. Call!!"

Damn you, Chae Schift.


Jacel turned back to look at Kevin. Well, the young man is still busy with his cellphone with earphones plugged in both ears. She took a deep breath and went back to waiting for their parents to come out. She and Kevin had been at the airport for almost an hour, but there was still no sign of the plane from Canada having landed. She took a deep breath and walked over to Kevin.

Kevin took off one earphone when she stood in front of him. "Why?"

"Are you sure the plane lands at nine? There's no way the plane was delayed, right?" said Jacel.

"Of course. We also confirmed the flight schedule earlier, didn't we? The last flight from Canada will arrive at nine. Do we need to make sure again?" Kevin asked.

She shook her head.

Kevin took a deep breath and showed his phone screen. "Look, it's only 8:56. There's still four more minutes, Jacel. You're just too excited."

"Then why am I standing there for almost an hour, eh? Why don't you tell me anything, eh? Oh my God, I must look so stupid," Jacel grumbled.

Kevin chuckled. "I already said that we should just wait in the lobby. We can sit there. But you were stubborn yourself waiting at the door, weren't you? So, it's my fault? So"

She didn't say anything. In fact, she pursed her lips. She is like a fool for waiting at the door even though the landing schedule is still long. Now she was too tired to stand up.

Kevin took a deep breath then grabbed Jacel's wrist. "Let's sit down first. Even after landing, they would be out in about twenty minutes. Okay?"

Jacel nodded in agreement.

The two sat on one of the rows of waiting chairs in the main lobby of the airport. Kevin then put one earphone on her ear. "Just to calm you down."

Jacel glanced at Kevin and mumbled "thank you".


Siegfried gulped down his drink and asked the bartender to refill his glass again. The man sighed and glanced at the dance floor where Cameron was busy dancing surrounded by several girls. He snorted at him.

"Is this the reason he brought me here? It sucks," he mumbled.

Then he took another sip of his drink. Well, he is not a fan of night bars. To relieve stress due to work, he spends more time at the gym or library at home. Siegfried never liked crowds.

He took another sip of his drink and asked the bartender to fill it again. He shook his glass before he was about to take another sip. Only, Siegfried had to put down his glass when a beautiful woman approached him.

"Siegfried Lowells, right?"

He looked at the woman flatly. "You?"

The woman smiled and held out her hand. "Demi. Bruce Lopez's daughter. We've met once during an arranged marriage. However, during the second meeting, you never showed up."

Siegfried looked at the woman's face carefully. Well, it seemed that the girl was indeed one of the women he had ever met. But still, he is Siegfried Lowells. He could rarely remember the names or even the faces of all the women he had betrothed to. He took his glass of drink and drank it down.

"Is that true?" He said as he put the empty glass down. Then he looked at Demi. "But alas, I never remember meeting you. Excuse me, Miss Lopez."

Siegfried left the woman who looked surprised by his attitude and reaction to her. Demi, who felt humiliated, immediately left the bar with a flushed face. He himself is now approaching his cousin who has actually noticed the incident.

Cameron stopped dancing when Siegfried stood in front of him. He smirked. "Well, the cruel Siegfried Lowells is back. How can you be that cruel to a beautiful woman, eh?"

"Don't talk too much, Carter. Are you satisfied? We're going home now," said the man.

Cameron raised an eyebrow. "Go home? Come on, Lowells. It's still too late to go home. How about we go to another bar. Well, a bar where you don't have to be bothered by the stares of hungry ladies. How about it?"


Siegfried wanted to punch his cousin in the face. But unfortunately, his ego as a Lowells doesn't allow his hands to be dirty with the man's blood. After all, he might also be hit by Yvan later. He looked at Cameron who kept grinning happily.

"Carter, you really are crazy, huh," said Siegfried as he turned back to his car.

But his cousin quickly grabbed his arm. He pulled his cousin into the bar with difficulty because Sieg resisted. "Come on, it's only a men's bar after all."

Siegfried stomped his arm. "Men's bar? This is a gay bar, Carter!" He hissed slowly. He didn't want to get into trouble with the men in this bar.

Well, they're almost at the bar. But for him, it's not too late to go and return home. Cameron chuckled at his tense reaction.

"So what? We're just here to drink. And not to find you a girlfriend, right?" Cameron teased.

Oh, it feels like Siegfried really wants to punch his cousin in the face. He didn't care if Yvan hit him even more. Hell, he just wants to go home.

"Cameron Carter…!!"

"Oh, looks like it's Lawyer Schift!!" Cameron exclaimed while he was looking inside the bar. The man looked back at him. "See, this bar is only for men. Lawyer Schift, who was clearly a straight also came here. Come on…"

What the hell...?! What is Lawyer Schift doing at this gay bar?! Is he gay?!!
