
Same Routine in Twilight

Hello reader, I finally read a really great Synopsis and understand the task now. The story follows Gabriel “Sylar” Gray, a villain that has transmigrated into an Amalgam World filled with Horror’s. Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards, and much more. The story follows two separate plot lines, and should eventually fuse back into one. The first Plot line is in the form of memoirs/Diary and little events from the POV of Gabriel, and the second Plot line is the “real” event’s experienced by Sylar. The idea is to create an Alter Ego like Batman-Bruce Wayne, Superman-Clark Kent, and so on. If you enjoy monsters and weak to strong stories then this is for you! • First Plot: Penny Dreadful • Second Plot: Twilight (Planned) If you like the Story or feel like supporting me, do consider joining my Patr(eo)n because it would help me quite a lot. I have not updated my Patr(eo)n yet, but I will do it in a few days. Patr(e)on.com/ikaru5 Now enjoy the story! Art belongs to Daniel Bernal A/N: I hope you read this mate and I hope you are okay with me using your art. I just use it because it is amazing.

Ikaru5 · Filme
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33 Chs

Chapter 07: The Rise of Sylar II (Part 2 of ???)

DO READ THE AUTHOR SECTION!!! I always give an explanation or just ramble there for my own satisfaction, and I would love more communication with you all. Well, assuming you are interested in that.


From here on, the actual story starts!!! Do enjoy it! Please write Reviews, comments, and send power stones my way!


"Dr Watson, please come over for tea once you have moved in.": Geraldine says, trying to play the ever nice neighbour.

"I most certainly will.": Watson replies, not being able to hide his blush.

As Geraldine and Sylar sat inside the carriage, Sylar was looking at Geraldine without saying anything, and finally Geraldine could not take it any more.

"What is it?": she asks, a bit annoyed at being stared at.

"Nothing serious, I am just wondering if you need to flirt with everyone or if this is just you having this natural allure that makes people charmed by you.": Sylar replies.

"Are you saying that I might have one of those special powers?": Geraldine asks wide-eyed.

"It is either that or you are just naturally lucky to meet men that are charmed by you.": Sylar says, before going on: "The Allure, is one of the more difficult powers to recognize, but we can test it out.".

Suddenly, without any prior notice, Sylar jumps to his feet and dashes out of the Carriage at an insane tempo.

He keeps on running at an insane tempo through the night for a few minutes before he stops on the roof of one of the houses, and looks in one direction.

'I knew something awesome would happen, but I did not think I would encounter a fucking Werewolf!': Sylar thinks to himself as his face is plastered with a savage grin.

He jumps down from the roof and dashes towards the beast, the damn beast is out for blood, when Sylar finally reaches it, it has already shredded a woman into pieces, and is about to jump unto the daughter.

"I fucking hate your kind!": Sylar curses as he tackles the beast, forcing it away from the little girl.


The Werewolf growls menacingly while pushing itself up from the ground, meanwhile Geraldine also has reached Sylar's location, but is unaware why Sylar dashed away in such a hurry.

"Sylar, what is going on?": She asks, having just picked up the beast's smell.

"PICK UP THE GIRL AND THEN GET OUT OF HERE!!!": Sylar shouts as he jumps back, barely dodging the beast's claw.

Geraldine realizes that this is neither the place nor the situation for talking, and so she does what Sylar has told her to do!

She runs towards the little girl that is rooted in place, the little girl is watching the black haired man fighting off the big Wolf that has killed her mother, and she is mesmerized by it.

Finally, Geraldine and the little girl are gone, and Sylar can focus completely on the fight that is about to take place.

"Mate, you have chosen the worst time to pop up and piss me off.": Sylar says as he ducks down while turning his back to the beast to avoid the beast grabbing him.

With his back turned towards the beast, he delivers a devastating rear elbow strike towards the beast's solar plexus, he turns around and delivers a follow-up punch to the beast's throat while it leans forward.


"It is hardly a challenge to beat you up, but the most annoying aspect of your species is that you just won't stay down.": Sylar says as he brings back his neck tie into order.

The beast is spewing saliva and blood everywhere, while his claws are leaving marks everywhere on the ground, and on the walls.


It is back on his feet and ready for round two, and it seems the human mind in it has finally managed to get a little hold on the beast.

"Haha, seems as if you have finally got a hold on the beastly part of yourself, but I am going to have to beat you up anyway.": Sylar says after noticing the Werewolf's odd behaviour of not immediately jumping at him.


"Time for round two.": Sylar says as he moves towards the beast.

Sylar decides to start with a right jab, readying himself for the follow-up left body blow, but the beast grabs his fist with its left paw, and bitch slaps Sylar with a right one.

Sylar flies back a good 4 meters, and ends up with his back against the wall, almost as soon as he hits the wall Sylar's body leans to the left dodging the claws that leave behind gashes in the wall.

"Haha, this is oddly amusing to finally let loose.": Sylar says in the middle of the fight.

For the next few minutes the fighting is on going until a newcomer makes his presence known.

'It seems Geraldine has sought out Caliban for help.': Sylar thinks as soon as he sees Caliban enter from the window.

"Hey, Cal, what brings you to this corner of the city?": Sylar asks.

"Geraldine, told me that you might be in need of some help.": Caliban replies, realizing that the situation is under control, seeing how calm Sylar is.

Sylar dodges attack after attack, only occasionally landing hits on the beast's body, but with each passing moment the beast apparently gets smarter, and finally it jumps out of the same window it used to enter the house.

"Cal, set the house on fire! We don't need any humans realizing that monsters are real. I will hunt down the little puppy!": Sylar says as he dashes after the big bad doggo.

For hour's the Wolf and the Vampire play a game of cat and mouse across the roof, streets, and even the wilderness around of London, and finally when dawn is closing in the wolf falls to his knees.

All throughout the night, Slyar made sure to lead the beast stays away from humans, and to neither get himself killed nor be forced to end the beast life.

It is unclear if the wolf is alone or if it has a pack, if it is alone killing him would be a good idea but if it has a pack killing it would come with dire consequences.

Sylar watches as the beast transforms into the form of a man, his bones keep breaking and mending, his skin changing, and finally after a twenty minutes horror show a panting man on the ground is before Sylar.

"Well, I suggest we get something to eat, and you tell me about yourself.": Sylar says while pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning against.


"I don't think I can get away in this form anyway, so let's do what you say.": the man replies, warily back after getting a hold of himself.

"Cliffhanger no Jutsu!!!" — Author

[List of powers: (So Far!)]

[Kum'Boh's — Hypnotic Vision]

[??? — Ability Identification]

[??? — Probability Manipulation]

[Old Chinese granny — Mental Shield]

[Indian street rat — Lie Manipulation]

[Russian whore — Allure]