
Same Routine in Twilight

Hello reader, I finally read a really great Synopsis and understand the task now. The story follows Gabriel “Sylar” Gray, a villain that has transmigrated into an Amalgam World filled with Horror’s. Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards, and much more. The story follows two separate plot lines, and should eventually fuse back into one. The first Plot line is in the form of memoirs/Diary and little events from the POV of Gabriel, and the second Plot line is the “real” event’s experienced by Sylar. The idea is to create an Alter Ego like Batman-Bruce Wayne, Superman-Clark Kent, and so on. If you enjoy monsters and weak to strong stories then this is for you! • First Plot: Penny Dreadful • Second Plot: Twilight (Planned) If you like the Story or feel like supporting me, do consider joining my Patr(eo)n because it would help me quite a lot. I have not updated my Patr(eo)n yet, but I will do it in a few days. Patr(e)on.com/ikaru5 Now enjoy the story! Art belongs to Daniel Bernal A/N: I hope you read this mate and I hope you are okay with me using your art. I just use it because it is amazing.

Ikaru5 · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 07: The Rise of Sylar II (Part 1 of ???)

Hey, my dear Readers,

I wish to greet the [New] Reader's and welcome them to the journey, and also thank the [Old] Reader's for their continuous support.

Sad NEWS: I lost my first patron, mainly because my page was not updated yet and he/she assumed that what was written there was up-to-date!!

I want to apologize for my tardiness, I don't want to lie or mislead anyone into paying!!! I updated my page, and now you can go there to read one free chapter ahead of Webnovel, but please do remember to give me Power stones!!

On another note, I still have no clear idea what I can offer to a patron, and I would much appreciate if some of you would pitch in and help me to come up with feasible ideas!

Also, if anyone feels like becoming a Patron or read the chapter ahead, here is the link!


You are welcome to come and join me! I post drafts for new stories I have come up with and old ones, I have already written maybe you like one of the ideas, and we can talk about them.

I would very much love it to have a community!

Furthermore, I still have not found the time to write Chapters ahead of my web-novel Account (07.03.2023), but I will surely do that.

That is one idea I think works best for my Patrons, to give them access to Chapters.

I mean, everyone does it, and people are happy with it, so it must have some merit, right?

Anyway, Thank you all for your support!!!

[466 --> 506 Collections so far!!]

[134.2K --> 152.26K VIEWS!!! Extremely NOICE!]

[Power Stone wise, we managed to be in the top 100 of the month!! The highest placement is 63 compared to the 89 of last time we climbed by a lot!!!]

Also, please do me a favour if you would kindly go to my profile and like it, I would be really happy!

I want to post a second story (as a way to get a bit away from burning out!), but I would first like to know what you want me to write a fiction on.

Please suggestions here!!! I will choose the one with the most likes.


From here on, the actual story starts!!! Do enjoy it! Please write Reviews, comments, and send power stones my way!


Sylar was most interested in Sherlock Holmes, his life, and being his neighbour would be a very interesting experience.

The house and the money changed hands almost immediately because the Evans could not and would not want to live next to Holmes for even one night longer.

Seeing this, Sylar decided to purchase as many houses in the neighbourhood as he could because to him Mr Holmes's life is but just a mere moment.

As soon as he dies, this land will get expensive and sought after once more, and then he can sell it for a high price if he so desires.

Geraldine for the life of her could not begin to understand why Sylar was so excited to move in next to such a horrible neighbour.

She asked repeatedly for the reason, but all Sylar replied was that she would understand it all at some point in the future.

She just accepted that being a very old vampire made someone have their own quirks, and that in the far future she might develop her own set of them once she lives for a few more decades.

As for the explosions, they were replaced by the whining of dogs, and the dogs were replaced by ducks, they were soon replaced by roosters, and so on.

"My lord, it seems that today Mr Holmes is busy with actual work rather than his usual experimentations on some unlucky animals.": Geraldine noted because unlike most days it was unusually calm in the neighbourhood.

"Haha, it seems like that indeed. I wonder what he is working on.": Sylar asks himself.

"What is the plan for today? We have been for days in London, but we have not found anything out of order besides Mr Caliban up until now.": Geraldine says, she misses running in the wild, and being free.

In London, she is bothered by the smell, by her own hunger, and by their very own neighbour aka Mr Holmes and his eccentricities.

"The plan is the same as usual, we go out in the evening, tour the city, and enjoy ourselves. I feel as if the plot has not begun yet, or something is still missing before the wheel will be set in motion. It feels as if a keg of powder is about to explode, but something is still missing to ignite the fuse.": Sylar says with a frown.

He can feel that something is about to take place in London, call it intuition, a sixth sense or just a hunch, but he is sure of it.

And each passing day makes him feel it more clearly, but he is unaware as to when and where it will start or who is going to participate in the play.

"Isn't it about time to visit Frankenstein? We promised Mr Caliban to support him in his endeavours.": Geraldine says.

"I feel as if you are quite smitten by Caliban.": Sylar says, while looking up from his newspaper and eyeing Geraldine.

Ever since that first evening, Geraldine has been occasionally mentioning Caliban, and she has also been trying to talk Sylar into helping him deal with Frankenstein.

"I am not smitten by him. I am merely feeling as if he is a kindred spirit. He was thrown into this world and left to his own devices. His creators threw him away, just like how my parents threw me away.": Geraldine replies meekly.

Although usually Geraldine is a tough woman, she is just like everyone else, and has a backstory filled with pain and sadness.

She was sold away as a child to the woman that later on forced her into prostitution, and for the next 20 years her life became a living nightmare of being passed around, whored out, punishment, and humiliation.

Some women assume that just because they exist, they have a power or some god given right to demand for things, but the reality of the world is different.

The very moment civility is lost, women and children become the most vulnerable and easily accessible commodity.

Geraldine has first-hand experience about the cruelty of life, it was not a man that sold her or whored her out, but a woman.

She experienced that women are much crueller to their fellow woman than any man could ever possibly be.

She does desire to be loved, to be understood, and to be accepted despite her self perceived shameful past, but she cannot even accept herself how would any man be able to accept her, if she cannot.

And sure Sylar is accepting her and her past, but he does not love her, to him, she is merely a tool, a very useful one.

Later that day, just as Sylar and Geraldine are about to leave to visit Caliban in the Grand Guignol Theatre, and maybe even watch a play there, they encountered a well-dressed man with a limp moving towards them.

"Excuse me, good Sir, but would you mind telling if I am at the right address?": the man asked politely as he even lifted his bowler hat slightly.

"It would be my pleasure to help you good man, just tell me whom you are looking for.": Sylar replied jovially.

"I am looking for a certain man named Holmes, Sherlock Holmes. He should be living around here, but for the life of me I cannot unravel the scribble on this paper.": the man says with a scowl on his face as he hands over the note to Sylar.

Sylar takes the note that is being handed over to him, and he must confess the writing on it is in no way recognizable.

Honestly, it resembles more a piece of modern art rather than a writing done by a human with the intention of pointing out an address.

"Well, Mr. Pardon me, I did not get your name.": Sylar tries to say something, but he remembers that the man has not yet introduced himself.

"Watson, Sir. Excuse my tardiness, my name is John Watson, Doctor John Watson.": Watson hurriedly introduces himself, it is unbecoming of a gentleman to not introduce himself.

"Well, Dr. Watson, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Sylar Gray, and this is my beloved sister Geraldine Gray.": Sylar introduces himself and Geraldine, before going on: "I cannot decipher the note but lucky enough, I have heard of Mr Holmes, he is a detective with quite a renown reputation, and also, our neighbour.": Sylar says with a smile as he points towards the house 221B.

"Dr Watson, may I inquire why you are visiting Mr Holmes? Has he fallen ill?": Geraldine asks, secretly hoping that the lunatic truly falls ill, so that she can get some quiet for once.

"No, no, I am merely visiting to inquire about his offer for a roommate. I have just returned from the war in Afghanistan, and I am looking for a permanent place.": Watson immediately explains his reason, being a beautiful woman has its own advantages, one being to be able to loosen tongues.

"You have been to the front?": Sylar asks curiously.

"For a very short time I was forced to participate.": Watson replies while slightly shivering from the memory of the war.

War, the single most glorious invention humans have managed to master. Day after day, year after year, unceasingly, murdering, pillaging, and ruining lives.

An unending and insatiable monster born out of human greed, but ironically enough it is the only method known to human to bring peace, at least to those who profit from it.

"Well, Dr Watson, it was a pleasure, but we've a prior commitment and are running late.": Sylar says as he pulls out his pocket watch to check the time.

"Yes, likewise. I am sorry for holding you up.": Watson says.

"Dr Watson, please come over for tea once you have moved in.": Geraldine says, trying to play the ever nice neighbour.

"I most certainly will.": Watson replies, not being able to hide his blush.

"Cliffhanger no Jutsu!!!"

[List of powers: (So Far!)]

[Kum'Boh's — Hypnotic Vision]

[??? — Ability Identification]

[??? — Probability Manipulation]

[Old Chinese granny — Mental Shield]

[Indian street rat — Lie Manipulation]

[Russian whore — Allure]

Hey, my dear Readers,

I wish to greet the [New] Reader's and welcome them to the journey, and also thank the [Old] Reader's for their continuous support.

Sad NEWS: I lost my first patron, mainly because my page was not updated yet and he/she assumed that what was written there was up-to-date!!

I want to apologize for my tardiness, I don't want to lie or mislead anyone into paying!!! I updated my page, and now you can go there to read one free chapter ahead of Webnovel, but please do remember to give me Power stones!!

On another note, I still have no clear idea what I can offer to a patron, and I would much appreciate if some of you would pitch in and help me to come up with feasible ideas!

Also, if anyone feels like becoming a Patron or read the chapter ahead, here is the link!


You are welcome to come and join me! I post drafts for new stories I have come up with and old ones, I have already written maybe you like one of the ideas, and we can talk about them.

I would very much love it to have a community!

Furthermore, I still have not found the time to write Chapters ahead of my web-novel Account (07.03.2023), but I will surely do that.

That is one idea I think works best for my Patrons, to give them access to Chapters.

I mean, everyone does it, and people are happy with it, so it must have some merit, right?

Anyway, Thank you all for your support!!!

[466 --> 506 Collections so far!!]

[134.2K --> 152.26K VIEWS!!! Extremely NOICE!]

[Power Stone wise, we managed to be in the top 100 of the month!! The highest placement is 63 compared to the 89 of last time we climbed by a lot!!!]

Also, please do me a favour if you would kindly go to my profile and like it, I would be really happy!

I want to post a second story (as a way to get a bit away from burning out!), but I would first like to know what you want me to write a fiction on. 

Please suggestions here!!! I will choose the one with the most likes.

Ikaru5creators' thoughts