

Godsent_Banky · Fantasie
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Chapter 8 Till We Meet Again.

After a long drive from Tracy's house, Kara finally got home.

"Mom I'm home!. Kara yelled while entering the living room.

"Sweetie you're back! That's nice," Mrs. Katherine, Kara's mom said.

"Okay I'm going upstairs to get a shower," Kara said to her mom.

"So how was your outing with Tracy?. Mrs. Katherine asked Kara making Kara to stop at her tracks.

"Y....y..you k....know about that?. Kara asked her mom while stuttering.

She was totally feeling nervous now.

"No need to be nervous Kara, I'm your mother and it's my job to protect you, so in order to do a very good job protecting you, I gotta know everything about you, about your moves, about your actions like the one you sent Seth your head of security away, threatening his job," Mrs.Katherine sarcastically said to Kara.

"Mom I'm very sorry for not telling you, please forgive me, don't be mad at me please, Kara begged while falling down on her knees.

"It's okay baby girl, I ain't mad at you, I was just upset, everything I do, know that I do it for you," Mrs.Katherine said to Kara.

"Will you forgive me?. Kara asked her mom

"Yes I will forgive you Kara, but only on one condition," Mrs.Katherine said to Kara.

"What's the condition mom?. Kara asked her mom.

"You gotta promise me that you are going to do it no matter what first before I'll tell you my condition." Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Okay, I promise," Kara replied to her mom.

"Alright, I forgive you but remember you are going to do whatever I ask of you," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Yes mom, I understand," Kara replied her mom

"Okay here's what you are gonna do, you are gonna stop seeing that Miss Tracy friend of yours," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Tracy??? Kara asked her mom looking totally shocked from what her mother just said.

"I'm gonna stop seeing Tracy?.

"What did she do to you??

"Why do you now hate her all of a sudden???

"Is it because of the outing?. Kara asked her mom

"No, no, no, no, not at all, I don't hate your friend Miss Tracy, and I can't hate a girl because she went outing with my daughter," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"So why don't you want me to see her again?.

"You know she's my best friend mom?. Kara asked her mom.

"So? Mrs. Katherine asked Kara.

"So I can't stop seeing her mom, we just made up, and I can't ruin it!!!!.. Kara yelled at her mom.

"So what?. Mrs. Katherine asked Kara

"So I won't end our friendship mom, you saw how difficult it was for me before I won her trust back, It took me three weeks!! three weeks mom!!.. Kara yelled at her mom totally frustrated.

"You have to Kara," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Why?. Kara asked back

"Because you'd be homeschooled now, you won't have the chance to be seeing her again, so you better end the friendship now, before you end up hurting her feelings the more," Mrs. Katherine explained to Kara.

"By the time you no longer have the time to be seeing her because of your homeschooling and your career........Mrs. Katherine said to Kara with a pause.

"You will end up abandoning her, and as a result of that, you might end up leaving a huge scar on her heart, one that might be very difficult to heal," Mrs. Katherine added.

"I will give you till this evening to decide," Mrs. Katherine further said to Kara.

"No need mom, I'm gonna call her and explain to her right away," Kara said to her mom sadly.

"That's good," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

Picking up her apple phone, Kara dialed Tracy's number and Tracy picked up at the first ring.

"Hi Kara, how are you doing? Tracy greeted Kara on the other side of the phone.

"I'm doing fine, Tracy," Kara replied back.

"You got home safely right?. Tracy asked Kara.

"Yes, I did! Kara answered Tracy

"So what's up?. Why the sudden call?. Is anything the problem?. Tracy asked Kara.

"Yes there's actually a problem" Kara replied sadly.

"And what's it?. Tracy asked back.

"It's about our friendship, Tracy, I'm gonna be homeschooled now and I won't have the time to be seeing you again while pursuing my music career, I'm so sorry, I really am, Kara explained apologetically.

"It's okay Kara! I knew this day would come, so you don't need to be upset, or take it hard on yourself, and besides, there's nothing to forgive there, you are my best friend and it's not gonna change, Tracy consoled Kara

"So?. Kara asked Tracy.

"So we are still gonna be friends," Tracy replied sweetly.

"Yeah! you are damn right, we are still gonna be friends," Kara replied back.

"Please don't you ever forget me, Kara, keep me in your heart forever, till we meet again," Tracy said to Kara.

"Till we meet again," Kara replied solemnly.

And with that, the phone call ended.

"It's okay!. You did the right thing, Kara," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara trying to console her.

"Thank you very much, mom," Kara said to her mom with a sad smile.

"So Kara I want you to meet someone," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Who?. Who is it?. Kara asked her mom.

"Philip come Inside please, don't just stand out there, come inside," Mrs. Katherine said to Mr. Philip

"Thanks, thank you for allowing me in Mrs. Stewart." Mr. Philip said to Mrs. Katherine while Kara just rolled her eyes in frustration.

"This might be her mom's new date." Kara thought inwardly with a sigh.

Her mom has been having lots of countless dates since she lost her father to the cold hands of death.

Some just date her because of her wealth, while others just use her to achieve fame for themselves, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her mom, her mom might have been so lonely after the loss of her father, that she now has a vulnerability that is used against her by guys who don't have the slightest guilt of using her for their benefit.

She couldn't help but think this Mr. Philip of a guy would be the same person who wants to take advantage of her mom.

"Kara, I want you to meet Mr. Philip, he's gonna be your private tutor," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Oh, my new private tutor!. for my homeschooling stuff, that's nice," Kara said to her mom with a sigh of relief.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Kara Stewart," Mr. Philip said to Kara while extending his hands for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Philip," Kara replied warmly while taking Mr. Phillip's hand for a handshake.

"It's my pleasure!. Mr. Philip said to Kara with a smile, while detaching his hands from Kara's hands, breaking the handshake in the process.

"Yeah, me too," Kara replied warmly.

"So what do you say?. Mrs. Katherine asked Kara.

"He's a first-class graduate of Harvard University, that's why I hired him to be responsible for imparting the necessary knowledge on you, he's gonna be in charge of anything that concerns your education," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara in an explaining manner.

"I'm going to accept him, I think he would make a very fine teacher," Kara replied to her mom.

"Ain't that right, Mr. Phillip?. Kara asked Mr. Philip.

"Yeah, it's very correct Miss Kara," Mr. Phillip replied to Kara.

"Thanks for doing this for me baby girl," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara while smiling gratefully.

"But I've got another surprise for you." Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Okay!!. Bring it on," Kara said to her mom

"Okay, please I want you to meet your new manager and publicist, Miss Rebecca Anderson!. Mrs. Katherine said to Kara with a smile.

"As the Chairwoman and CEO of "K.S RECORDS" I can't keep being your manager and publicist," Mrs. Katherine said further to Kara with a sad smile.

"It's okay mom I understand," Kara said to her mom while hugging her trying to console her.

"Miss Rebecca please come inside, Mrs. Katherine said to Miss Rebecca

"Okay ma'am," Miss Rebecca, said to Mrs. Katherine.

"Kara this is Miss Rebecca Anderson, your new manager and publicist, she's about twenty years of age, and she's here to serve you wholeheartedly," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara, Introducing Rebecca to Kara.

"Hi, Miss Rebecca! it's nice to meet you," Kara said to Rebecca while smiling brightly.

"And it's nice to meet you too, Miss Kara!. Rebecca replied warmly and politely.

"I love her mom, I'll take her," Kara excitedly said to her mom.

"Okay!. It's settled then, So Miss Rebecca you are now the new manager of my daughter Miss Kara Stewart, please take care of her, hopefully, they'd be a public announcement through her press conference in two days' time," Mrs.Katherine said to Rebecca.

"I hope you know your responsibilities as my daughter's manager, Miss Rebecca???. Mrs. Katherine asked Rebecca while looking at her intently.

"Yes I do ma'am," Rebecca replied politely to Mrs. Katherine.

"Okay, that settles it!. Mrs. Katherine said to Rebecca warmly.

"Joseph and Joshua! Please come inside!. Mrs. Katherine ordered the new personal bodyguards she recently hired with a lifetime contract to come inside.

"Mom who are they?. Kara asked her mom

"They are your two new personal bodyguards assigned to save guard you," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara warmly.

"They are high military personnel from the U.S Army, they are highly trained for physical combat and security detail, Mrs. Katherine explained further.

"Okay very well then," Kara replied her mom.

"We are looking forward to working with you Miss Kara," The bodyguards said to Kara politely.

"Me too, Kara replied warmly to the bodyguards.

"My life and safety is now in your hands!" Kara said to the bodyguards while taking their hands for a handshake.

"Hey, Rebecca! please call for a press conference, Kara said to Rebecca politely.

"And please set my interview with Alaric Whittman, and also head to L.X Designs and pick up my dress for the interview there, Kara said further to Rebecca.

And with that, she finally decided to take Tracy for one more adventurous trip.

She tried calling Tracy but Tracy's phone wasn't going through.

After trying to call Tracy for about an hour, Kara decided to live her alone and focus on her music career.

She could only hope for Tracy to be happy now.

Now she has to focus on her music career, after all, she's the princess of pop, her fans expect a lot from her, and not to mention that she also has a press conference and interview with Alaric Whittman.

She couldn't help but write songs for her new debut album to ease her nervousness

After writing some songs, she just stood on the balcony of her room, remembering Tracy.

I'm really gonna miss her, and I hope we meet again," she thought inwardly while sighing deeply.

(Author's Thought)

Hi guys it's me Godsent banky the author of this novel the "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE".

I wanna thank those that have been reading this novel, it means a lot to me for my novel to be read by you guys and for that I'm grateful.

I know many of you have been wondering who is this guy that Kara is gonna fall in love with, well to answer that I'm gonna have to appeal to you to be patient with me about our male lead.

I'd be sure to bring him in as soon as it is time, so for now, I'm focusing on the life of Kara Stewart our female lead.

I'd be sure to keep updating as fast as I can because I wouldn't want to keep you, my readers in suspense.

Please if you find this novel interesting, please be sure to rate it and also give a comment, your ratings and your comments mean a lot to me, it encourages me to want to do better in satisfying my readers.

I want to say thanks to everyone for joining me on this Kara's adventure so far, and I want to also thank those that would also be joining me in the nearest future.

Please join me as we embark on our journey in reading about the lives of these two incredible and amazing characters.

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more and try to do better so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky