
Rise of Android

The story follows a transmigrated individual who has no knowledge of the Dragonball world. He will be an Android with a slight twist. He is mostly neutral toward all the main cast and villains. This a DBZ/DBS AU because I’m bound to mess up with the story. P.S. I don’t own any DB characters or stories other than the OC.

Zeroskii · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 26: Battle Royale Part 2

As Enzo takes down another opponent, the crowd can't help but feel a bit uneasy. They had heard about cold and ruthless warriors, but seeing it in action was a whole different story. The sound of bones cracking and the sight of bodies hitting the ground sends shivers down their spines.

But Enzo shows no mercy as he continues to move through the forest, taking out his opponents with ease. His movements are fluid and effortless, and the crowd can't help but be impressed despite their fear.


Enzo moved through the battlefield with deadly efficiency, taking out opponents with swift and brutal strikes. The sound of his attacks echoed through the forest as he left a trail of fallen opponents behind him. The MC watched in awe, quoting his every move to the crowd.

"Look at him go, ladies and gentlemen! Participant #124 is truly a force to be reckoned with. His movements are so fluid and precise, it's like he's dancing through the battlefield!"

Enzo barely broke a sweat as he continued to take out opponent after opponent. His cold and emotionless demeanour was almost unsettling to the other participants, who were quickly realizing they were no match for him.

"Is he even human?" one opponent whispered to another as they watched Enzo take out yet another opponent with a single blow.

As the number of competitors dwindles, Enzo begins to encounter opponents who are stronger and more skilled. But with his experience and training, he is able to anticipate and counter their every move, delivering brutal blows that leave them crumpled on the forest floor.

*Woosh* *Woosh* *Woosh* Fighters keep getting teleported.

Enzo finally met a strong alien opponent who stood in his way.

The strong alien that Enzo is fighting against is a towering behemoth, standing at least 8 feet tall with rippling muscles and a thick, scaly hide. Its eyes glow with a fierce yellow light, and its razor-sharp teeth glisten in the dim light. Its long, muscular arms end in sharp, clawed hands that it uses to swipe and grasp at its opponent.

The alien emits a low growl as it circles Enzo, sizing up its opponent with a predatory gaze.


The Alien lunged forward with a powerful punch. Enzo, with his lightning-fast reflexes, ducked and countered with a swift kick to the alien's stomach *Boom*, causing the alien to stagger backwards.


*Woosh* *Woosh* *Woosh*

The alien retaliated with a flurry of punches and kicks, but Enzo skillfully dodged and weaved through each attack. With a sadistic expression, Enzo launched a series of devastating strikes, each one hitting the alien with incredible force.

As the fight dragged on, Enzo's blows became more and more vicious, each one aimed at crippling or incapacitating his opponent *Boom* *Crack*. The alien fought back valiantly, but he was clearly outmatched.

Finally, with a powerful punch, Enzo sent the alien crashing to the ground. The alien struggled to get back up, but Enzo approached him, his eyes cold and devoid of any emotion.

"Stay down," he said, his voice icy and devoid of compassion. The alien, cowed by Enzo's display of power, meekly complied and kneeled before him.

Enzo raised his hand, forming a ki blast, and with a cold expression, he unleashed it on the alien, ensuring that he would never pose a threat again.


The crowd looked on in awe and fear as Enzo walked away from the battlefield, his victory assured.

<Scene Break>

<3rd P.O.V>

As the battle royale progressed, Enzo and Turles were both facing different opponents on the field. Finally, a group of alien warriors from different planets teamed up to take on Turles, recognizing him as a powerful threat.

One of the alien warriors shouted out to his comrades, "He's the one who took down our brethren! We must defeat him!"

Turles, unfazed by their words, smirked and said, "You think you can defeat me? I am not so easily taken down."

As the alien warriors closed in on Turles, they suddenly split into two groups, one charging towards him head-on, while the other group circled around to create a trap.

Turles quickly realized the trap and prepared to counterattack. "You think you can outsmart me? You underestimate my power!" he said confidently.

The first group of aliens charged towards Turles with all their might, but he easily dodged their attacks and delivered swift blows to their weak spots, taking them down one by one. However, the second group of aliens successfully caught him off guard, and he found himself surrounded.

"You're not so tough now, are you?" one of the aliens sneered.

Turles, however, remained calm and calculated, and with a sudden burst of energy, he broke free from their trap and unleashed a powerful energy blast that wiped out most of the alien warriors.

"You guys are nothing...I've survived the onslaught of a brutal maniac" Says Turles.

The aliens, shaken by Turles' display of power, quickly retreated, realizing that they had underestimated his strength.

*Snap* Turles suddenly jumped back as his instincts warned him.

Two alien brothers who were watching Turles were quickly spotted. They had seen Turles's previous fights and knew that he was a force to be reckoned with, but they were confident in their abilities to take him down.

Turles noticed two alien brothers eyeing him from a distance. The brothers, named Vektor and Zex, were known for their ruthlessness in battle and had already taken down several other participants in the battle royale.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a juicy target," Vektor said to Zex, a wicked grin on his face.

"Let's take him down together," Zex replied, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Turles knew he was in for a tough fight, but he remained calm and collected as the two aliens charged towards him. Vektor, a towering behemoth with rippling muscles, aimed a heavy punch at Turles. But Turles was too quick and easily dodged the attack.

"Is that all you've got?" Turles taunted, his eyes locked onto Vektor.

Zex, a lithe and agile fighter, quickly moved in from behind and attempted to strike Turles with a swift kick. But Turles was ready and grabbed Zex's leg mid-air, using his other hand to deliver a powerful blow to Zex's chest.

"You'll have to do better than that," Turles growled, tossing Zex aside like a rag doll.

Vektor roared with rage and charged at Turles once again, his fists pounding the ground with each step. But Turles remained unfazed and waited for the right moment to strike.

As Vektor lunged towards him, Turles stepped to the side and delivered a precise strike to Vektor's neck, rendering him unconscious. Zex, seeing his brother teleported and defeated tried to flee, but Turles was too fast and caught up to him in seconds.

"Your brother was too weak for me," Turles sneered, grabbing Zex by the throat. "And so are you."

Turles squeeze him just enough until he teleported.

*Tch* Looks like the Circle is getting smaller and smaller.

Turles contemplated meeting Enzo soon and getting his ass kicked as there are now probably fewer than 20 fighters remaining.

"Humph!!! I'll go down swinging" mutters Turles as he starts making his way to the center.

<Scene Break>

<3rd P.O.V>

Enzo sat atop a hill overlooking the battlefield, his cold gaze sweeping over the remaining participants. His body language exuded a sense of confidence and power, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the chaos below with a detached air.

The other participants could feel his intense presence, some of them instinctively avoiding his gaze. Enzo's reputation as a powerful and ruthless fighter had spread quickly through the ranks, and his calm demeanour only added to the aura of danger he radiated.

His eyes were sharp, and he could sense the fear and apprehension of the others.

'Seems like I have made an impression,' Enzo thought to himself.

He remained silent, letting his aura do the talking. He knew that he was one of the strongest fighters in the battle royale, and he had no intention of hiding that fact.

He calmly observed the chaos below, waiting for his next target. Suddenly, an opponent charged at him, but with a swift movement, Enzo dodged the attack and countered with a powerful ki blast.


The opponent was knocked out of the battle royale with a loud explosion.

Another opponent rushed towards him, but Enzo simply raised his hand and released a barrage of energy blasts, decimating the opponent in seconds.


One by one, the participants fell to Enzo's deadly ki attacks.

As the opponents began to recognize the threat of Enzo, they decided to join forces to take him down.


They launched a fierce attack with a joint Ki attack, trying to overwhelm him with their combined power.

Enzo remained unfazed. He concentrated his energy *Woooooo*. A bright purple light engulfed his hand as he unleashed his signature attack.


The other participants could only watch in horror as the blast tore through the battlefield, leaving destruction in its wake. One by one, they fell to the ground, unable to withstand the sheer power of the attack.

Soon enough everyone other than Enzo in the Area were teleported.

*Snip* *Crackle*

Turles stared at Enzo, his body battered and bruised from the devastating Ki attack. He struggled to stand up, his legs wobbling beneath him as he tried to find his footing. His eyes locked onto Enzo's cold and expressionless gaze.

"Ha ha, you got me good," Turles said, his voice shaking with pain. "I didn't think you would blow up the whole arena to smithereens."

Enzo simply stared at Turles, his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't respond to Turles' joke, nor did he show any emotion. He was like a statue, unmoving and unfeeling.

Turles tried to take a step forward, but his legs gave out and he stumbled to the ground. He lay there, panting heavily as he looked up at Enzo.

"I give up," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You win."

"Fuck being stuck in that stupid healing pod again" Turles grimaced.

*Wooosh* without notice Turles was teleported out of the Arena.

The once-beautiful forest was now reduced to a desolate wasteland of debris and broken trees.

Despite the carnage, Enzo remained emotionless, his expression betraying no hint of satisfaction or remorse. He simply stood there, as if waiting for something.


<Scene Break>

<3rd P.O.V>

The MC stood at the center of the arena, microphone in hand as the cheers of the crowd slowly died down. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice carrying over the hushed murmurs of the audience. "After an intense battle royale, we have finally crowned our champion!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, but the MC held up a hand to silence them. "And what a champion he is," he continued. "With ruthless efficiency and incredible power, he dominated the competition, leaving no doubt as to who the strongest fighter in the Xonzoria truly is."


A spotlight shone down on Enzo, who stood emotionlessly at the edge of the Podium as he was teleported. The MC gestured towards him. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our champion, Enzo!!!"


The crowd erupted into cheers once more, but Enzo remained unmoved, his cold gaze fixed straight ahead. The MC continued, "And what a lucky galaxy we are to have such a powerful and ruthless rookie protector joining the ranks of the Galactic Patrol. With Enzo on our side, no threat will be too great for us to handle!"

<Scene Break>

<3rd P.O.V>

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

An alien spy, watches Enzo win from a safe distance, hidden in the midst of the crowd. He takes out his communicator and begins transmitting the details of Enzo's win to his superiors.

"This is Maurice. I have important information regarding the battle royale on Xonzoria," he says in a hushed tone.

He then proceeds to relay every detail of the fight, including the attacks used by each participant, each fighter's strengths and weaknesses, and Enzo's ultimate victory.

As he finishes his transmission, a wicked grin spreads across his face. Maurice knows that this information will be invaluable and he will be rewarded handsomely.

"Good work, Maurice," a voice crackles through the communicator. "We will make good use of this information. Stay hidden and continue to gather intel."

Maurice nods, satisfied with his work. He carefully tucks away his communicator and disappears into the shadows, ready to continue his mission for Cooler Squad.


Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

Hope you're enjoying the story. Time-skip incoming.

The updates will get a bit slower due to my work but I will endeavour for a few chapters a week.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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