
Renewed Eclipse

Light and dark. Day and night. One against another. This was my history. But then I met him. Everything change. We are on two different sides of a war. But maybe its time that the moon and sun are join. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solaria. Short for solar system, if you're from the milky way galaxy. Anyway, Solaria is found in this Celestial Galaxy. The two are exactly the same, like doppelgangers, but there is a slight difference- living things are everywhere. There are ten kingdoms. The Moon kingdom, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and finally the Sun Kingdom. Since forever the Sun and Moon kingdom were at war with each other. They were total opposites. The Moon kingdom was always Winter while the Sun Kingdom was always Summer. One was dark while one was light. Never to touch. Until me. Welcome to Solarian Academy

AutumnWalker · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Prologue Part 3

 1 year later

" All I want is to stay

At her side for the rest of my life" - Lix

" Boy are you serious

  Cause I wonder

  I'm just curious" - Crim

" Have you ever wondered

  How the night turns to day

 In the other kingdoms 

 It's quite a charade" - Lix

" Why are you changing the subject

 Focus here and not on the object " - Crim

" You're like the star in the night 

   Shining bright, yeah

   You are my fire

  My light, my desire

 My one and only

 The one who understands me

 It's crazy right ? " - Lix

" What is this sensation I feel,

 What is this pull I can't seal 

  When I'm around you " - Crim

 " You make me laugh

   You make me mad

   You're so annoying

   But I'm glad

   Why is that ?

   Wh---" I cut with a laugh.

" How could you see someone

 Like me and then fall free,

 Your heart is made of gold

 I don't want to taint your soul.

This is forbidden and if you confess

 What I think you want say 

There's no going back

What are you planning ?

 I don't know what to say 

 You undid my walls boy,

And now I'm bare " - Crim

" You're heart is like diamonds 

  What are you saying ?

 It's more like me tainting you

 You're soul is vibrant and pure

  All I want to say,

 If not to soon

 In the night you're like my moon -

  What is this feeling ? " - Lix

" What is this sensation I feel

  What is this pull I can't seal

 When I'm around you " - Crim 

" You make me laugh

   You make me mad

   You're so annoying  

   But I'm glad

   Why is that ?

   What is this feel --" - Lix

" You broke my heart into thousand pieces

 Some how you own each, is there a reason ?

 You're such a mystery

 But you're worth it

 This is perfect " - Crim 

" You broke my heart into thousand pieces

Some how you own each, is there a reason ?

You're such a mystery

But you're worth it

This is perfect "  - Lix and Crim

"  What is this sensation I feel

   What is this pull I can't seal " - Crim


" What is this sensation I feel

   What is this pull I can't seal

   When I'm around you

  You make me laugh

  You make me mad

  You're so annoying

  But I'm glad

  Why is that ?

  What is this feeling ? " - Lix and Crim

" You broke my heart...."

" What is this feeling....."

"....somehow you own each "

" What is this feeling ", we finished together.

Lix stood across from me, a look of determination on his face while a grimace painted mine.

" Lix you sang ", I stated. He normally doesn't, saying he prefers to listen to me.

Honestly, I thought we sound amazing and we freestyle, so it was awesome. But listening to what he said - there's a problem. He can't confess. That would change everything.

" Crimson I-- "

" Lixue don't you dare finish that sentence ", I said nervously.

" You can't confess, it would change everything ", I said softly.

" Crimson that's the way I feel!

So what our kingdoms are rivals. They could all burn in the deepest part of hell, that's all I care. But it doesn't change the way I feel. It doesn't change the way I feel about you. "

" Lixue you don't understand!

If you continue there's no going back. Are you sure this is the choice you want to make ", I said a little bit angrily. How could he say such things? What if later he realized that this was a mistake. No he has to be sure.

He took a step towards me but I stepped backward. A look of hurt pass across his face.

" Oh, you don't return my feelings ", he said hurt evident in his voice.

" No! That's not it. This might sound selfish but I don't want to believe. I want you to be sure before you make this decision. I'm afraid if you change your mind. I don't want to get hurt. There is so many girls out there that are prettier and smarter than me. Why do you choose me? Why---- ", I continued to babble on and on failing to notice Lix has gone quiet.

I only was aware of my surroundings again when he was right in front of me. Mere inches away. I could feel his breath on my cheeks.

" You are the only one I want and the only one I need ", he said before closing the distance between us. His lips were soft against mine and a surge of energy shot through me.

Something was wrong. This has never happened before. But I couldn't stop myself to find out. Instead of pulling away I brought him closer, clenching his shirt in my hands.

And that's when I felt it. I don't know how to describe it. It was like I knew ever thing he's feeling. His hurt, determination and last but not least, his love.

His love. He loves me. Tears started streaming down my eyes. He loves me. He truly loves me.

He pulled away, wiping my tears with his thumb.

" What did I do to deserve you? ", I murmured. Looking him straight in the eyes. All I saw was love, lighting up his blue eyes.

" Everything. So don't cry my precious star because you are worth far more than me. And I'll be damned if anyone tells you otherwise, including your inner voice ", he said through gritted teeth, while caressing my cheeks.

His words made more tears fall down. The tears turned into sobs and he started to panicked.

" Crimson? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong? ", he asked worried lacing his tone. He started backing away, riasing his hands. 

I grabbed  his shirt and pulled him towards me, look him in the eyes and spoke the words that was constantly  on my mind but I  was too afraid to say.

" I love you " , it came out as a whisper but loud enough for him to hear. His eyes widen and relief wash over them. He smiled  and before I  could say anything , his lips crash into mine. His hands circled around my waist, bringing me closer until I'm basically  off the  ground.

He broke away, grinning his head off. He took  out a box and knelt down on one knee. He slowly opened the box to reveal  a necklace. It had a crystal crescent moon pendant. It was breathtaking.

" I want you to have this ", he said. Standing up. My hands shoke as  it traced the outline of the pendant.

"I can't. It's  too valuable." 

" You can and you will"

" Why ? "

" Because I love you "

Those words hit me  like a truck. He loved  me ? I started shaking my head. No this can't be real. How could he-

" Please  Crimson ", he begged.

And that was it. I could fight it no more. I can't  keep  denying myself of what I  feel. And with that thought I  nodded. I held my breath as he slipped  the necklace unto my neck. It felt cool against my warm skin.

I glanced at him and found him staring  at  me. Then a thought accord to me. I went into my pocket and took out my necklace. It was given to me by my parents. It had a crystal sun on it.

" Here and before you argue remember  you give me one so I  will give you one too. It would be as a reminder of eachother : moon and night, sun and day ", I ended and he laughed.

He put it around his neck and he looked so ridiculous  I had to laugh. He stepped  closer and in loving tone he said, " Crimson I don't know  what  I  would have  do if I  hadn't  met you. You are my world. I love you. "

" I  love you too. "

As we were about to close the distance, a loud noise rang through out the between. Our heads whipped  towards the noise amd we saw the unbelievable.

A war was set lose. Sun kingdom and the Moon kingdom were fighting each other. I saw my father among them. He was at the front fighting against a.......a woman.

I turned towards Lix and a understanding  past between  us. We got to stop them. This can't  happen.

We pulled on our hoods and I made sure that my red hair was out of sight. I looked out at the battle field again, searching for my father. He and his opponent  were off on a side. Not as close to the others.

" Look we need to tell them to stop ", I  pointed to where my father was. Lix nodded  and we ran towards them.

We stopped 10 feet away  from them. And they seam to not have noticed  us.

" Stop! ", Lix yelled halting  both in their tracks. They turned to us. And we just stared at them.

" Who are you! "

" Take off your hoods! ", they both yelled at the same time.

We slowly took off our hoods and they both gasp. 

Before they could say anything I  spoke, " We don't  have to fight. Please stop! "

My father and the woman started yelling at us at the same time but I  didn't  understand what they were trying to say. My focus was on the arrow that was heading  right for Lixue. I didn't  think I  just act. I jumped in front of him at just the right moment and the arrow went through my abdomen. Everything went in slow motion. Lixue screamed my  name, catching me before I  fall.

He started speaking but I  didn't  hear. A ringing was in my ears and it finally stopped  when a warm glow came from the necklace around  my neck. 

" Crimson please stay with me ", I heard Lixue  voice  and when  I  looked  at  him I  saw tears in his eyes.

" I'm  sorry. I love you ", I  whispered  to him, caressing  his cheek.

" Crim  I  will find you forever and ever, for eternity  if its the last thing I'll  do ", he vowed and I  felt the truth to his words.

I smiled and replied, " And I will wait for you forever and ever, for eternity. "

That was my last words before my world went black.


Lixue POV

I saw the arrow at the last minute. And I  hated myself for that. As I held the love of my life in my hands I  thought, this can't  be the end. Their must be something I  could do. I looked to my mother and a spell came to mind. Binding your souls. This was normally  used in marriage. When your soul was bound, once reincarnated  you will eventually  find eachother  again. I could change it a little  that she would live but we wont remeber anything. No one will. It would be as if we never met. My tears fell. I will never meet her. But I must do it so she can live.

As I repeat the spell her necklace started to glow so was mine and I  knew I  needed  to speak before it was done.

" Crim, I  will find you forever and ever, for eternity  if iits the last thing I  do."

" And I  will  wait for you forever and ever, for eternity ", she said.

And thats the last thing I  saw before everything went dark. The last thing I  thought was I'm  coming my love, I  will find you.