
@ Gym Master

(Seems like I forgot something but since I don't remember what is it, I cannot do anything about it)

Beyond the door that Garcia has just open, I could see a black dressed lady sitting on a stool. Yeah, a stool. There are even no table at all in front of her. Make me remember of when I was grounded by the teacher at school to stand on one leg on a stool just because I did not do my homework. Enough of me, let's get back to that lady.

She was sitting on a stool at one side of the room, more like on one corner of the room, looked around thirty years old, wearing a classic Gym garment with her long black hair tied up on her head. One of her eyes seemed to have been damaged and was covered by an eye patch. She looked no different than an ordinary person, not too tall, but with more of an imposing manner. And she reminds me of a certain Hero's Group called the "Revenger". What was his name again? Nick Rage? Wrath? Anger? Meh, I forgot.

"Welcome back Garcia. What do we have here now?" The woman immediately greets and ask Garcia.

"I'm back Master. I have managed to bring the new member here." Garcia answer normally.

"Really? That's great. Is he the one that you keep telling me about him?" She asks again.

"Yes Master." Garcia answer shortly.

"Good morning. I am Lannick, Chief Security of this Building defender. Welcome to Prism Gym!" She introduces herself to me.

"Good Morning. I am Roland. Nice to meet you, Lan.... Nick?" I got to do that, am I?

"You could just call me Lan. Don't try the Nick anymore next time!" She said that with a scowl.

"I'm sorry. It just slips out automatically." I try to appease her. Or it's the other way around?

"No problem. Actually, you are not the only one who do that." Huh? So, it's not the first time for her.

(Seems like I forgot something but since I don't remember what is it, I cannot do anything about it)

After that brief talk with her, she only looks at me and did not say anything at all. Seems like she is inspecting me with her only eye. Pun intended. A few minutes pass by, and when I could not stand to stay silent anymore.....


"All right. Good to have you join us Roland." She suddenly said that straight to my face.

"Uh, thanks?" I answer timidly.

"Just put your hand on the scanner over there so we could register you to the mainframe database." She points her finger to another corner of the room where I could see another device that we could put our hand on it, and it will scan our hand. I quickly walk toward the questionable device, put my hand on it, and feels it. Yup, I'm feeling it, er, rub it? Nope, better stop my hand and stay still. After a few seconds, seems like the device already finish scanning my hand and I put away my hand from it.

"Okay, all done. You may go now." Lan said that indifferently.

"That's All?" I was surprised.

"Yes, that's all." Lan answer me casually.

"That's it?" I still confused.

"What? You want to take a test or something? Want to use the 'Ring'?" She somewhat sounds threatening.

"Uh, no. I understand. I'll be going now then." I give up. I better not ask for more if I already feel enough already.

"Goodbye Roland." Garcia said that to me with a saddened face. What? Why? Why does she look so sad already? I'm just going to work. Not going around the world or something.

"I see you soon again Garcia." I said that to her. And her looks are back to normal again.

(Seems like I forgot something but since I don't remember what is it, I cannot do anything about it)

After I go out of the room.... alone.... I look back to see at the closed door and I could see the door has a number in front of it. 24. Huh? When I enter this room with Garcia, I'm sure there are no number or anything at it. Where does the number came from? Someone put those number at front when we are inside or something?

When I'm standing in front of the door contemplating about the number....

"Garcia, are you sure he is the one?" Oh? I could hear Lan talking with Garcia inside the room. Huh? The one? What one? Lan is asking Garcia about who?

"Yes Master." Garcia answer shortly. Is it about me?

"The one you keep telling me about? Him? The one?" She kind of berate Garcia. Well excuse me if I'm not like the one who you hope for.

"Yes Master." Garcia answer shortly again.

"The one who manage to run away from you and then failed to escape again?" Uh, not that kind of reputation again. Might as well just call me a coward.

"Yes Master." Garcia keep answering shortly.

"Can you explain to me, Garcia?" She asks Garcia again.

"Yes Master." Garcia answer sho..... "I will explain from the beginning again." ...rtly? Or not....

"Roland is one of my neighbors. He resides two doors next to mine. On my first attempt to recruit him, he manages to escape from me because I was careless. When he run away, I only sigh at first because thinking of how stupid of him. But when I chase him even with my full speed that I could achieve, he manages to elude me and gone like the wind." Gone like the wind or Gone with the wind?

"On my second attempt to recruit him, I already prepared to chase him if he tried to run away again, which he actually tries to do it again. But because I was prepared already, I chase him immediately and even though I use my full speed again, he still almost escapes again. If I not jump on him at that time, maybe he already escapes again." Jump on me? What does she mean by jump on me? While Garcia is telling Lan about my 'Great Escape' story again, I keep thinking of various random thought that has no correlation at all. I somehow just cannot concentrate enough. Maybe due to stress or something else.

"But because of that sudden jump, he pass away and I cannot bring what remains of him back here again immediately Master." Uh, her story sounds more ridiculous than I thought. Is she mocking me or something? I still could hear you, you know. Oh, she didn't know I'm eavesdropping, er, I mean, I didn't eavesdrop. I just happen to overhear them. That's all.

"On the third attempt that I try to recruit him, he acts completely different from my first and second attempt. He seems.... not the same person anymore. But... somehow.... I like him more." Like as in look-alike or....

"I prefer the current him. Because..... " Because...? Of what? Come on! No teasing! Spill the bean already!

(Seems like I forgot something but since I don't remember what is it, I cannot do anything about it)

'To be continued on next chapter.






Just kidding. I also couldn't stand cliffhanger. Lol'

"Because I could tease the current him more." What? Because of that? Because she could harass me more? With an upset feeling, I walk away from that place weakly.

At first I want to end the chapter at that somewhat cliffhangery moment. But I cancel it since I think its not worth it enough. But I will still complete this story. Sooner or later. So... um... sorry for (will) taking it too long.

GegeSadewacreators' thoughts