
@ Secret Talk

Not long after Roland walk away from the front of the room door...

Lan : "Is he still there?"

Garcia : "No, this time he already walks away."

Lan : "I can't believe he have the guts to eavesdrop."

Garcia : "No, he did not eavesdrop. He just accidentally overhears us."

Lan : "Are you defending him Garcia?"

Garcia : "Yes."

Lan : "Do you trust him?"

Garcia : "Yes."

Lan : "Why?"

Garcia : "Because he is worth it."

Lan : "Really?"

Garcia : "I just want to give him a chance."

Lan : "Okay then. Explanation time again."

Garcia : "Yes Master. The first time when he manages to escape, it's not just he outrun me. But I could see in the last moment, when he escapes, he just disappears."

Lan : "Disappear?"

Garcia : "Yes. Plainly disappear."

Lan : "I don't understand."

Garcia : "Even if he could outrun me, I still could see him when he is running in front of me when I chase him. But when there is already quite a gap between me and him, he just abruptly disappears."

Lan : "...."

Garcia : "Although the distance between me and him at that time are already a few hundred meters, but it's in quite an open field vision so that I still could see him and try to follow him."

Lan : "And suddenly he just disappears? Are you sure he is not hiding somewhere? Maybe he makes a quick turn or something."

Garcia : "No. I'm sure he is not. He is just gone like that."

Lan : "Hmmm....."

Garcia : "At first I also thought maybe I just didn't see when he is hiding or something, but it was confirmed on my next chase."

Lan : "Really?"

Garcia : "Yes, when the next time he tries to escape again, I quickly chase him and he almost escape again."

Lan : "You mean...?"

Garcia : "At that time, even though I already use my full speed again, he is slowly but surely are increasing the range between me and him."

Lan : "But you said you manage to chase him."

Garcia : "Yes. That's because I use the jump technique when he is obviously faster than me."

Lan : "What?"

Garcia : "My jump technique imbued me with an accelerated speed to strike directly at a certain target. That's why I manage to get him."

Lan : "But your jump technique is an offense type. Not a movement type."

Garcia : "Exactly. That's why it hurt him really bad because that jump really hit him directly."

Lan : "And he survives that?"

Garcia : "Actually..... I'm not really sure about that."

Lan : "What do you mean?"

Garcia : "After the Jump technique hit him, he was passed out. But when I try to check if he is survived or not.... he disappears again."

Lan : "How?"

Garcia : "In one moment, he is there, but then suddenly he is gone. Disappear just like that, in front of me."

Lan : "Hmmm....."

Garcia : "....."

Lan : "Maybe he has some kind of technique or movement skill? Like teleportation or instant transmission?"

Garcia : "I also thought of it. That's why I go and check the place where he lived."

Lan : "When?"

Garcia : "Directly after that. At the previous chase when he manages to get away, I also check on his place, but he was not there."

Lan : "How do you know that?"

Garcia : "I met Zero and she said that he is not at home."

Lan : "Who is Zero?"

Garcia : "A little girl that is living with him."

Lan : "A little girl?"

Garcia : "She is just his tenant. And they have separate room inside."

Lan : "Maybe she is lying to cover him up?"

Garcia : "No, she even let me come inside their home and look around inside to search for him."

Lan : "Oh? She really trusts you?"

Garcia : "Of course. After all, I'm just a friendly trustworthy person in the neighborhood."

Lan : "..... right."

Garcia : "And on the next time I come there, she still said that he is not at home."

Lan : "Does that mean he did not go back home for a few days?"

Garcia : "No, I think he got home late at night. Because I spot him through the CCTV when he got back home."

Lan : "You put up a CCTV?"

Garcia : "Just for security measure. And I only put CCTV at in front of my place. He just passes by there when he got home."

Lan : "Oh...."

Garcia : "After that, I try to find out about his workplace, and he just work in a quite ordinary place. Not too special for our standard."

Lan : "Yes. Based on the preliminary investigation report, there are nothing special or extraordinary condition related with him. But only from your interaction with him that has different result."

Garcia : "That's why I'm so curious about him."

Lan : "Yeah. Maybe it's just a special case because it's related to you."

Garcia : "And the third time I go to his place, he already felt a little bit different."

Lan : "Maybe it's just your feeling."

Garcia : "Yeah, maybe."

Lan : "Anyway, just keep your eye on him whenever you got the time. Hopefully this will bring a good fortune for us instead of more trouble."

Garcia : "Yes master."

Lan : "Now get back on your training then."

Garcia : "Yes master."

(Seems like I forgot something but since I don't remember what is it, I cannot do anything about it)

After I go out of the building, I started to go toward my workplace. Hmm, from here to my workplace I could go through the park over there. I'm going there then.

When I reach one of the entrances of the park, I could see the park name above the open park gate.

'South Park'

'South Gate'

Oh, okay then. That's really explain a lot. It's a park, and its located in the south. Don't forget the gate of where I'm coming through is located on the south side of this.... south park. I guess I come from the south, eh.

Sorry for not writing more than a month. I thought I could take a break a while before continuing again. But once you stop/take a break, it's really hard to move or continue again. Hopefully I could finish the story before I stop again.

GegeSadewacreators' thoughts