
@ The End of the Wish

(Seems like I forgot something but since I don't remember what is it, I cannot do anything about it)

I was thinking 'oh wow' in the beginning, and then start thinking 'oh no', and now I want to think 'someone please stop them'. But the strange part is, the girl is looking kind of ecstatic while the man has grim looks on his face. Zooey face is screaming 'oh yes' to me. Am I seeing things here?

Zooey : "Very good. Your attack is getting stronger and fiercer. Keep them all coming."

Kabradhabi : "Nnggah! How come you still could continue? I already hurt you more than enough! Even strong people should have collapse under my attack!"

Zooey : "That means I'm stronger than strong people."

Kabradhabi : "No! Impossible! Look at those hand! Those legs! Even your whole body!"

Zooey : "What about it? Am I too sexy for you?"

Kabradhabi : "No, that's not what I mean! I mean, how come those small and skinny.... things did not even break a little bit under my Great Move!?"

Zooey : "Are you saying I'm small? Is that it?"

Kabradhabi : "Yeah, like what I always ask each and every time! How come something small like that could not be broken? What kind of magic you are using?"

Elena : "Same old question. Just keep going Zooey! Eventually you could kick his ass!"

Betty : "Kicking his ass only just one time on the final point of the spar is really not worth it. At least for me. Why do she keep accepting him?"

Carol : "You mean accepting his challenge. Don't mind it. I think it's a good way to be on the spotlight."

Betty : "Well, definitely not for me."

Elena : "Yeah! Woo hoo! Keep it coming!"

Barolotsim : "Abi, why don't you just give up already?"

Kabradhabi : "Shut up Barol! I won't give up! I must keep on trying again until she yields!"

Barolotsim : "Hmm? Dejavu?"

Kabradhabi : "Uuuu.... at least I must try again!"

While the battle (the fight? the spar?) are ongoing, the talking around the arena are also going on simultaneously. Although the man looks like are on the advantage position, while the girl is keep getting all the hit, but she did not look tired at all. In fact, with all those injuries she suffers, she acts as if nothing has happened to her. While for the 'poor' man, he is getting more tired with all those stuff that happen. In the end, the 'poor' guy is dead tired, fall ungracefully, and then...

Zooey : "So, any last wish? Again."

Kabradhabi : "Please not there.... again."

.....she hit him with one full 'coup de grâce'. What? You don't know what 'coup de grâce' mean? Just imagine her hitting his undefended nut with all the force you can get. That should be a good synonym.

Well, anyway, because that scene is very horrible to me that I even classify that as a not for kids friendly things, I still watch it till the end and then shudder at the bad premonition that I somehow got enlightenment. Garcia are watching all of those with a full beautiful smile on her face that I somewhat did not happy to see it. And then she looks at me and give me a stare of full meaning that I don't understand. Wait, maybe I do understand but I just don't want to.

"Let's go. We already here for too long, we should go soon." Garcia then pull my arm again and then we continue our journey to the next grandeur double door ahead on the far back of the 'Gym'.

Just a few steps away from the double door, right when I thought the door are going to open grandly too, Garcia make a sudden left turn and we enter into a small alley on the right side of the door. (Our left is the door right side) It's quite well hidden that we can only see that it was there if we are already near the big double door. Just a few steps away from it. The aisle is so small that I cannot walk beside Garcia anymore and I must walk behind her. Hmm, nice behind she got there. Wait, what am I thinking? Bad thought! Evil mind, go away!

"What are you thinking?" Just like as if she could read my mind, she looks behind and gaze at me with that questioning look.

"Um, I was thinking what a small alleyway this is. Very different with all those big hallways that we have gone through." Yup, I'm also thinking about it, so it's not a lie.

"Really? Just about the small path? Not thinking about any 'big' things?"

"Yeah, of course also the 'big' things! Er, I mean, all those big hallways." I blurted out. Almost. Nice save there. Oh, why do she have to remind me of that? Does she really have to ask that?

She only looks at me with a silent satisfying smile on her face, and then she turns her head back to the front and continue walking. But somehow, I think her walk is kind of different. Those 'big' things sway quite differently from before.

"We have arrived." Suddenly she woke me up from my daydreaming by announcing that we have arrived. But, where do we have arrived? Isn't she going to just register me in the gym and only that? At least for now. And right in front of her, I see a completely ordinary looking door in the end of this unordinary small road. Even the door size is average. She then proceeds to go forward and then knock on the door a few times.

"Come in." We hear a reply come out from behind the door, and then Garcia open the door quietly with a non-graceful manner.

(Seems like I forgot something but since I don't remember what is it, I cannot do anything about it)

I wrote the previous chapter a few days ago but couldn't complete it yet. And then I continue to write it again. But I realize I almost reach the 1k word that I selfishly set as my own each chapter average word count. So, I got to cut it and end the previous chapter but continue writing again on the next (this) chapter. lol

GegeSadewacreators' thoughts