
Reincarnated In A Galaxy Far Far Away

This story is about a man who dies and ends up in the Star Wars universe.

Carson_Goddard_6628 · Filme
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6 Chs

Darth Talon, Opening A Shop

Coruscant, 33 BBY.

Level 1313 Ban's Repair Shop.

Getting up from my bed I make my way to the office and see Cortana practicing to get better at controlling her strength.

Walking to Cortana I stopped in front of her and said "would you like to accompany me to upgrade that ship in the hanger." 

Cortana said "I would like to help you." I laughed and took her hand and walked into the hanger.

I started working on taking the ship apart and instructed Cortana as she helped me, while taking the ship apart I look at Cortana and ask "what do you think the ships name should be when we are done."

Cortana said while looking at the ship "maybe we should wait for the new ship to be put together before you decide a name."

After five hours we had the ship apart so I pulled up the schematic of the upgraded ship, looking at Cortana I said "we can get started."

Using Essence of the Crafter and Essence of the Machine the ship will be even more powerful and will last longer because of the Essences and I and adding a huge storage of nano droids to fix the ship automatically if needed. 

The YT-2000 Light Freighter that I upgraded was a good ship I just made it better, I added better sublight engines, better acceleration compensators to keep up with the sublight engines, the new top speed is 980 kph.

I made a class 0.4 hyperdrive, with a class 8 (back up), I added stronger sensors that could even scan the interior of ships, I added stronger shields.

The Dual laser cannon turrets are still there just more powerful, I added two fixed front faced laser cannons. 

I also put two proton torpedo tubes and one missile launcher, I made sure to remove some cargo space and added an extra power reactor.

With all that extra power I added a cloaking system similar to the Covenant from Halo, the ship was coated with a sensor resistant exterior, I added better armour plating to all the important parts of the ship. 

Then me and Cortana painted the ship black, blue and gold, the ship is done, I looked at Cortana and said "I will call it the Navigator." 

Now it is late I need sleep so I told Cortana that I was heading to bed. 

Waking up in the morning I walk into my office with Cortana and said to her "I am going to let Darth Talon out of the system space." Cortana said "ok I hope she will like us."

Then I released Darth Talon from the system space and thought 'wow she was just one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen I mean I have seen her concept art but her in real life is way better.'

When Darth Talon appeared I asked "you should have an idea of why you are here." Darth Talon just kept silent like she was analyzing me then nodded and said "that system said that I was summoned to help you and that I am no longer in my time line."

I nodded and decided I would be truthful with her about me so I told her everything about how I am reincarnated from another universe and how Star Wars was just a movie from my world. 

I told her of my plans of making and taking over the underworld and how she could lead it if she wanted, I then said "I would like for you to trust me, I have the ability to make you Immortal and can give you your freedom from me but I would like to have your help in my plans."

It surprisingly didn't take long for her to say "Im in." with her in on the plan I said "would you be able to conceal your aura we don't want to be known before we are ready." 

Then I said "by the way this is Cortana she is an artificial Intelligence she will help you slowly take control of the underworld, we have to do it slowly until the clone wars start thats when we can start to devour the syndicates and have full control down here." Cortana smiled and said "hi."

Darth Talon nodded and started thinking 'it might not be bad to serve him he can make me Immortal and help me gain power.'

I looked at Darth Talon and said "we have plenty of time before we start taking over the underworld, lets take the rest of today to start planing then slowly then we will start making what you need."

So me, Cortana and Darth Talon started planing how we can take over the underworld, I told Darth Talon that I bought the Outlanders Club and 79's Cantina, I said we could start from there and hire bounty hunters to help us.

Darth Talon said we should try to own all of level 1313 before expanding to other places as it is currently just the three of us.

I also suggested that Darth Talon pick a star ship she would like and I would upgrade it and build it, so she spent hours looking at everything on the holonet to learn what this time period is like and to search for a star ship.

After hours of planing and talking I said "it is getting late if you want to continue lets do this tomorrow, also I have a room for you already." With that I lead Darth Talon to her room and say "i am glad you decided to stay I will make you the Immortality potion tomorrow and free you as well." Then I went to my bed and slept. 

The next morning I was working with Cortana on upgrading and fortifying this hanger, I added a shield gerator and better armour plating, I added a couple hidden laser cannons to destroy any possible dangers. 

After fortifying the hanger I was working on my astromech droid it looks like a T7 droid but it is way better I named him Alpha.

Alpha didn't really change much compared to the original T7, just made him far more powerful, and better at fixing things, I made him a small personal shield generator, I added lots of nano droids that will repair him if needed.

Then I made the Potion of Immortality and freed Darth Talon, so she is now Immotal and can do what she wished but she decided to stay and work for me.

When all the important stuff was done I went to sleep.

Now that I am awake I proceeded to make an engineering outfit for me and Cortana I also made Nico Okarr's dual Blasters.

I would have made a stronger armour for Darth Talon but since we are trying to stay out of sight I just made a suit similar to the black panther from Marvel it just doesn't cover her head it is like a body suit, then she wore clothes over to keep it out of sight. 

I asked Darth Talon to wear a cloak and scout out the properties that we own as we have to get them completely under our control. 

Now all I have to do is open this repair shop as a cover for information gathering.