This story is about a man who dies and ends up in the Star Wars universe.
Nathan, thats my name, I was at home watching Star Wars again waiting for my parents to get home to eat together.
While I was thinking it was taking them longer then normal to be home there was a knock at the door, I thought 'thats weird my parents don't knock' I got up from the couch and waked to the door.
When I opened the door I was surprised as it was police officers, one of the cops asked "are you Nathan" I nodded and he then said " your parents were in a car accident and are in the hospital we are here to take you to them." I ended up following them to their police car and got in.
On the way to the hospital we stopped at a red light and started going when it turned green, thats when a heavy truck ran the red light and smashed into the side of the police car.
Needless to say I died, now I am standing in a white room with a table and a chair, there is a piece of paper and a pen on the table, beside the pen and paper there is a spinner wheel that says systems.
I walked up to the paper and read it, it says [you will be reincarnated you have five wishes, and one chance to spin the wheel to get the system that will go with you, you can choose the universe you want to go to and appearance before you go. P.S if you choose an anime characters appearance you chan get all their abilities.]
I looked at the stuff on the table and decided that even if I am dreaming I am going to make the most of it, now I just have to start choosing the things I want.
First my five wishes will be Essence of the Scholar, Essence of the Mad Doctor, Essence of the Crafter, Essence of the Nomad, Essence of the Machine.
Next is what universe am I going to and for that I choose Star Wars two years before the battle of Naboo on Coruscant.
My name will be Ban and appearance will be of Ban from the Seven Deadly Sins.
Now to spin the wheel to see what system I will have, I reach over to the spinner and give it a good spin and wait for it to stop spinning.
When the spinner stops it stops on the summoning system, looking at the abilities of the system I can't help but be happy as it says [with this system you will be able to summon anyone in the multiverse and or summon and item from anywhere in the multiverse, you get two tickets to summon someone or something each year, there are two free summons that you can use when you get to where you are going.]
Now with all that done I look around and a door appeared that said [good luck and have fun in your new world.]
I got up and walked through the door and passing out.
What felt like an eternity I finally open my eyes and look around and quickly notice I am smaller then I was before.
Then I look around and notice I am in an ally, thats when a bunch of memories slammed into my head, this bodies name is Ban he is a thief and a good one at that he has been living alone on 1313 for three years after his parents died.
Now that I am here I need to use my abilities to make money and buy a house or something, but first my summons I quickly call out to my system in my mind and use the item summon ticket first, the wheel started spinning.
When the wheel stopped it landed on a ship called the YT-2000 Light Freighter, its a good ship and with my abilities I should be able to upgrade it, I don't have a place for it yet so I am leaving it in the summoning space for now till I can take it out.
Now onto the character summon I click to spin the wheel with my mind and the wheel starts spinning, I know that the summoning system manly summons people from the universe they are in but I hope someday I get lucky and summon people from other universes that I like.
The wheel slowly starts to stop and stops of a red skinned Twi'lek I almost could not believe it, it was Darth Talon I could not let her out yet as I could not risk the chance of the Jedi sensing her when I don't have a solid foot in the ground yet.
I looked at the description of Darth Talon from the system thankfully I can keep her in my system space till I need her.
It also says that I could free her from the summoning system but that means she can hurt me as when she is my summon she can do anything she wants but she can't do anything that will harm me.
I decided that in the future when I can stand with out her threatening my safety I will free her, even though she is one of my favourite Star Wars characters I don't really know anything about her so I will wait till I find a base of operations and a plan to go forward before I free her.
With all that done now I need to find a quiet place according to the memory from this body there should be an abandoned warehouse around this corner that I can hide in to use my abilities, to make money so I can but a workshop where I can live that also has a hanger that I can store my new ship.
Hiding in the corner of the warehouse I use Essence of the Machine to quickly access the holonet in my mind, then I quickly and safely syphon credits from corrupt individuals and create my own account and store the credits in it and carefully hide my tracks so no one knows who took the money.
Now with all that money I need to buy one of the hangers on 1313 that has a place to stay.