
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · Fantasie
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197 Chs

Don’t leave any of them alive!

The Map tab was slowly being filled up, as each City Link stopped at he's offered all the maps he needed.

Link had a specific City in mind, and its name was the LionHart City.

Back in the test, Tom was teleported in this City's territory. Where he was killed and his body disposed of. Even the Academy couldn't find it, making them able to return it to his family.

Link swore he would avenge his friend. And that time was getting closer and closer with each stop.

Information was the main thing Link focused on. Each City lord told him everything they knew about LionHart, and it's unfortunate demise.

Years back, the City was taken over by bandits and ruffians. Turning it into a danger zone. Citizens left, while the ones that couldn't or were not able to afford it, suffered greatly.

Crime was common, as people took what they needed when they needed it if they could. Women not belonging to the group were raped and used as entertainment for the thugs, while the men were turned into workers, or slaves.

The kingdom tried to take the City back, but due to the territory and the cleverness of the self claimed Wolf King. None were able to invade, or even get close enough to them.

Link heard from one of the City Lords he met that the LionHart City even had some renowned criminals and powerful mages. Now nicknamed The Unholy Utopia. Where every criminal, no matter how bad their crimes were, are welcomed with open arms.

This City was now Link's next destination. It was highlighted by the map, putting a menacing but excited smile on his face.

Activating all his stealth skills, Link was inside its territory. Easily evading any eyes while flying above.

From what he could see, The dirt roads and forests were unkept. Weeds and grass grew in the middle of said roads, giving anyone that saw them an idea of how much this place fell. The City itself was no better. Even if these people lived there, they cared little about its cleanliness, making it look like it was abandoned.

Link did not go down, as he kept scouting the area and trying to get a better idea of the place.

Surprisingly, he discovered that as bad as the place looked, the thugs and bandits were oddly organized. With 2 guards on every gate while a squad of 3 would petrol once every hour or two.

The power dynamic was very clear, as the average citizens lived in broken down houses in a dirty part of the city, while the others would beat, yell, even kill and take whom and whatever they wanted. Link even noticed that when said petrol or some random member of the bandit group would pass by the unfortunate citizens, they would look down and stand straight, trying their best not to stand out.

These criminals called themselves The Wolves, with the emblem of a wolf on their red armor.

Back when Link was making his way to this place, he had some doubts about killing just anybody. Hence why he scouted the area and spied on them. But after everything he saw. All the acts these people committed. From rape, murder, assault, and many, many more disturbing things to their whole demeanor and disgusting personalities, Link made up his mind.

"I'm going to kill all of these waste of space!" He muttered.

Even though Link was overpowered compared to them, he still did not wish to risk it. He remembered that the kingdom tried to reclaim the city but failed for some reason, which led him to start planning something.

Truth be told, Link was no strategist. He had his moments, but when a whole city with what was probably hundreds of enemies. He didn't really know how to exactly go with this.

He couldn't just cast a powerful spell and destroy the whole place, seeing that innocent people took residence in here as well.

"Should i make contact and form some sort of rebellion?" He thought for a while but Zero refused the idea.

<What use would they be? You'll only be leading these people to their deaths. They were average citizens, which means they couldn't fight for shit. That's probably why they ended up in that situation in the first place>

"True" Link said. He was disappointed, but at the same time relieved. "What do I know about forming a rebellion?" He thought to himself.

With that idea thrown out, he had only one way to go with this. "Killing the Wolf King" Link thought.

Sneaking in and killing this man wouldn't be much of a problem, or so he thought. Link snuck inside the castle to scout and make sure there were no powerful enemies he would need to worry about in the middle of his fight.

He approached the place from the sky, dropping on a small balcony on the second floor. This led inside an empty room, which led to a long and dusty corridor. Following the path with caution, Link found a set of stairs that led down somewhere.

Even if the stairs led up or down, Link wouldn't care. He only wished to walk around the castle as his Map tab took notes of the area.

Walking down slowly, Link entered a dimly lit area. Rooms filled the left and right walls as iron bars blocked all from leaving them.

"A prison" Link muttered "Or a dungeon i guess"

Nearing the first cell, an old and sickly thin man was on the ground unmoving. He looked like he was starved to death, with his empty eyes and weak body being enough proof. The place stank. Link covered his lower half of his face with a rag as he kept on going, seeing many more disgusting and awful ways for someone to go. Sympathy crept inside his heart, as he felt bad for every one of them.

"Bastards!" Link said, continuing on his way.

Sounds of low moans and grunts could be heard from ahead. Link walked cautiously towards it as he took slow breaths, trying his best not to breath in any of the odor.

"P..please s..top" A weak voice of a girl echoed. Upon approaching the scene, Link Teleported straight away.

What he saw was something that disturbed him greatly.

3 girls, god knows how old. Were hung by chains while members of the Wolf gang circled them. I will leave the scene to your imagination, as they did unholy things to the girls.

Link appeared near one of the men, decapitating him. He then spun and swung his daggers. In less than a second, all the men were killed as blood covered the room.

The girls did not know what was happening until it ended. Seeing the corpses, they did not scream or react. Only staring at them.

A minute passed and a smirk appeared on their faces.

"I HOPE YOU ALL BURN IN THE DEEPEST PARTS OF HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY" They each yelled. Spitting and cursing at the men.

Link stood to the side after helping the girls down. He quickly cast Holy Nova and healed them back to their peak condition, but their faces were numb and uncaring.

"Sorry" Link muttered. He didn't understand why he said it, but he felt like he had to. He couldn't help but think that if he got there quicker. If he was the one that got teleported to this place, then maybe he could have spared a lot of people from such a miserable fate.

The girls turned and looked at Link for a bit, then one of them spoke. "Don't be!" Before they were teleported outside by Link, giving them his camping equipment outside the city in a safe area.



<Don't leave any of them alive!>


Don't stop the comments and votes, it helps. <3

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I thought about going into details about the **** scene, but it made me a bit uncomfortable so i just didn't.

Hope it did not ruin the feel of the story for you. <3

Fairncreators' thoughts