
Reborn as Mira in Dragon Ball

Hiroto, the kid with perfect grades from his class, was surrounded with girls. His life was perfect, until graduation. Even with his grades and talent, he was shunned by all the rich kids of his University, who were jealous of him. He earned money for food and shelter through small works, until a street thug was hired by someone to kill him. He wasn't unlucky though, as after dying, he was reborn as Mira. I don't own the cover page or the images used. The owner can ask me to take it off. If someone doesn't know who the lady from the cover photo is, she is Towa, the woman who made Mira, who created Mira. (Before I get thrashed by readers as to why the story is different from the original, it is because I made changes to the plot a little and changed the nature of characters a little.) I might use some characters from other animes, that I know I won't watch, or don't remember anything from them. Also, I plan on having my MC travel to other worlds. This is more of a wish fulfilment, so there might be some BS.

komega · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

I read the papers about my body and how she engineered me. She collected the dna of many fighters like Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, Gohan, Picollo and dna of demons like Konori and Towa.

Majin Buu's dna was the base, as it was able to absorb all the other DNAs and merge properly. Luckily, I wasn't slimy and disgusting like Majin Buu, as my soul is of a human, the body took the shape of my soul.

I can still use Majin Buu's abilities like absorption, infinite regeneration and almost close to immortality.

Towa also taught me a lot about technology and science, which was way advance than my previous world. I also found a lot of information in the city.

Although the city didn't look lively, it was the perfect place for me. Ever since the pollution and the war, a lot of humans fled to other planets, after exhausting all the resources on earth.

So, the planet became a place for refugees and the city has become a completely lawless, kind of like the black market of the galaxy.

So, after I learnt the energy materialisation, which lets me use my energy to create things I imagine, I used this without any thoughts for all the information and knowledge I could get.

I had knowledge on different tech, like spaceships, weapons, armours, hoverboards and many more. I did have trouble understanding them at first, but my cute wife helped me with the basics.

As for that scientist Maria mentioned, she didn't return even after a month, which Maria mentioned is quite common for her, as she has to search for them.

I was currently working on an thin body armour, which can be worn as clothes. I was quite shocked to learnt that I even had Broly's dna, which is too troublesome and I was already starting to see its effects.

My body was growing bulky with every battle against Konori, to the point where I could feel myself getting slower.

That's when I remembered nanotechnology, which was based of the invention of capsules, which store things in a small capsule by shrinkinging them.

With little tweaking, they were also able to shrink matter, which is currently used by the Galactic patrol to catch and arrest the criminals. Since the are shrunk down when captured, they also don't need a lot of rooms to keep the prisoners.

I decided to use that technology in my armour, to shrink down my cells, but I had to control the shrinking only to my muscle cells, as I didn't want to completely shrink myself, or partially shrink some parts and look like a creepy monster from horror movies.

It took me another month to get the controlled shrinking to perfection, with no chance of errors. I wasn't going to take risks, so I tried it multiple times on many test subjects, which were mostly the alien animals that started breeding on earth.

I then started using this in the armour, which I was making out of Kachin, the most dense metal in the universe, and also strong.

I made a prototype one for a mutated dog, which looked haunting and was bulky. They are carnivores and are scary beasts, straight out of a horror movie. To best describe it, it looked like a zombie dog.

I put it on the dog and left it inside a glass room as I took a touchpad and looked at it. "Now, my cute little do, don't disappoint me."

I then hear footsteps and heard a voice I recognise "Mira, are you playing with those dogs again?"

"Just in time Konori, I was just about to go through the final testing of my armour. Why don't you start the test?" I said and handed her the touchpad and she initiated the experiment.

Energy was flowing into the armour and the dog looked like it was feeling weird. It got more agressive suddenly and Konori asked "Is this supposed to happen?"

I didn't answer her and waited for the dog to stop reacting. It took two minutes until it stopped rampaging inside the glass cave and after that, there was a green light in the touch pad, indicating that the experiment was a success.

I looked at the dog, which slowly showed signs of loosing weight, until it looked like it was starving for months, sharing similarities with a mummified dog.

"It worked....it worked....it actually worked....." I shouted in joy, as this was my first time inventing something and I didn't know that it would feel this amazing when something works after repeated failures.

Konori didn't know what I was working on, and looking at the mummified dog, she didn't feel like my experiment was a success.

I danced around while celebrating and Konori just looked at me with an amusing smile. "Now I just need to adjust the output and done. I don't have to worry about these increasing muscles slowing me down. They will shrink down and increase my muscle density, without affecting my physique."bI said and Konori understood what I was doing.

"Its nice that you thought of this, because Maria mentioned how your dragon has become big enough to fill her completely, even with your size difference." Konori said and I looked at her with with a weird look saying "Are you mad? No way am I shrinking my dragon. A man's dragon being long is also something he can be proud of."

I then destroyed the dog and got back to designing the armour before Konori hugged me from behind and said "Then, why don't you let me see your so called mighty dragon." while moving her arms on my abdomen and pressing her busts against my back.

I know this is tempting, but Konori has a habit of teasing me and has done this many times. She gets me in the mood before saying "Fufufuf...maybe next time."

It had happened countless times in the past and I was used to her behaviour. She also sleeps on the same bed as me and Towa.

Konori is the only person I can't tell what she is thinking. She really is Towa's elder sister.

So, I went back to the design, which was a simple black skin tight long-sleeved tshirt and pants, which were thin and breathable to wear inside my usual clothes.

The armour obviously needs energy for working, which is produced by converting kinetic energy into electric. So, just the simple movements of my arms and legs can produce electricity.

I left out a little space for my dragon to breathe and grow without any hindrance.

It took me a week, but I was able to perfect the armour to make it maintain a certain body shape at all times. I also tested it out first with a few cells of mine to

I wore the armour and I could feel my body shape returning to my previous one. I moved around to see if it was actually working, and I could feel my speed increase.

I wanted to test out of it works in battle, but I wasn't in a mood to get beaten up again, so I wasn't going to ask Konori. Still, I haven't fought with anyone ever since I was reborn and I am itching to fight someone whom I have hopes of beating.

I moved around and just when I was going out to show Konori and Towa, I heard my watch ring. I pressed on the screen and a holographic image of Mina appeared.

This girl, even though I didn't like the idea of a daughter at first, her adorable and cute behaviour managed to melt my heart.

Mina, from the video call said in a panicked tone "Papa, you have to come quickly. Mama is being bullied by someone."

Just when I was itching for a fight, as if God listened to my request, I got one. I looked at the hologram and said "Don't worry Mina, I will be there in a second."

I cut the call and wore clothes, using teleport, I arrived before Mina instantly. She was almost tearing up. She jumped at me and I patted her back.

I then put her down and said "Ok, I have to go save mama." and she nodded with a cute smile.

She pointed towards Maria's room and as I got closer, I could hear someone shout "You bitch, you are just a prostitute, don't think too highly of yourself."

"Was this f*cker actually thinking of forcing himself on my wife?" I asked in my head and the rage I felt wasn't something I never felt.

I kicked open the door and looked at Maria, who was struggling to keep her clothes on. I then looked at the other idiot, who was soon going to die.

"Who is this ugly freak?" he shouted and even in all the rage, I asked "Are you seriously asking me that?"

This was because he had a blue skin and looked exactly like Frieza in his final form. I then dismissed the thoughts as, rage took over me again, for some reason and my energy kept growing.

Now, normally everyone can't sense dark force and only those who have practiced ki sensing can sense the malice. But, as my energy kept increasing, Maria's and the blue Frost Demon's instincts told them that it wasn't going to be good.

The Frost Demon's body was trembling as he pointed his finger at Maria and said "Don't come closer, move even one step and she is dead."

That was enough to get me motivated to go for the first move. Before he could even realise what was going on, I was before him, using my whole strength for the dash.

The floor, which was made of a special alloy of metals, was torn by my foot. The Frost Demon had his eyes open wide as I waited before him so that his eyes could register my image.

I caught the hand pointed at Maria and twisted as he cried out in pain. Between his pain filled cries, he said "You....you..you don't know....what you are doing.....I am the son of Ahitel.....my father won't let you go that easily."

This was the line I heard a lot in school and it brought back some memories. I had my palm right in front of his face as I released an energy blast.

A huge energy blast originated from my palm and vapourised his upper half body. With the other half right in front of me spraying blood, I came back to my senses and I couldn't believe what I did.

(I know the fight was too bland and boring, but with his power and the rage he was in, he didn't hold back with his attacks.)

I had a look of horror in my face as I didn't even think I would kill someone and here I was, killing him like I was killing a mosquito.

Maria looked at me and she could also tell what was happening with me. She thought of consoling me, before deciding that it is better if she left me alone.

I teleported back to my room and sat on the bed, looking down at the floor. Konori, who sensed my energy, came to my room and asked "Mira, I sensed a huge energy from the city. Did something happen when you visited Maria?"

Before I could even answer, she understood what had happened. She walked towards me and sat beside me. She held my hand, which was stained with the blue blood of the Frost Demon's lower half.

She still asked "Mira, what happened?" as she held my hand between her busts and I didn't even look at her as I explained what happened.

She then let go of my hand and caught my face. She turned it towards her and said as she looked at me "Mira, you don't have to be sad or scared of your power. It isn't the one controlling you.

Every living being has two characters, one which they show everyone and the other is their true self, which only comes out in some situations.

The dark force is an energy that doesn't just elevate your emotions, but it also brings out your true self.

We demons are also born the same way as a Kai, but our evil true self inside makes us demons. So, don't get afraid of it, just embrace it." and pulled me into a hug.

I really needed this speech before I lost myself. I pulled back and looked at her red eyes and her purple lips. Before long, I moved forward into a kiss and Konori didn't resist.

I moved my tongue inside her and Konori was confused as to what I was doing, but she slowly started to feel good when I did that. So, she also copied my moves and I could feel her body heating up.

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