
Reborn as Mira in Dragon Ball

Hiroto, the kid with perfect grades from his class, was surrounded with girls. His life was perfect, until graduation. Even with his grades and talent, he was shunned by all the rich kids of his University, who were jealous of him. He earned money for food and shelter through small works, until a street thug was hired by someone to kill him. He wasn't unlucky though, as after dying, he was reborn as Mira. I don't own the cover page or the images used. The owner can ask me to take it off. If someone doesn't know who the lady from the cover photo is, she is Towa, the woman who made Mira, who created Mira. (Before I get thrashed by readers as to why the story is different from the original, it is because I made changes to the plot a little and changed the nature of characters a little.) I might use some characters from other animes, that I know I won't watch, or don't remember anything from them. Also, I plan on having my MC travel to other worlds. This is more of a wish fulfilment, so there might be some BS.

komega · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

(I would like to warn you before that this chapter is completely filled with BS.)

I turned to see who it was, and found a cute girl with pink hair holding a laser gun. That wasn't the weird part. She had a fluffy tail and ears that looked like that of a cat or a fox.

"Awww.." I said unconsciously and Maria panicked and said to her "Mina, put that thing down. He isn't a bad person."

"But mama, I heard you crying loudly." she said and I immediately turned to Maria, who also looked at me with a red face.

She said "I wasn't crying because I was sad. I was just having fun with him." and asked her to come to her, as both me and Maria were naked under the blanket.

She sat on the bed, with the bedsheet covering her. The small girl named Mina walked to Maria, with a hostile look on her face when she looked at me.

Maria picked her up and said "Mina, it's not how it looks. He isn't a bad person."

"Who is he then?" the small girl asked and Maria replied "I am you mama, so that makes him your papa." she said and looked at me with an apologetic look for lying.

Even though she was cute, I didn't want a daughter, but before I could say anything, the small girl turned to me with a bright smile and said "Really? Are you really my papa? Yay....I also have a dad." in a cheerful tone.

"What am I getting myself into?" I asked myself as I couldn't say anything when I looked at her. I sighed when suddenly, she jumped on me and said "I thought you were a meanie who was troubling mama, but mama said you are a good person. So, I will believe you, papa."

I didn't know what was even happening at this point. I looked at Maria for help, but she also looked like she didn't want to help. It all started with her one single lie.

"How did I get myself into this mess?" I asked myself as I just wanted to fight, but I ended up sleeping with a woman whom I met for the first time and now a kid is calling me her father.

Maria saw the look on my face and said to Mina "Mina, papa looks tired. Maybe we should let him sleep."

Mina nodded with an innocent face and left after telling "Good night papa"

As soon as she left I turned to Maria and glared at her. Maria said "I know you are mad, but calm down once and hear me out." so I have her a chance to explain herself.

"Mina is still a kid. She had a laser gun pointed at you and I don't know. I immediately panicked and the first thing that came to my mind that would make her stop is to tell her that you were her father, as she doesn't have one." Maria explained and although that doesn't explain everything, she did try and save me.

And I also slept with her. Now, if I just leave from here, I would just be another dick head who sees woman as an object.

"Fine but still, I can't be a father. I don't even know who she is, other than the fact that her name is Mina. The most I can do, is act like one until she is old enough to accept the face that I am not her father." I said and Maria was truly happy with my reply.

She was truly happy and she came closer to me. I touched her horns and looking at my face, she asked "Do you really not feel that we are disgusting? My horns or Mina's ears or tail, any of them?"

"Why is she talking like those Demi humans from isekai stories where the Demi humans are discriminated." I said in my head and asked "Why do others think you are disgusting? If you ask me, you guys look more cute."

She said "You really aren't a traveller like Brandish said. Anyone in the whole universe know that the infamous evil Saiyans have ears and tails like that of animals." and this was a shock to me.

"Aren't Saiyans supposed to be a powerful race. Even if you have different ears and tails, you still don't have to run a brothel, which also looks deserted." I said and this time, she sighed.

She said "So, you have heard of the tales of us Saiyans. It is true that the Saiyans were the warrior race of the universe and their power can grow without any limits, but due to some calamity, there were only a handful of Saiyans that survived and they mated with the natives of this planet.

They mated with others and slowly, the Saiyan dna in us has changed drastically till we lost our main advantage, the Zenkai boost and the unlimited growth, leaving us with only these ears and tails.

It was from this moment that other alien races, who had a bad past with Saiyans started the rumours again that we destroy planets. So, we were hunted everywhere, on every planet across the galaxy. Even if you find any Saiyan now, he would only be strong enough to break a stone with his fists." with her face showing visible frustration thinking about those who tried to kill her.

I could actually imagine her pain and frustration as I was in the same situation in my previous life. There were two rich kids in my class who liked these two girls, who liked me.

They got jealous of me and hated that I, who was from a middle class family, had beautiful woman around me. I don't want to brag, but I was best in both studies and sports, and I was also good looking.

After graduation, when I tried to start my own business, they used their influence and my company went bankrupt. I just had to stand there with frustration, looking at people close down my company.

I didn't know if it was due to the energy that elevated my emotions, or my memories from the past, but I looked at Maira and said "Well, now that you have made me a father to your daughter, that makes me your husband right?"

Maria was shocked when I said that. She smiled and said "You don't have to do that out of sympathy. I am way past the stage where I can love someone."

Is she actually serious? "Maria, you shouldn't be this good. If you get something beneficial to you, you shouldn't be humble or kind. And, seeing that you don't have any other problems, I am going to assume that you are ok with my proposal." I said and she had teary eyes, but had a bright smile.

Then a portal opened in the room and Konori and Towa walked out of it. Konori was surprisingly happy and had a smile on her face while Towa looked visibly sad, which was also new.

Konori looked at me and then at Towa. She said "Look Towa, didn't I tell you that any man would feel close to a woman only after mating."

Towa's sad face confirmed the fact that she likes me. That was enough for me. I needed to know if she genuinely had feelings for me or she was just thinking she liked me.

I looked at Towa, who was looking down. I got up and walked towards her, with my might dragon on full display. "My..my...Mira...that is big" Konori said and it made me feel proud, before remembering that Towa was the reason I was reborn.

I pulled her closer by pulling her waist and she still refused to look at me, which I found amusing. I held her chin and pulled her into a kiss.

I tried entering her mouth and she resisted at first, but slowly gave in, letting me in. She slowly cooperated and also moved her tongue.

After a while, we both separated and she looked at me, still looking a little mad. I then said to her "My dear wife, I know that I slept with a woman even when I have you but you see, I am not a human from this planet and where I come from, a man has multiple wives.

We call that Polygamy and depending on how many beay woman he is married to, that much jealousy he gets from other men. Basically, we men feel jealous when we see others with beautiful wives.

I can be the proud as I have two beautiful woman as my wifes." I concluded by praising them. Today, I had to bullshit a lot and deal with a lot of drama, and I wasn't going to complicate it by saying that I slept with another woman just because I hadn't had sex for a long time.

Towa had a look of disbelief and this is where Konori came to save me. "Towa, I also heard about this. This is similar to the harem we devils have, but humans treat their wives better."

Konori was a goddess and I gave her a nod of thanks, which she accepted with a smile. Towa's face returned to her usual look and said "Don't assume that I have forgiven you." and she walked through the portal, returning to our house.

I wanted to ask her to stay here, but I knew she would refuse. I then turned to Konori, who didn't leave. She asked "So Mira, won't you reward me for helping you."

I sighed and asked "What do you want now?" and seeing my tired face, she chuckled and said "You look like you have dealt with enough for today. I will ask in the future." walked through a portal.

I turned to Maria and said "Maria, I don't think I can handle this stress. Get me those breasts. I need to calm down."

Maria chuckled and opened her arms, inviting me and I obviously accepted. After a pleasurable workout, I was sleeping on Maria as I played with her nipples. I then asked her "Maria, there is actually another reason I accompanied Brandish, and that is to learn the technology here. I would have asked Towa, but it looks like she won't be teaching me for a while. Do you know of anyone?"

Maria smiled and said "Then you have come to the correct place. We have another Sayan here named Hanekawa. She is a self taught scientist, who has built this building. This building can supply oxygen to all of us for 1 week with a single oxygen cylinder, whereas normally, they only last for three days. I can introduce you to her."

"I don't know if I can ask this, but I would like you to close this brothel." I said and she smiled as she said "This was decided when you asked me to be your wife. So, how does this wife and husband thing happen in your home planet." she asked in the end.

I thought for a while and said "Well, we conduct a ceremony where we invite all our close ones and we exchange rings to symbolise that we are married."

When I finished saying, she had sparkling eyes and I could tell what was in her mind. "Yes..yes...we can do that in the future."

"You are the best." she said and pulled me closer for a kiss.

Maria then called for this person called Hanekawa, but sadly, she left to get some parts and wouldn't be back for a while.

So, even though both Maria and Mina wanted me to stay, I left the city and returned back to my previously destroyed building.

Days went by, constantly training under Towa about magic and brutal thrashing from Konori. I don't know why, but her hits were a lot stronger after that day of drama.

Although I totally refuse to accept the training method, it actually works. I was able to learn energy control in just a month.

One month of harsh training was enough to have a high level of control over my energy, the dark force.

I was already learning spells like teleportation, mind control, summoning, energy spells to release energy blasts and many more.

During this whole month, I observed a lot of changes in Towa. She was showing her care through her actions, like how she would prepare bath for me everyday and also get me something to eat. I obviously returned the favour by helping her with her studies, as she was studying about my body.

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