
Plotting Revenge

"I am not sure a defensive line will work, Your Majesty. From the fighting that is going on now, this new race of insectoids seems to be highly advanced, nothing like we have seen before. This weapon here is one we pulled off one of their fallen." The elf waved his hand, and a few servants brought over a tray with a long gun on it.

"Hmm… send it to the dwarves and have them examine it. It slightly resembles some of their magi techs. But it is a very big pain if we can not set up a defensive line." Claine rubbed his chin, trying to figure out a short term solution. "We will do this… Have all non combatants use the teleport system to come to Rural. We can at least keep the civilian deaths down while we work on strengthening up the front lines. Do you think the High Supreme  will okay this?" 

"Her Grace has said she would oblige with whatever plan you can come up with. We are at a loss."  The elf elder replied.

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