
Raven: Dark New World

Meet Raven, a hybrid between a werewolf and a vampire. He was the kind of person forbidden from the world. A monster in his way that everyone who heard about him wanted him dead. Meet Beata, a mantra between a human and a werewolf. She wasn't powerful like the others in the pack and for some reason, everyone treated her like a filth outcast who deserved nothing but death. She's destined to get married to Raven who doesn't even need her. They all have their problems and reasons why they keep on living in a cruel world where no one else loves them. What happens to two lonely souls when they form a bond with each other? Will they be the perfect couple or the worst? That's only the beginning of their journey. They have secrets. They have a superpower. Hi lovely readers, welcome again to my novel

ZoeTinnah · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Free souls

Beata's POV 

(Warning: Mention of sexual assault)

'I just need him only. He will be a great husband and a great father to our kids plus a great tool for my revenge.' I thought to myself as I held his hand. 

"Those guys are just like me. Me and You." I gulped and looked at him hoping he would spare me a glance. 

A sigh escaped my lips at the thought of him abandoning me on our wedding night. I knew we shared nothing like feelings and care for each other but I thought at least he would stay. 

"I know you were forced into this marriage. We don't have mutual feelings for each other but at least let's try making it work between us." I said, still holding his hand but he didn't show any reaction. Raven didn't lift his head as he heard those words nor did he turn to look at me before he shrugged my hand away from his and walked away. 

I watched his retreating figure until I lost sight of him in the rock. I scratched the back of my head confused about what to do next. It took me great effort to put those werewolves on my side. I was only a mantra with a human father and I stood a lower chance of shifting if it wasn't the Full moon day. I was able to shift today because it's a day before the Full moon day. 

Nick, one of the werewolves glanced in Raven's direction before walking up to me. 

"Commander, Are we gonna let him leave just like that? It took us great effort....." 

"Let him be for now," I quickly cut in before she could speak another word. It was already chaotic, and I didn't want to make things ugly. 

"But Commander," Nicki pleaded with a disappointed face. "Say no more," I said in a calm but demanding voice. 

I have always dreamt of a day I would leave that place. For eighteen years of my existence, I have less than two sweet memories that could make me want to stay in that place that I call home. 

I have always been tormented by my parents and people in the Pack, abused both verbally and physically. I have been treated unfairly and sometimes it made me think that living is useless. Nobody wanted someone like me 'Like us' who were sexually assaulted. They treated us like it was our fault, I guess even Raven hated the idea of being close to us for a single minute. 

Sexual assault has been something uncontrolled in the Pack. Rogue wolves break in and do unspeakable things to kids they laid their eyes on and many of them have lost their lives. Some of those who survived ended up committing suicide due to the unfairness they received from the community. 

For years, I have been walking around the Pack advising and helping those who still had the will to live. Only I could understand the pain, shame, and depression they were going through. 

Nick, the blondie white girl beside me is a sixteen-year-old girl who was assaulted a year ago. She has tried ending her life twice but I gave her hope that one day we will get revenge on those who wronged us. I swore to any of those before me to help them avenge those who looked down on them and those who made them suffer. 

Shrugging my thoughts aside, I turned my eyes to the wolves and patted Nick's shoulder before calling them forward. 

"We've got an hour and a half before the sunset. Let's cross the board between the Pack and the human land." I said demandingly, gritting my teeth in anger. 

Nick looked at me in disbelief as if she was against my suggestion but she obeyed and started collecting the scarfs we were wrapping ourselves with, wrapping them together before we all shifted into our wolves and started zipping through the trees. 

My wolf let out a soft happy howl as she ran after other wolves. She lifted her ears in the air together with her tail excited about the whole thing yet I was only getting worried with every move that she took forward. 

We ran for almost an hour without stopping until we came across a signpost with words engraved on it in blood italics "Danger ahead"

It was the end of the forest meaning we had finally managed to escape from the pack safe and sound. I doubt if anyone would miss any of us. We shifted back into our human forms and put on the scarves we had before observing the whole place. 

Neither of us had any idea about the human world. Neither of us had ever gone away from the pack since growing up we were told scary stories of the humans. They were ruthless, brutal, and even witches who could do anything to protect their world from danger. I didn't see any difference from our pack, they could even outcast and treat people who were sexually assaulted as worthless garbage just because they lost their virginity before marriage. The more I thought about it the angrier I got. 

"What's next, Commander? Nigel, the second in command asked, passing a hand on his well-built muscles on his chest. He then moved his fingers and started patting his abyss licking the corner of his mouth seductively. I shook my head at his childish act before turning to Nick who was lost in her thoughts. I waved a hand in front of her face but she was too focused on Nigel to notice me. I knew she had a crush on him but drooling over his body was too immature for her. Nigel is a twenty-year-old man. He's a son of our Alpha who claimed to have been assaulted by his stepmom. His father never believed him and ended up beating him to the extent of losing his left eye. He wore a black eye patch, his one ocean-blue eye looked nothing but hatred and disdain. Black long hair that hung up to his waist, sharp jawline, and a pointed nose. The gold braces on his teeth made him look even more stunning. He had a nose ring and a rosery made from wood. 

"Stop starting if you don't want all your pals to find out about your crush," I uttered softly to her ears making her jump in embarrassment." I'm I that visible?" she giggled, rubbing her neck. 

Nigel cleared his throat" Don't tell me that you are worried about your runaway bride." he chuckled 

"I'm just worried about him," I responded sadly as I frowned, letting the sadness consume me. I wasn't worried that he wouldn't make it outside the forest, I was more worried about us who knew nothing about the human world. 

"Is everything okay?" Nick gazed at me.

I wasn't sure if everything was okay. We were standing near a place that screamed danger. There was even a warning. 

I quickly led my team to the road. We walked a few miles without spotting anything like a house or even someone." Are you sure this is the right path?" Nick asked, sounding frightened. 

"I'm not sure." I shook my head.

We walked a few more miles and then spotted a one-room house in the distance." Come on guys, there's a small house in about 50 km." Nigel shouted at the sight of the house. 

We slowly walked up the road. Looking around with scared faces in case of any launched attack. As we made the turn toward the house we had spotted, the scene shocked us to the core. 

The house looked dilapidated and run down as if it was abandoned during the famous World War 1. Mold grew on the walls while the poles at the veranda were crumbled and eaten by termites. There were cracks all around the house and the compound had overgrown with weeds and grass. 

I turned my eyes to the others who looked as shocked as I was. What had happened here to make the place turn into ruins? 

"Stay here, I will look around," I told my friends, making my way to the house. 

I approached the veranda and looked up at the cobwebs at the ceiling, dead and living spiders. I held on to the rusted doorknob, hesitant to open the door but I still pushed it open. My mind ran wild at the things inside and my nose couldn't take what came from inside. 

I covered my nose with my palms as I hesitantly took the first step in. Like I was falling my a trap, something hit the back of my head forcing me to jump and look back.