
Raven: Dark New World

Meet Raven, a hybrid between a werewolf and a vampire. He was the kind of person forbidden from the world. A monster in his way that everyone who heard about him wanted him dead. Meet Beata, a mantra between a human and a werewolf. She wasn't powerful like the others in the pack and for some reason, everyone treated her like a filth outcast who deserved nothing but death. She's destined to get married to Raven who doesn't even need her. They all have their problems and reasons why they keep on living in a cruel world where no one else loves them. What happens to two lonely souls when they form a bond with each other? Will they be the perfect couple or the worst? That's only the beginning of their journey. They have secrets. They have a superpower. Hi lovely readers, welcome again to my novel

ZoeTinnah · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Raven turned his eyes to the blood bags lying peacefully on the table. He was craving blood and had to get it at all costs. He turned his feet to walk toward Beata but he halted due to the bang sound. It was a complicated sound. At first, one could think it was a gun firing sound, and seconds later one could think it was an explosion. 

I moved my eyes to my fated mate but she wasn't moving. She gave me a 'my life is in your hands' look with a creepy smile on her face. I dashed over to the table and grabbed a backpack. I saw a good opportunity to leave that pack without leaving a single trace of me. 

I ran around the single room, grabbing every piece of food, water, and wine because I was sure I would need it on my way to somewhere place I wasn't familiar with. Live my own life, build my family with love, and make lots of money. 

With every passing second, the Sounds grew bigger and it seemed like they were coming in our direction. I heard a bang sound on the door. I wasn't gonna mix myself into any kind of trouble in the pack I barely knew anyone. The only person I knew betrayed the shit out of me and forced me to marry some ass girl because she had the final say in my life. You might think that it was a request from my mother but hell no, that was an order. The order I had to follow regardless of whether I wanted to or not. 

"I'm going with you," Beata said in a serious voice. I ignored her and focused on the one important thing. How to escape away from the tinny hellhole of a place that didn't have a window? 

"Do you think that all this is a coincidence? Nah, there's no such thing as coincidence in this world. I knew this would happen." Beata laughed. 

She was a psychopath. 


The door flew passed me in a flash. It almost dragged me to the ground if I didn't act rashly and jumped a few feet away. Two muscular tall men stood before me. I smelled their wolves but the scent was far different from normal. They were rogues. 

Cruel, mocking eyes gawked at me as the two men walked into the tinny house, their strong feet making the house shake. Beata was still at her original spot with disdain and hatred burning into her eyes. I noticed a small hint of fear but that was none of my concern. 

One of the men gave me a quick hot slap on my left cheek and then grabbed me by my collar before he threw me out of the house. Everything happened fast but I didn't let go of the little treasure in my hands. My head spun as I collided my back on the tree trunk making me groan with pain. I placed a hand over my cheek and then on my back before I finally decided on what to do next. 

I didn't even think twice before I held onto my backpack tight and flew away from the scene. 

I stopped dead in my tracks as I thought about what could happen to the little girl who was captured by the heavily muscled men. 

Stuff as a board, I turned to stare at where I was coming from. Nobody was coming after me but the uneasiness grew bigger with every beat of my heart. "I can't leave her alone with those Rogue wolves. After all, she's my lawfully wedded wife. Whatever." I scoffed 

I turned and walked back to the same place where I ran away. I took two minutes to reach the small honeymoon house which I had no idea of how to call it because it was never there. It was all destroyed. 

The men from earlier were stripped naked and tired like ants on a tree trunk. Beata was resting on the bed seductively with her hips up, giving off an innocent look as if she had no idea of what happened. My mouth opened in shock as she started pulling her already short nightgown up revealing her dark thighs. Her seductive sexy eyes met with my cold eyes also melting the ice heart. I clenched my fists with a gulp and looked away from the devil who wanted to drag me to hell with her. 

Women were a temptation to mankind. Most heroes in the Bible were killed because of a goddamned creature_Woman

"It wasn't a good idea to come back here," I murmured and turned my body to leave but damn, the girl on me wrapping her full weight on me. "Let's go, baby," she whispered licking my earlobe. My sensation was aroused by her touch. It had been a while since I last felt that good by someone's touch and I wanted to bounce on her right there. I gritted my teeth, trying to calm myself down before I made a mistake that I would regret. 

"Get off me," I yelled, pushing her away from me. Beata wrapped her legs around me even tighter as if I were her prey. My eyes turned orange as I struggled to push Beata away from me and in less than a second, my wolf was fighting with my demon to take control. 

Such a thing had never happened to me since I knew so damned well how to control my powers. "Can you please get away from me," I begged her, squeezing my crossed hands over to my chest. 

She whispered a soft sorry, jumping away from me. I let out a sigh of relief as she walked away from me and shifted my mind over to my wolf and demon. They were two incapable things when combined and I always made sure they were kept in for my safety and the safety of those around me. 

"Are you okay?" I heard Beata ask but my mind was too focused on his to control my demon and wolf for me to reply and of course, I was only trying to be okay. 

I shifted in my wolf, he let out an angry growl before he turned back and stared at Beata. He bowed his head slightly and started walking away from her. Beata ran over to us and she stood in front of him blocking his way. 

"I'm not letting you go somewhere without me. We are husband and wife, remember." she smiled, patting our head. 

For a second, I had this sense of comfort, and my heartbeat pumped faster. I shook my head no to Beata's request because I couldn't take good care of myself outside the pack let alone have someone like her by my side who would cause me nothing but trouble. 

I observed Beata shift into her wolf. Her wolf was snow white with a black spot on her back. She was the same size as my wolf. She let out a free growl before she started zipping through the trees heading West. She gave me a nod and I ran after her. 

We ran for almost three hours without stopping and she stopped somewhere, the same place I was caught from before taking me to the Blood Moon Pack. Damn, I do not want to go back to that place. 

She let out a growl as if she were calling for someone and within a second, we were surrounded by other wolves. 'The fuck is going on?' I thought to myself as I looked around them. I noticed two big wolves, two times mine gazing at me. 

I shifted back to my human form, and so did Beata and other wolves. They distributed the pieces of clothing they had among themselves and my wife handed me a black scarf. I wrapped it on my lower body and pulled her by her hand to some good distance. I looked around, making sure no one had followed us, creating a barrier so that the conversation would remain between the two of us. 

"Are you out of your mind?" I raised my eyebrows. "How can you call other wolves when we have no idea how we are gonna survive from those wicked humans and rogues?" I pointed my index finger to the other wolves who gazed at me with bloodshot eyes. 


Beata looked at me, saying nothing. 

"What the fuck have I put myself into? I shouldn't have followed you." I rubbed the back of my head and turned to walk away from her when she grabbed my hand. 

"Those guys are like me. Me and you." she gulped and then followed with a sigh. 

Hi pals, I don't know what going on here also but I'm trying to give out the best I can. Something happened and I slowly lost my will to write instead of gaining confidence and writing more. I read but it doesn't seem to help much. I concentrate but it doesn't work out... What can I do?

ZoeTinnahcreators' thoughts