
Quality Check System

Chen feng transmigrated to cultivation world to be a syst.. emloye... Chen Feng "i understand overlord and other title since there is a lot of hater but what do you mean lowest wage giver you know people fight just to take the job i offer". [17 ,September 2034 you payed for programmer to make for you a game you paid a total of 134 thousand dollar] Chen Feng "that was a lot you know I was planning in paying them 50K or something ah i still regret it". System 'and you say you are not black hearted' Chen Feng thought 'i give them a lot why does the system talk about that is h...'. [ you gained from this game a total of 33 billion dollar] [which is roughly 250 thousand times what you give them] Chen Feng " oh ..." ... follow Chen Feng as he try mark his own way Chen Feng "system what level of energy are my technique now?". system "i told you before i'm not a quality checker i'm a shop system"

Arconic · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 7 (more than hundred thousand Spirit stone)

When everyone heard this name they stated searching there memory of that name to know which holy land is it ,but they didn't found anything in there memory so they attributed it being a hidden holy land.

"what is that pre order thing?"one of the people in the crowd asked

"the pre order is to pay spirit stone to secure the higher grade spirit stone before it's made since its made in lower quantity you need to preorder it"

hearing what Chen Feng said a lot of people didn't think much of it since it's normal for such heaven defying thing being produced in a low quantity.

"i want to order 100 white energy stone"

"i want 500"

"i want 40 "

"i want 70"

as a lot of people started pre ordering and payed the initial fee readily, Chen Feng was collecting spirit stone was happy smile under his mask while deciding to make it stop at a certain number.

"we can only make 20,000 white energy stone so we will stop taking pre order now sorry"

a lot of people was disappointed ,and some people was filled was regret saying in there heart that they will order the next time it appeared.

Chen Feng seeing this eyes was quite happy as long he come to sell any white energy sone those people filled with regret who will come to buy while people who already bought will come to buy again even if they didn't want them as that will fill their vanity.

while Chen Feng was preparing to leave,

more than 30 people have there eyes flickered as they looked at his storage ring as this storage ring have at least 100,000 low grade spirit stone not to mention what the Black robed man have so once they found that Chen Feng is leaving they started to follow behind him in the dark.

after leaving the Crystal City Chen Feng didn't go back immediately to the sect started to go forward at the fastest speed of someone at 9th stage muscle refining after traveling for more than 1 hour the people following him finally made the move .

a 53 black robed people with killing intent in there breath at it was a sign that they killed alot of people , they cut his way and surrounded him with killing intent and greed while looking at his spatial ring

on of the strongest of them come out.

he was one at the 8th stage of the bone freining realm

you have to know that 8th stage bone refining realm outside the sect can become elder and patriarch of some family and core disciple in the sect.

"hey kid cut your arm and give us every thing you have and we might let you live" said the old man while Chuckling. 

when Chen Feng was surrounded he checked there cultivation realm and found that the strongest is a hidden 1st stage skin refining realm after knowing that he sighed a sigh of relief and said 

"aren't you afraid that after you keep me alive i will go back to sect to report you ?"

hearing what Chen Feng the black robed people eyes condensed they didn't of his sect before but if the sect did indeed exist they would be found if he came back.

"i guess you are not too smart kid "said the old man with smirk as if everything under control.


"you know we were going to let you live with only cutting of your hand but now you may not even have a complete corpse "

"but i have to thank you , if you didn't remind us we might have left you alive hahahaha"

after hearing what he said the other echod and said

"yes , i guess the saying word could kill it true hahahaha"

"although you lost your arms but at least you're alive"

"don't blame us blame yourself"

after hearing what they said a helpless expression appeared in Chen Feng eyes and he started removing his costume. 

some of the black robed people didn't expect robed man to be so young he seems to be in his earlies twenty,while other was surprised by his appearance a tall black hair with smooth white face and eyes that says you are dead people .

"while are you looking at like that kid i was planning in letting you die a fast death but now we are going to take out your eyes while you are alive kid" said the old man with a murderous expression.

hearing what the old man said Chen Feng looked at them with smirk on his face and said

" do you know why is the crow fall down?"

confused by what he said Chen Feng didn't stop and continued 

"because they are dead!"

furious about what he said the old man said

"attack him together then let's share his thing"

"Black Tiger punch"

"wind Claw"

"dragon kick"

a lot of attack fall on Chen Feng but he didn't move he looked at the all attack falling and activated one of the few way of attack in all of them ,

"Quality Sumberge"

when he uttered these two word all of the people attacking him fall down they're deader than a dead.

the "Quality Sumberge" is Technique used in those who have lower quality of energy than you and of the same realm of power.

that's why system called him the universal strongest soul condensation 6th stage.

universal hear mean that if hundred of of people at the stage of 6th stage they can be killed with a though.

"i didn't want to dirty my hand at the beginning of my company but alas .. lets collect the loot"

after dealing with the people that ambushed him he started collecting there spatial pouch since they didn't have spatial ring.

after calculating he was disappointed to find that those 53 people only have about 41 thousand spirit stone .

"they're poor as hell"

if some people heard him saying that they will strangle him to death saying that he is prudagal 

with 40 thousand you can live for 500 years with out worry for money ending in them,

as for the people that give him spirit stone they're people from rich family that have there Children in a holy land and high grade sect of course they didn't give there money for free they send people after Chen Feng to know if he fled they will kill him if not and got back to his sect examine the sect strength if it's weaker take there secret of creating this stone if they're stronger continue the trade.

after Chen Feng Left 15 minute later a group of people with higher cultivation level than the one that attacked Chen Feng Looked at the corbse all around with dread and relief 

"he is at most a soul building stage cultivator"

"Leader there is something here"

after the leader heard him he come over but found nothing

"they're just corpse what is there?" after saying that in annoyance he looked at him 

"th.. the..they"the boy started muttering with fear in his eyes

"stop muttering just say it " he was annoyed even more but before he could reprimand him

the boy said 

"they all dead at the same second same time all of them no difference"

"what is matter with them dying together at the sametime ...what"

"are you sure?"

"completely and there is no injury it as if all of them have been killed by higher level of power in an instant"

hearing what the young boy said the leader took off his mask and took out a jade pendant and write a message in it and then put a drop of his blood in it the jade turned into a ray of light and traveled to a certain direction.

after doing all of that he waited in his place while his body is soaked in sweet out of fear 

a message come he didn't wait he answered readily "Retreat Immediately" 

oblivious about what just happen and what may occur because of it.

Chen Feng has just returned to the sect as tomorrow is going to be the outersect competition so he must finish the preordered white energy stone and said to the system

"system buy 20 thousand empty energy carrier stone"

[that will cost 20,000 thousand low grade spirit stone are you sure?]


[the stone are in the system basket you can retrieve them]

[note after 24 hour if the stones is still in the basket it will be given back to the system ]

"i know i read that in the shop rule"

"now i have 101,400 low grade spirit stone" 

"but after using 40 thousand to create the white energy stone i will be left with 61,400 i guess that's is enough to reach the soul condensation and prama soul realm maybe"

"now lets finish fast to deliver this white energy stone and take the last 120 thousand low grade spirit stone and i have feeling that something is going to happen so i need to be stronger"

after saying all of that Chen Feng started his work and training 

the seventh day of trying to complet the goal of finishing the novel without a sing day off.

Arconiccreators' thoughts