
Quality Check System

Chen feng transmigrated to cultivation world to be a syst.. emloye... Chen Feng "i understand overlord and other title since there is a lot of hater but what do you mean lowest wage giver you know people fight just to take the job i offer". [17 ,September 2034 you payed for programmer to make for you a game you paid a total of 134 thousand dollar] Chen Feng "that was a lot you know I was planning in paying them 50K or something ah i still regret it". System 'and you say you are not black hearted' Chen Feng thought 'i give them a lot why does the system talk about that is h...'. [ you gained from this game a total of 33 billion dollar] [which is roughly 250 thousand times what you give them] Chen Feng " oh ..." ... follow Chen Feng as he try mark his own way Chen Feng "system what level of energy are my technique now?". system "i told you before i'm not a quality checker i'm a shop system"

Arconic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 8 (a mess in Crystal city)

  You may be confused as to why is he using 40 thousand spirit stone to create 20 thousand white Energy stone, unlike what he said that every white Energy stone is = to 5 low grade spirit stone energy and you may be confused where did he got this energy stone,  i guess we need to go back in time a little when Chen Feng said 

"System open the shop"

[System Shop]







  current balance 6 (low grade spirit stone).

after seeing the category and finding new one called energy.

Chen Feng opened the energy Section since he already know the rest

"and I don't think i can afford any thing there"

[System Shop]


Nether Energy stone : contain the Nether energy, used in cultivation for special technique.

(price : 2 million supreme grade spirit stone).

Earth Energy stone : contain earth energy, used in cultivation for special technique.

(price : 1 high supreme grade spirit stone).

water energy stone : contain water energy, used in cultivation for special technique.

(price : 1 million high grade spirit stone).


all element energy stone : contain all element energy used in cultivation for various technique.

(price : 3 million supreme grade spirit stone).


"system can you filter it from the lowest to the highest?"

without answering the system filtered every thing from low to high

[System Shop]

10 kg of air : normal air ,it may be useful to some people

(price : 1 low grade spirit stone)

low grade Spirt stone : contain low amount of spirit energy.

(price : 2 low grade spirit stone).


  low grade energy carrier stone : an empty stone that can store energy up to lvl 5.

(price : 2 low grade spirit stone).

"system the energy carrier stone how does it work"

[by transferring refined energy into the stone].

"i want to buy one energy carrier stone "

[that will cost 2 low grade spirit stone are you sure?]


[the stone has been stored and shop bag please retrieve it].

after hearing what the system said 

Chen Feng took out the Stone 

it looked like low grade energy stone but it's empty from the inside.

after looking at it for a bit he took out the last 4 low grade spirit stone he have.

and started sitting cross legged and focused his mind he started taking the energy from low grade spirit stone in his body.

after entering his body he argued his technique to start refine this energy .

if anyone else was here will say that he is wasting his talent 

but the technique that Chen Feng have.

has a unique feature is no matter what energy come it's way it will be broken to the lowest kind of energy (Air) including Impurity and then building them up from the beginning to the highest level of energy it can achieve.

after the energy has been refined he didn't absorb into his body to upgrade more but channel it to the Energy carrier stone 

after the Energy carrier stone discover a refined it started absorbing it in less than one second it absorbed it all.

"so it take about 1 second for me to refine the low grade spirit stone and 1 second so carrier can take them "

"and it seem that it need 2 low grade spirit stone to be filled"

"so it's roughly cost about 5 spirit stone counting the time i spend to create it"

after Chen Feng finished analyzing the energy carrier stone he started analyzing the energy in his body and was surprised to find 

"it seems that using spirit stone is way faster than using energy in the air "

and i don't have a problem with impurity since it's basically a kind of energy.

without sending the energy through my body to complete a cycle.

after energy refined the low grade spirit stone it became faster after refining the second one

"as if the cell is remembering how to refine it and after some amount of time it may take now time to refine it".

"i guess it's time to start s a new business"

after saying that with big smile he took black robe and black mask and started heading out .


after doing all of that and selling the Whiter energy stone Chen Feng started to continue make more 

as his body started to come in contact with spirit energy in the stone time and time again

after 3 hour of making energy stone 

"i can now make it instantly although it took about a second to transfer it to energy stone but i guess we can improve that"

after saying that Chen Feng started absorbing to low grade spirit stone at the same time this time his body talk less than a second to identify the energy although it was bigger amount it didn't matter as the amount of energy in Chen Feng body is bigger than the amount of energy into low grade spirit stone.

after doing that he transferred the energy to the stone and as he expected it it absorbed it all in 1 second

but this time it was 2 low grade spirit stone at the same time .

"now i can save half the time and leave it for training"

but before he started immersing himself in that he took out 10 low grade spirit stone and started absorbing them at same time but this time he let them move in his body although it took a longer time to refine since it was a larger number it caused somewhat pain but 

"no pain no gain" after testing that and finding its working Chen Feng immersed himself in his work and train at the same time.


in Crystal City

Lin family is one of major clan in Crystal City 

now in the hall of Lin Family 

the patriarch and all elder gathered to talk about some matter when a crystal jade broke and 

the patriarch face changed then he took out another Jade pendant and put a drop of blood init

this jade pendant it called massege jade pendant it allow you to send message far away in secretive manner using blood essence,

the one that send the massage was the Black robed man who is soaked in sweat due to fear .

after the elder saw the patriarch face Change they all waited until he finished sending a massage then one of the elder asked 

"patriarch what happened".

"the death warrior we sent all dead"

"how is that possible" one of the elder was in displief

as you have to know one of these people was at skin refining realm 

although the skin refining realm isn't so powerful but it can be elder of a family.

"patriarch we can't leave it at that"

"yes , the amount of recourses used to nature them is huge".

the patriarch looked at them and then said 

"we can't kill the other party".

surprised by what the patriarch said silence filled the hall until one of the elder 

"even if he can kill all of them at most he is at the soul building realm why are we afraid of him"

"and even if we can't kill him we can at least let him compensate for what he did to the dead solider"

"yes we have the emperor backing us even if he was soul condensation realm he won't offend the empire for this resource"

"and if we can't take even a little from him how can we rise our head in Crystal city"

all the elder started spouting nonsense about their face while they're the one in the wrong.

the patriarch waited until they stopped talking and said on sentence that filled the entire hall with silence

"They All Dead At the same time without any sign of struggle"


a lot of these discussion is been going all over Crystal city in all major family and first rate family 

as everyone who sended people after Chen Feng all dead instantly at the same place same time

so it was hard to cover it.

  rumor started spreading saying never offend the one selling white energy stone you won't even know how you dead.

and with that a day passed by

in a tattered courtyard in the training room 

a young man was sitting there.

and there is a odd thing about him every time a spirit energy in the come near 2 meter of him

it disappeared 

will technically it didn't disappear it's just has broken down to the lowest level of energy and then has been absorbed into his body in an instant 

while that happening there is 20 thousand White energy stone

and there is about 30 low grade spirit stone that is being refined

after finishing them 

Chen Feng opened his eyes with all smile but just to make sure he looked around and say the 20 thousand white energy stone and with a smile he said

"System Check my energy quality level and Realm"

[Shop System]


Host : Chen Feng

Technique :Unknown(unknown Grade)

note: (You Should name the Technique that you made)

Realm :  ....

8th day of continuous writing

Arconiccreators' thoughts