
Quality Check System

Chen feng transmigrated to cultivation world to be a syst.. emloye... Chen Feng "i understand overlord and other title since there is a lot of hater but what do you mean lowest wage giver you know people fight just to take the job i offer". [17 ,September 2034 you payed for programmer to make for you a game you paid a total of 134 thousand dollar] Chen Feng "that was a lot you know I was planning in paying them 50K or something ah i still regret it". System 'and you say you are not black hearted' Chen Feng thought 'i give them a lot why does the system talk about that is h...'. [ you gained from this game a total of 33 billion dollar] [which is roughly 250 thousand times what you give them] Chen Feng " oh ..." ... follow Chen Feng as he try mark his own way Chen Feng "system what level of energy are my technique now?". system "i told you before i'm not a quality checker i'm a shop system"

Arconic · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 (Realms Explanation and undergoing current)

" I'm What!!!"

  you all might be confused as why is he so surprised if he just transmigrated maybe he won't know the meaning of what just being said but he wasn't ,

and you have to know that the sect master of the Heaven Burial Sect is at the prama soul realm 2nd stage.

so that's why he is surprised he reached what other could achieve in thousands of years and may not achieve ,he achieved that in a couple of days .

"then okay lets say that i have cultivated 4 realm as you said, won't that make me have the power of only peak soul building realm ? "

"since the lowest difference between major realm is at least 10 time the power of perfection of the past realm and at some realm the difference in hundred and thousand how can i have power of that realm?"Chen Feng said that while his filled with confusion.

[due to difference in quality] .

Chen Feng waited for some time for explanation but the system didn't talk as if this al to it after making sure thats all of it he said

"can you explain , what does quality have to do with that?".

[does the host need information about every realm?].

"yes"Chen Feng said that since the system can't say any thing except difference in quality.

[as the host know there is 10 realm in tianhe content]

[at first there is the muscle refining realm which use the qi energy to make the muscle stronger to allow for the cultivator to be able to handle more violent energy with ot dying in the following realm].

[at most people fighting power at the perfection of muscle realm is from 1,000-10,000kg the difference between a genius and non genuis here and some other with special physic or technique will reach at most 10,000 kg per punch that's the limit of this realm].

[at the bone refining realm the highest fighting power is from 100,000-1,000,000kg per punch the same as above you use the qi used in the muscle refining and then used it to refine bone ].

[at the skin refining realm the highest fighter power is from 10,000-100,000ton per punch the same as above using the same qi used in muscle and bone refining to refine the skin ].

[at soul building stage is quite different , since to be able to control a powerful body you need a powerful soul , her qi isn't used to temper the soul but to increase it's quantity from small drop of water to sea and for some genius it's ocean and to some rare people with special constitution they have soul that is drop, but it's not a drop of drop of water but something more condensed like an entire ocean condensed into a drop and it's more powerful due to difference in quality ].

[at the soul condensation stage it's using the builded up soul to condense time and time again which make change in quality ].

[this the first 5 realm do you need to continue?].

"no, i want to aske another question can you describe my culvation level and battle power of each realm ?".

Chen Feng said that of careful consideration since he realized something but not sure of it yet.


[as the host use a unique cultivation technique that doesn't exist in the data base the system require your cultivation might difference from normal cultivation it might be small difference now but as long as you continue the difference become bigger].

"how so"

[since the host technique is using the energy to refining the entire body soul, the first 4 realm are cultivated at the same time].

"but that doesn't change why do i have battle power of soul condensatio..."

before Chen Feng could continue he was cut of by the the system

[that's in normal circumstance yes]

"am i not in normal circumstances?"


"is it because my cultivation technique can enhance energy quality as long as enough quantity is provided?"

"aren't there any technique that enhance quality of the energy ?"

[there is technique that can enhance quality but those technique are in a very high realm and have limit the to quality they can reach, as their principle is different from yours they use existing energy as template to change the nature of the energy of the technique to achieve higher lvl energy]

[as some technique can change the yang energy into Chaos energy Energy using a strand of Chaos energy to temper the body and try to upgrade it to that and there is 90% chance of death when that happen]

[but your technique didn't change it's main principle it's mainly is to condense itself again and again until quality change happen , which result in non mistake ]

"did no body try to do that before?"Chen Feng was confused since he though of that he though that every body can do it .

[a lot of people though of doing that before but they all failed due to various reason]

[one of them being they didn't understand human body enough or no enough recourses or etc..]

[but you have gained the Chaos Technique which is something created by a supreme some one who studied the human madrian to perfection and found the best routes to achieve best result in the lowest time taken]

[and you based on this technique you compeined the first half of the technique with the second  half which result on the first 4 realm being one realm ,normally you should die of pain or energy destroy your body since it's high level energy and your body can't whistand that]

[even if you have powerful physic to whistand the Chaos energy as a lot of people can whistand it but it will not trigger the effect of evolution so you, started from a level of energy that seem like non existence].

[this energy was so weak to point that it doesn't exist ,that's what make you difference from them you choose something like normal air which produce a non existence compared with lowest tire spiritual power].

[and used that with Chaos Rest Pill which result in you having this unique cultivation technique].

"so that's it so basically i started from the beginning so i succeed"


"then what level is energy quality right now".

[level 5].

"then what is level of spiritual qi ?".

[level 4].

[you have higher combat power due to that your whole body and soul is being refined and buided using a level 5 energy not the usual lvl 4 ].

[if that's all that won't be enough to reach that compat power the thing is your technique is still strengthening your first four realm until now].

[it didn't stop and will not stop until you stop it ].

"so you mean my limit isn't the perfection of every stage?"


[do you want see the battle power of every realm ?]



Chen Feng said that in his heart.

[Host : Chen Feng

Talent: Unknown.

cultivation technique : Unknown(unknown Grade Grade).

Note:(you should name the technique that you created)


Muscle refining  (perfection).

battle power (66,000kg)per punch highest in the universe is (10,000)

Bone-Refining (9th Stage).battle power (6,660,342kg)per punch highest record in the universe is (1,000,000)

skin-refining (9th Stage).battle power (606,000ton)per punch highest in the universe is (100,000)ton

soul building (9th Stage).)soul power ocean from lvl 5 energy , the highest record in the universe is a drop of level 5 energy

Overall Battle Power : Soul Condensation 6 stage universal



"what does Soul Condensation 6 stage universal mean?"confused by the new term he asked

[it mean you are undefeated in the Soul Condensation 6 stage and below in the universe].

"does that mean i can defeat people of higher realm than 6 like 9 or some thing?"

[in this tianhe content due to the low lvl of inheritance you may have the same battle power of people at the prama soul 6 or 8th stage].


"i am basically invincible at the sect i guess i can start my main plan earlier"Chen Feng said that with anticipation and then told the system

"System open shop"


While the purple race is preparing a big sheme and the elder of the Heaven burial sect is preparing to outer sect examination,

Chaos fill the mortal world and deadly silence fill waiting for answer from the immortal sect if they are going to protect them or not.

Chen Feng in the midst of preparing something the flip the table in everybody something 

that even Chen Feng didn't it know it will have a big effect since he though it's Marely the beginning.

I don't know if i'm in the right track since none commented to this chapter yet . s i don't know if i'm right but if there is something that i missed i hope people tell me as saying goes

'everyone make mistakes except God'.

and i'm obivously not*&__*&

Arconiccreators' thoughts