
Quality Check System

Chen feng transmigrated to cultivation world to be a syst.. emloye... Chen Feng "i understand overlord and other title since there is a lot of hater but what do you mean lowest wage giver you know people fight just to take the job i offer". [17 ,September 2034 you payed for programmer to make for you a game you paid a total of 134 thousand dollar] Chen Feng "that was a lot you know I was planning in paying them 50K or something ah i still regret it". System 'and you say you are not black hearted' Chen Feng thought 'i give them a lot why does the system talk about that is h...'. [ you gained from this game a total of 33 billion dollar] [which is roughly 250 thousand times what you give them] Chen Feng " oh ..." ... follow Chen Feng as he try mark his own way Chen Feng "system what level of energy are my technique now?". system "i told you before i'm not a quality checker i'm a shop system"

Arconic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 4 ( Heaven Grade Technique )

as Chen Feng woke up up from the coma and started training, 

a lot of things are moving in the dark .

in a top off a mountain with misty clouds here exist a large hall 

the hall is as bigger as 4 or 5 football stadium adorned in all white with spiritual beast moving around it like an immortal island, the have 5 big character written un gold

    Heaven Burial Sect Main Hall.

  Inside the Hall exist 13 Seat one main seat 6 seat on the left side and 6 seat in the right side ,

normally a lot of meeting concerning the sect are discussed here , but today was a bit difference because all seat are occupied and when this happen it mean it has to be something concerning the life and death of the entire sect.

sitting in the Mean Seat is the patriarch of the Heaven Burial Sect ,

after making sure none is missing he looked at the first elder and said 

"are you sure of the report you recieved?"saying that he was quite doubtfully with trace of hope in his eyes .

"i made sure of the report the moment i received it, since it was big matter"First Grand elder said that.

after hearing what the first elder the other elder looked at the first and sect master with confusion then the elders started asking.

Second Grand Elder "what is issue did something happen to one of the kingdoms under us?" .

third Grand Elder Elder "even if that happen i Don't thinks it require us all to gather for such thing right sect master".

Seventh Elder elder " yeah i guess it doesn't need to gather al of us".

Eighth Elder " I was in the middle of lecturing my disciple i hope it's something important".

Sixth Elder  "me too".

Forth Elder "i was in the middle of concocting pill".

Fifth Elder "don't keep us hanged just tell us sect leader".

lu shu tian looked at all of them and said 


just one word and the entire hall fill into a dead silence.

although it only one word it concern a lot of things .

Second Grand Elder " Ar.. Are you Sure?".

"yes first elder had made sure of the report".

"but i guess it's not our time to interfere right since the western region will mostly defend against it i don't think it's something that will lead to the destruction of our sect"said the Fifth Elder doubtfully .

"Indeed that case but this time the invasion started in the northern region".

Forth Elder "then what about the other region when will they send there renforcement?".

"That's the problem they don't intend to send any help" the patriarch said that with rage and helpness.

second Grand Elder "when will they Invade?".

lu shu tian " they already started and are heading toward us since we are the overlords of northern region"

Third Grand Elder "when will they reach ".

forth Elder "so what if we know when the problem is what can we do although we are the overlords of the North but , the northern is the weakest of the 5 region".

"we only have 3 choice fight to death or disbanding the sect or flee to other region".

"that's why i called you all here today to hear your opinion"after saying that he closed his eyes while sitting in the chair"

after hearing what the sect master said the Hall started to get noisy .

"should we flee?"said the seventh Elder

"no we cant of we fled to other region we will be treated as worker while the disciple might be sold as slave as well event if we die we cant be slave to other"said the second Grand Elder.

"we can't disband as well because the moment we disband we will die since those invaders will kill us all"said the First Grand Elder.

"and they will reach here after year"add the First Grand Elder before falling in silence.

Eleventh Elder said "there is an outer sect examination after 3 days we will decide after the exam".

Sect Master opened His eyes and after looking at the 11th elder he said 

"we will postpone it until the end of the outer sect examination" .

saying that he looked at the other elder taking there opinion

First Grand  ELder "agreed". 

Second Grand ELder "agreed".

Third Grand ELder "agreed".

Fourth ELder "agreed".

Fifth ELder "agreed".

6th ELder "agreed".

7th ELder "agreed".

8th ELder "agreed".

9th ELder "agreed".

10th ELder "agreed".

11th ELder "agreed".

12th ELder "agreed".

after saying that the other elder took there leave preparing for the outer sect examination since this might the last event of the outer sect examination.

while in the Heaven Burial Sect it was relatively stable but outside the world was in Chaos.

it's as if you're staying at your home when suddenly some one coming at your and government said i will not interfere with happening it was hell.


at other side of northern region a camp has been sit there

people who exactly like human except the skin color and a stone in there forehead

the stone is called life stone and purple skin people will not die as long as the stone isn't destroyed or taken of course if you cut his head he is technically dead, but to make sure you must do some thing to the stone , 

at the main camp sitting there 4 people with a high realm kneeling to some one in the throne in the middle

if the sect master of the Heaven Burial sect was here he will be terrified as the four old guy have the same realm as his and one of them might have a little higher , but what make terrified isn't that it's that the four of them is kneeling to one person ,

some might maybe he is a prince or something it doesn't mean he is powerful ,

that could happen in some human city yes but in the purple race

no matter if it's king or his son or even your son you can only kneel if he is higher than you by a major realm.

you have to know the difference of small realm is the sea but the difference between a large large realm is ocean that's the difference especially at latter realm the difference is bigger.

"senior why don't we go and destroy Heaven burial Sect First?"said one of four kneeling people with respect in his voice.

"we have to first make sure that the other region isn't going to make a move and deal a blow to our race"said the man sitting at the throne.

"we already give them one year time before we go there but we will move in 5 month"

said the man sitting at the throne with deep eyes and continued.

"and if they flee before that then that's there luck"

"your will is follower" said the four men while kneeling in respect.


2 Day passed by.

at Heaven Burial Sect.

Outer-Sect Courtyard.

in a tattered courtyard. 

Chen Feng opened his eyes with a deep confusion and though 'didn't people say that it will take month or years to go even a small realm then what is happening here?' 

"i guess i might be confused system Check my status"Chen Feng said that with uncertainty.



[Showing personal information].


Host : Chen Feng

Talent: Unknown.

cultivation technique : Unknown(Heaven Grade Grade).


(Muscle refining  (perfection).

Bone-Refining (9th Stage).

skin-refining (9th Stage).

soul building (9th Stage).)

[Shop ]

  Chen Feng Looked At his Status quite confused 'how come my technique become heaven grade .. and down there which realm of them do i have?.'

"System how did my technique level Changed from yellow to Heaven Grade ?".

[technique Grade is decided based on the quality of energy used in the technique as your technique just reached the standard of a heaven grade technique in term of energy quality].

oh so that's it i guess my technique is still in the beginning i guess then .

"what about my realm which one of them is mine?".

[all of  them].

"how is that ? shouldn't one have only one realm to guide his strength?"


"then why do i have 4 realms?" 

[in normal technique you need to refine muscle then bone then skin and then soul after that condening the soul ].

[the host technique do the first four realm at same time with same quality of energy which make it easier to advance and more powerful than people of the same realm].

Chen Feng "so what realm am I in right now ?"

[ you are at muscle refining perfection stage realm ].

"but di ..."

[but with a power of some one at the 5th stage of soul condensation realm].

"I'm What".